Performing an Auxiliary Copy Operation

You can perform an auxiliary copy operation to replicate the data from the primary copy to a secondary copy. You can perform an auxiliary copy operation between any two MediaAgents, regardless of their operating systems.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that the storage policy on which the auxiliary copy operation is planned is associated with a subclient and client backups have been run.

    For more information on how to run backups, see the documentation for the specific agent.

  • You can view the list of backup jobs that are associated with a storage policy copy.

    For more information, see Viewing Jobs Associated with a Storage Policy Copy.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy, point to All Tasks > Run Auxiliary Copy.

    Optionally: From the Select Source MediaAgent list, if the source copy is configured with a shared library, you can select the source MediaAgent that is being used for creating a primary copy.

  3. By default, All Copies option is selected to copy data from the source copy to all secondary copies.

    Select the Select A Copy, and then from the list select a secondary copy.

  4. Optional: Enhance the performance of the auxiliary copy operation:

    • To enhance the scalability of the auxiliary copy operation and for load-balancing between the CommServe and the MediaAgent resources, ensure that Use Scalable Resource Allocation check box is selected. For more information, see Scalable Resource Allocation.


      • The operation window for auxiliary copy can now be enabled on the MediaAgent or the client level and it is honored when the Use Scalable Resource Allocation option is enabled. However, the operation window might not be honored and the auxiliary copy operation might still run, if the CommCell Console from where the operation window is enabled on the MediaAgent and the CommServe are in different time zones.

        For more information, see Operation Window Overview.

      • If the Use Scalable Resource Allocation option is enabled, then the auxiliary copy jobs will run in a continuous mode even if no auxiliary copy job is scheduled.

      • The CommServe and the MediaAgent resources will not be optimally utilized when the MediaAgents are not upgraded to the latest Commvault version.

      • If the Use Scalable Resource Allocation option is enabled, then the AUXCOPY_NOT_PICK_NEW_BACKUPS additional setting will not be honored.

        For more information, see How do I prevent data of ongoing backup jobs from being copied?

      • The QueueConflictingAuxCopyJobs additional setting is honored with or without enabling the Use Scalable Resource Allocation option.

        For more information, see Why is Auxiliary Copy job getting queued?

    • To enhance the auxiliary copy performance by copying only those backups that were successfully verified in the data verification job, ensure that the Skip jobs that failed data verification check box is selected.

      For a detailed description, see Auxiliary Copy Job Options.

  5. On the Job initiation tab, define whether the auxiliary copy job runs immediately or if it will be scheduled.

    For more information, see Job Initiation.

  6. Optional: Set advanced auxiliary copy job options, click Advanced.

    For more information, see Advanced Auxiliary Copy Job Options.

  7. Click OK.

    Note: If an Install Updates job or a CommServe service restart is performed when an auxiliary copy job is running, then after the completion of the Install Updates job or service restart, the auxiliary copy job automatically picks up the new backup jobs available on the source copy.


After your auxiliary copy operation is complete, you can view the auxiliary copy job history. For more information, see Viewing Auxiliary Copy Job History.
