Creating Point-In-Time View of the NFS Share




ConfigureObjectStore -o create_snap -n <Object Store Name> -T "MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS" [-c Allowed clients] [-N Snap Name] [-C Copy Precedence] [-m MediaAgent Client Name] [-h]


The create_snap option creates a read-only NFS share of the specified NFS ObjectStore share that reflects the data for the specified time.

The point-in-time share is a read-only share that users can mount in addition to the share that it was created from. For example, if the original NFS share is /userTest, then the point-in-time version is /userTest-4313228400, and users can mount both shares.

By default, all NFS/CIFS client users that have access to the share, also have access to the point-in-time share, but you can limit which users have access by using the -c option.

The table lists the options that the software supports.




The NFS ObjectStore share name.


The time until you want to show the data on the point-in-time share. The format is "MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS".


A comma separated list of IP Addresses or host names that can access the NFS ObjectStore share.

Specify the clients that can access the point-in-time NFS ObjectStore share over NFS, CIFS, or SMB protocol.

The clients do not need to be configured in CommCell Console.

To make this share accessible to any client, use for IPv4 and :: for IPv6 as the client IP address.


Create the point-in-time share from the specified copy precedence.


The MediaAgent or NFS server to use for the point-in-time share.


The name of the point-in-time share


Displays the help for this option.


The following command creates a point-in-time NFS ObjectStore share for the /userTest share. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

./ConfigureObjectStore -o create_snap -n userTest -T "09-6-2106 11:00:00" Create Snap for Object Store [userTest] succeeded mount path = /userTest-4313228400

The following command creates a point-in-time NFS ObjectStore share for the /userTest share from a secondary copy. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

./ConfigureObjectStore -o create_snap -n userTest -T "09-6-2106 11:00:00" -C 2 Create Snap for Object Store [userTest] succeeded mount path = /userTest-4313228400
