Advanced Restore Options (Paths/Filters)

Source Item

Displays the data that is to be restored. If you previously browsed and selected backed up data for restoration, this pane lists the paths of the selected data. Click the Add button to type the path of the data to be restored. Select a listed path and click the Delete button to remove the path of data to be restored.

Filter Item (exclude)

Displays the data that is to be excluded from the restore/recovery. If you previously browsed the backup/migration data and deselected files/folders/directories that are children of Source Paths directories, then this pane lists the paths of the selected data. You can use this space along with the Add button to exclude manually the path of data to be restored/recovered. You can also select an entry in this space and use the Delete button to remove a selected entry.

Note: You cannot filter the system state during the restore operation.

You can also use wildcard characters within this pane to specify file name patterns that you want to exclude from the restore/recover operation. The supported wildcard characters are:

* = any number or characters

? = any one character

[] = any range or set of characters

When wildcard characters are utilized in the filter path, they are automatically detected by the system. In the event that the actual file, folder, or directory name in the filter path contains a character that can be used as a wildcard, you can override wildcard auto-detection by adding an exclamation mark as the first character of your path (e.g., !/company/[test] for Unix-based systems, !sys:\company\[test] for Windows-based systems). In these examples, rather than treating the square brackets as a wildcard, the system would look for (and exclude from the restore/recovery) a folder or directory named [test]. See Wildcards for Windows File System.
