Enabling the Commvault Plug-in on SQL Management Studio

Applies to: SQL 2008 R2 and higher. The Commvault Plug-in on the SQL Management Studio is not supported for SQL Server on Linux.

You can enable or disable the Commvault Plug-in on the SQL Management Studio by running the CvSQLAddInConfig executable file in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory.


  1. To enable the Commvault Plug-in on the SQL Management Studio with DLL registration, at the command line, go to the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory and type the following command, based on the version of SQL Management Studio:

    SQL Management Studio Version


    SQL 2008 R2

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /i 10

    SQL 2012

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /i 11

    SQL 2014

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /i 12

    SQL 2016

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /i 13

    SQL 2017

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /i 14

    After you configure the Commvault Plug-in on the SQL Management Studio, you can use one of the following options to run Commvault backup operations and restore operations:

    • The Data Protection Tasks option is available from the Databases menu or from the database level.

    • If you have Availability Groups configured in the Commvault software, the Databases menu displays the databases that are not protected by an Availability Group and the AlwaysOn High Availability menu displays the databases in the Availability Groups.

  2. To disable the Commvault Plug-in on SQL Management Studio and unregister the plug-in DLL , go to the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory and type the following command:

    CvSQLAddInConfig.exe /u
