Data Cube Overview

Using Data Cube, you can collect data from multiple data sources, and then correlate and visualize the data. You can collect structured and unstructured data from different types of data repositories, including databases, file systems, spreadsheets, and unique data structures. You then use the Data Cube interface in the Web Console to search, edit, combine, share, visualize, and transform your data into business intelligence. You can also output the data to create custom search interfaces or to fulfill other needs.

Key Functions of Data Cube

You can perform the following functions with Data Cube.

Collect Data from a Variety of Sources

Data Cube provides native support for multiple structured and unstructured data types and third-party services, and the ability to create your own data sources.

  • Native Data Connectors

    After providing some basic information about your data sources, you can use the following native data connectors to import information from your data sources into Data Cube:

    • Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, and other types of databases

    • Third-party data services, such as Salesforce

    • Desktop, laptop, and server file systems

    • Microsoft Active Directory and other LDAP directory services

    • Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and CSV files

    • Internal websites and public websites

  • Open Data Source Connector

    You can use the open data source connector to create your own data sources. After you define the data source schema, you can upload the data using the REST APIs that are provided with Data Cube.

For more information about data connectors, see Data Cube Data Connectors.

View, Edit, Share, and Combine Data Sources

After you collect data in Data Cube, you can perform the following tasks.

  • Search Your Data

    Using the Data Cube search interface, you can search, filter, sort, and refine your data. You can also create multiple reports for each data source.

    For more information, see Accessing Data from Data Cube Sources.

  • Restructure Data Schemas

    Each structured data type has a schema. The schema consists of data field names and other information about the types of data in a data source. After you import data into Data Cube, you can customize the schema of structured data sources by adding or removing fields, changing data field types, reformatting data, and redefining which parts of your data are stored in an index directory configured on the Index Server for Data Cube.

    For more information, see Restructuring Data in Data Cube.

  • Combine Data Types with Search Federator

    You can combine data from different data sources into a single entity with the Data Cube federated search connector. You can use the connector to combine data sources and handlers into a single data source that works with all the Data Cube features.

    For more information, see Combining Data Cube Sources with the Federated Search Connector.

  • Create Request Handlers

    Using Data Cube handlers, you can create customized requests to retrieve data from your data sources. You can use handlers to create a custom search application that uses specific slices of data from your data sources.

    For more information, see Data Cube Request Handlers.

Transform Data into Business Intelligence with Visualization Tools

You can use common visualization tools and business intelligence software to transform your data into business intelligence.

  • Commvault Build Your Own Reports

    Data Cube is fully integrated with Commvault Build Your Own Reports. You can import data sources into the Report Builder dashboard and create graphs, charts, and other visualizations of your data. You can also combine different data sources in a single report.

    For more information, see Visualizing Data Cube Sources.

  • Support for Third-Party Business Intelligence Software

    Data Cube data sources are fully supported by Tableau and Microsoft Power BI, so you can enhance your existing workflow with all the Data Cube features.

    For more information, see Integrate Data Cube Sources with Business Intelligence Tools.

Integrate Data Cube with External Services

You can serve the information in your data sources to and integrate your data with common corporate platforms, such as Salesforce. With a Salesforce integration, you can search, view, and download the data in your CommCell environment directly from your Salesforce dashboard.

For more information, see Integrate Data Cube Sources with External Services.

Use REST APIs to Interface with Data Cube

You can use the REST APIs that Data Cube provides for each data source in order to integrate your data sources with external applications. Data Cube supports both HTTP GET and POST requests. Samples of both requests are provided for each data source in the Analytics Dashboard. The required API authentication tokens ensure that your data remains secure.

For more information, see REST APIs for Data Cube.

Getting Started with Data Cube

To use Data Cube, you must perform some configurations from the CommCell Console. For information about setting up Data Cube, see Giving End-Users Access to Data Cube.

After your administrator has set up Data Cube, you can access Data Cube from the Web Console. For information about getting started with Data Cube as an end-user, see Getting Started with Data Cube.
