Managing Configuration Commands from the Search Admin Page

Administrators can configure ContentStore Email Viewer settings on client computers using the ContentStore Commands option in the Search Admin page.

Client Polling and Real Time Communication

By default, administrator configurations are not sent to ContentStore Email Viewer clients in real time. Instead clients communicate with, or poll, the Proxy Server at regular intervals to check for administrator configurations. When real time communication is enabled, clients that have Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer running on their computer will receive configuration commands as soon as they are sent from the Search Admin page.

To send configurations to ContentStore Email Viewer clients in real time, you must have enabled real time communication on the Proxy Server for ContentStore. See Enabling Real Time Communication for ContentStore Email Viewer Client Configurations.

Before You Begin


  1. In your web browser, enter the following URL to open the Search Admin page:


    Where ComplianceSearchURLis the name of the client where Compliance Search is installed.

  2. Log in using your credentials.

  3. Under Options, click ContentStore Commands.

    A table appears that contains a list of previously created configuration commands.

  4. To create or edit a configuration command:

    • To create a new configuration command, click Add.

    • To edit a previously created configuration, click the name of the configuration command and then click Edit.

  5. Under Basic Details:

    • In the Name box, enter a name for the configuration command. The name you enter appears in the list of configuration commands.

    • To add a description of the configuration command, in the Notes box enter some details about the configuration command.

  6. Under Select User or Group, select the users or user groups whose ContentStore Email Viewer you want to configure:

    • To send configurations to all users, select the Everyone check box.

    • To send configurations to select users or groups, enter the name of a user or group in the Group or User Names box.


      To skip the auto suggestion feature and add a user immediately, enter the complete domain\username that you want to add and then press CTRL and Enter.

  7. Under Add Actions and Parameters, click the list and select the configuration that you want to perform. If the selected action requires additional parameters, click Select Parameters and supply the required information. See ContentStore Commands for the ContentStore Email Viewer.

  8. To add additional actions to the configuration command, click the add button (+) and select another action.

  9. Under Schedule:

    • To send the configuration command immediately, select Immediate.


      Only new commands will be sent immediately after you save the command configurations. If you are editing a previously created command, then the Immediate option will not automatically send the configuration command to clients when you click Save. Edited configuration commands with Immediate selected must be sent manually from the list of ContentStore commands in the Search Admin interface. See Running a ContentStore Email Viewer Configuration Command.

    • To schedule the configuration command to be sent to clients automatically, select Schedule and define how often you want the configuration command to run using the schedule options that appear.

  10. Under Retention, select an option to retain the command setting

    • Infinite Retention: The command will remain in your Search Admin page until you delete it.

    • Definite Retention: The command will remain in your Search Admin page for the specified number of days.

  11. After you have selected all of your configurations and parameters, click Save.

    The configuration appears in the list of ContentStore commands.

If real time communication is enabled on the Proxy Server, then configurations are sent to connected clients immediately. If real time communication is not enabled, then clients will poll the Proxy Server at regular intervals for new configurations.
