IBM i Advanced Restore Options

You can use the following options when you restore an IBM i File System Agent backup to a new computer, new directory.



Restore the private authority with the object

On the General tab, select the Restore Private authority (PVTAUT) check box.

Restore the spool files.

On the General tab, select the Restore Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) check box.

Allow object differences

On the General tab, select the Allow object differences (ALLOWOBJDIF) check box and one of the following options:


There can be no difference between the saved data and the restored data.


Allow all differences between the saved data and the restored data.


This option does not guarantee compatibility with the existing databases, so you may need to correct the database after the restore.


Allow differences that are compatible with the existing databases.


This option is available only when the operating system is version V7Rx or later.

Best Practice: Use this option instead of *ALL because it guarantees compatibility with the existing databases.


Allow a combination of the following parameter differences:


Allow authorization list differences.


Allow file level ID and member level ID differences.


Allow file ownership differences.


Allow primary group differences.

Convert the user objects to the format that the current operating system version requires or to be compatible with the current machine.

On the General tab, from the Force Object Conversion list, select one of the options.


    Converts the objects by using the QFRCCVNRST system value.

  • *NO

    Prevents the user options from being converted.

  • *YES*RQD

    Converts the user objects that must be converted to be compatible with the current machine.

  • *YES*ALL

    Converts all the user objects.

Restore the deleted items

On the Browse Options tab:

  1. Select the Restore deleted items check box.

  2. Select the Specify Time Range check box.

  3. Select the Start Time and End Time check boxes and then enter the time range for the deleted files.

Exclude files and directories from the restore

On the Paths/Filters Options tab, in the Filter Item section, perform the following operations:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Enter the file or directory that you want to exclude. You can use wildcards to specify the directory or file.

    For information about the supported wildcards, see Supported Wildcards for the IBM i File System Agent Agent.

  3. Click OK.

Add a suffix to each file that you restore

On the Maps tab, select the Rename all restore files with suffix check box.


This option is only supported for IBM i IFS. It is not supported with IBM i LFS.

On Windows, the suffix is added before the file type extension.

On UNIX and Mac, the suffix is added after the file type extension.

If you selected the "Library/Libraries" option, and you want to defer the restore of objects that depend on objects that are not yet available.

Specify the identifier.

On the General tab, in the Defer ID (DFRID) box, type the identifier to use.

To complete a restore of the deferred objects, first restore the objects that they depend on, and specify the same Defer ID value. If any objects remain deferred when the other objects are available, use the Restore Deferred Objects (RSTDFROBJ) command, and specify the same Defer ID value. Use this parameter to restore all objects in a set of libraries when you restore the libraries with dependent objects before the libraries with the objects they depend on. Deferred objects can be logical files, or SQL materialized query tables (MQTs). A deferred logical file is not created until the restore completes. A deferred MQT is created, but until the restore completes, any functions that are performed on the MQT and that require access to the based-on files fail.


If either of the following conditions are true, then the restore of a deferred object may be automatically completed when you restore the objects that it depends on.

  • You restore the deferred object to the library from which it was saved.

  • You specify the same Defer ID value for the restore operations for both the deferred object, and the objects that it depends on.

  • The default value ,*NONE, means that objects are not restored or deferred if they depend on objects that are not available.

Restore to a different auxiliary storage pool (ASP)

On the General tab:

  1. Select the ASP number from the Destination ASP list.

  2. Note: You do not need to set this configuration item when you restore to the IASP. You only need to supply the destination path. This is only applicable for the Library File System (LFS).

  3. Enter the destination path to restore the library/object.

    Example of non-IASP

    Destination ASP: 2

    Path: “/QSYS.LIB/XXXX.LIB”

    Example of IASP


Generate the job log output of the restored library file system objects.

On the LOG Output tab, select whether the software creates a list that contains the information about the saved objects. You can print the information with the job's spooled output, or direct the information to a database file.

If you select the option to direct the information to a database file, you can specify:

  • The database file where the output of the backup is directed

  • The database file member where the output of the backup is directed

  • How to handle the database member

  • the information that is printed or sent to the output file

    For a complete description of these options, see IBM i File System Agent Advanced Restore Options - Log Output.

If you selected to restore a security object, select the authority information to restore

On the General tab, from the Security data (SECDTA) list, select the authority information to restore.

  • *USRPRF: Restore the user profiles and their private authorities.

  • *PVTAUT: Restore the private authorities for the specified user profiles, and the auxiliary storage pools. The Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command uses this information to restore the authorities to the referenced objects.

  • *PWDGRP: Restore the specified user profiles, their private authorities, and their passwords and group linkages.

  • *DCM: Only restore the internal objects that the Digital Certificate Manager requires. The software does not restore any user profiles. If you select this value, then you must specify *NONE for the USRPRF parameter.
