Content Indexing Messages Using the Exchange Mailbox Agent

You must content index the archived messages, to search the contents of archived messages in Commvault search environments such as Web Console, Compliance Search, and ContentStore Email Viewer.

For information about components that need to be installed in your environment before Exchange data can be content indexed, see Content Indexing Exchange Data.

You can run a content indexing job separately from an archiving job.

Indexing Levels

Basic Indexing

With basic indexing, you can search on the attributes of an archived item, such as subject, recipients, attachment name, date received, mailbox name, and email importance. By default, the contents of the message and the attachment are not indexed. This level of indexing is achieved by running a backup job or an archive job, not a content indexing job.

Advanced Content Indexing

With advanced content indexing, you can search on the attributes of an archived item, such as subject, recipients, and attachment name. You can also search the message body and attachments and view previews, even when you are offline.

Types of Message Previews

Pregenerated Previews

Pregenerated previews are created by the content indexing operation when pregenerated preview is enabled in the email archive or journal policy. The operation creates an HTML preview of each item that is included in the content indexing job, and stores the previews in the location that is specified in the archiving policy or the journal policy. When a user clicks an item in a search interface, the preview of the item is displayed.

Pregenerated previews load faster in search interfaces, and users can view them in the Outlook Add-in ContentStore, even when they are offline. However, pregenerated previews consume more resources on the Search Engine index, and cause content indexing operations to complete more slowly.

You can enable pregenerated previews, and specify where the previews are stored, when you create Exchange archiving policies or create Exchange journal policies.

When deciding how much disk space you need to accommodate pregenerated previews, consider the following example:

  • Average size of emails: 100 KB

  • Number of emails: 100 million

  • Application size: 10 TB

  • Disk space required for previews: 3.5 TB

On-Demand Previews

If you do not enable pregenerated previews in the email archive or journal policy, then on-demand previews are created when a user clicks an item in a search interface.

On-demand previews consume fewer resources on the Search Engine index, cause content indexing operations to complete more quickly, and are available even if you do not use content indexing. However, on-demand previews load more slowly for users than pregenerated previews.

On-demand previews are recommended for Web Console (End-User Search) and Compliance Search (Compliance Officer Search).
