Running a Media Refresh Job

You can run a media refresh job to consolidate data on a tape media to a new media.

Tip: For efficient use of media, enable multiplexing options on the source copy.

Before You Begin

Prior to running the media refresh operation, ensure that you meet the following conditions:

  • Media Refresh is enabled on the storage policy copy.

  • Spare media is available in the library.

  • Media picked for refresh along with dependent media are inside the library.



If you have a Global Secondary Copy Policy configured, you must run media refresh operations on the Global Secondary Copy policy and not on the copies pointing to it.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies > storage_policy.

  2. Right-click the storage_policy, and then click All Tasks > Run Media Refresh.

    The Media Refresh Options dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the General tab, choose one or more of the following options to set up the media refresh job:



    All Copies

    Run the refresh job on all copies

    Select A Copy

    Choose a specific copy form the list

    Select Source MediaAgent

    Select a different source MediaAgent

    Number of Streams

    Type the number of streams that you want to allocate

    You can increase the number of streams to increase the number of media that are mounted at once. However, the number of media are limited by the number of available drives.

    If the tape contains multiplexed jobs, then these jobs are read serially during the refresh. Increasing the stream count does not result in a parallel read of the media.

    Allow Maximum

    Set the maximum streams

    Start New Media

    Start media refresh operation on a new media. By default, the media refresh operation uses the available appendable media.

    Use Active-Appendable Media of Source Copy

    Select this option to use active and appendable media associated with the source storage policy copy. If you select this option along with Start New Media option, then Start New Media option takes precedence.

    Mark Media Full On Success

    Mark the media full after media refresh operation

  4. On the Job Initiation tab, choose whether you want to run the media refresh now or schedule the job:

    • To run the media refresh operation immediately, select Immediate.

    • To schedule the media refresh operation, see scheduling.

    Tip: To control media refresh operations during peak hours, see Managing Media Refresh Operations.
    To monitor media refresh jobs running in the CommCell, you can create Media Refreshing alert. See Alerts.

  5. Click OK.
    You can track the progress of the media refresh jobs from the Job Controller.

  6. After the job is completed successfully, run the data agingjob to recycle media that was selected for refresh.


    To verify the new media:
    From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Resources > Libraries > Tape_Library > Media By Location > Media In Library. In the Media In Library pane, you will see the new media associated with the storage policy.
