Agents - ContinuousDataReplicator

Configurable Properties

Once CDR is installed, you can change certain aspects of the configuration to manage the data in the manner that best suits your needs.

Operational Parameters (Throttling)

Throttling enables you to monitor and control the data replication activities. It also allows you to configure the rate of data transfer over the network, based on the throttling parameters. The various throttling options (including throttling amount and rules) can be configured. For more information, see Throttling.

Application Integration (Authentication)

Application Integration enables you to capture application data in a consistent state ensuring that the data can be restored to that point-in-time. For application integrated with CDR, application integration is achieved by automatically discovering directories that should be replicated (logs, databases, and so on.) to protect the application data. For non-integrated applications data consistency is achieved by creating Consistent Recovery Points during data capture.


You can perform the following functions:

  • Identify the users, user groups, and roles associated with this entity.

  • Associate this entity with users, user groups, and roles.

  • Disassociate this entity from users, user groups, and roles.

For more information, see User Administration and Security - Overview.


The Version tab displays the software version and post-release service packs and updates installed for the component. See Version for an overview.

Fan-In Configuration

Data replication and Recovery Point options can be configured on the destination Agent Properties for all source Replication Sets. For more information, see Fan-In Configuration.

Command Line Operations

The following command line options are available from the agent level:
