Retrieving Disaster Recovery (DR) Backups From Tape Storage Using Tape Catalog

If the DR backup is on tape media, you can use the Tape Catalog feature to catalog and restore the data. Tape catalog is useful to read metadata directly from tapes that contain jobs that are unknown to the CommServe database, since this direct reading of metadata is not possible otherwise. For example, you can use the Tape Catalog feature to catalog backup operations that were performed after the most recent Disaster Recovery (DR) backup job. For security reasons, you cannot read a tape media from one CommCell environment in another CommCell. To read the data from another CommCell, you must first migrate the entire CommCell. For more information, see CommCell Migration.


  1. Catalog the tapes. For more information on cataloging tapes, see Cataloging a Tape.

  2. Merge contents from a cataloged tape to populate the CommServe database with the jobs in the cataloged tape. For more information on merging cataloged contents, see Merging Content from Cataloged tapes.

  3. Enable browse and restore of the merged DR Backup jobs. For more information on enabling browse and restore, see Enabling Browse and Restore of Aged Data.

  4. Restore the merged DR Backup jobs. For more information on restoring DR Backup jobs, see Restoring Merged Backup Data.

  5. Recover the CommServe database files using Media Explorer. For more information on recovering the database files, see Recovering the CommServe Database Files Using Media Explorer.


The database files are now available for recovery.

What To Do Next

Restore the CommServe database on the new CommServe host using the CommServe Recovery Assistant tool. For more information on restoring the CommServe database, see Recovering the CommServe Database Using the Recovery Assistant Tool.
