Oracle Database Application Migration to the Oracle Cloud

You can migrate the Oracle database that runs Oracle 11gR2 and higher to the Oracle cloud.

When source database is on an AIX or Solaris configuration, the Commvault software automatically converts the configuration to Linux when it performs the migration operation.

The following components are required for Oracle database application migration to the Oracle cloud:

  • An Oracle cloud account that has an Oracle compute.

  • The Oracle Agent - The agent is the access point for your Oracle database that is the migration source.

  • The VSA Agent for Oracle - The agent is the access point for the Oracle Cloud.

You can create computes (virtual computing environments) based on Oracle images and shapes.

When you initiate the migration operation, the Commvault software uses the File System Agent to copy the Oracle application to the specified Oracle compute.

After the migration is complete, the Oracle image contains the Oracle application, and the Oracle cloud compute contains the database
