Create Recovery Point

Recovery Point Type

  • Consistent Recovery Point Creation

    Select this option to specify that the Recovery Point created is to be a Consistent Recovery Point, representing a point-in-time on the source machine. This is useful for application data. For more information, see "Recovery Points" in Books Online. Note this option is only applicable when the data replication type is set to 'Continuous Replication' in the Replication Set properties.

  • Recovery Point Creation

    Select this option to specify that the Recovery Point created is to be a Recovery Point, representing a point-in-time on the destination machine. This is useful for file system data. For more information, see "Recovery Points" in Books Online.

Job Initiation

  • Immediate

    Specifies this job will run immediately.

  • Schedule

    Specifies this job will be scheduled.

  • Configure

    Click to open the Schedule Details dialog box to specify the schedule for backup job.

Back up to Tape

Select to perform a backup of the Recovery Point to library after it is created.

Enter Backup Details

Click to open the Backup dialog box to specify the details of the backup job.
