Search for Content in Files and Emails by Using Content Indexing

Use Compliance Search to search for information in structured or unstructured data within your organization. Compliance Search provides an intuitive interface for entering, categorizing and retrieving data securely, in compliance with security and data retention regulation. The following key features are available:

  • Ability to index data and allow search and eDiscovery across repositories that contain electronically stored information (ESI) (including email and text) across operational systems, archives and media; stored in centralized corporate servers, file shares and desktops. Data needs to be backed up using the appropriate agents and then indexed using Content Indexing.

  • Provides a highly distributed indexing and searching configuration that enables you to index simultaneously on multiple servers and search across these search servers. Indexing large volumes of data and searching instantly across them is easy to manage. As your data grows, you can add more servers to meet your needs without having to move your data manually.

  • Find the single document most relevant to specific goals. Compliance Search provides ready to use faceted search results. Facets can be organized by date, content type (HTML, PDF, Word, and so on), data source, modification time, email fields, and so on. With the ability to search and view e-mail messages and attachments right within your browser, it helps end users save valuable time. Preview of documents can be viewed in the browser without installing the native applications in the desktop and in mobile/tablet devices.

  • Search both the metadata and the content. Search based on content and metadata, such as file name, location, size and modified time, and information in the To, From, CC, BCC, subject, size, and received time fields for emails.

  • Identify and discover the right information applicable to your eDiscovery requests. As part of the identification process, complex search queries, custodian facets, range queries can be used to cull out the irrelevant documents. Identified documents can be added to a review set for further review and hold using Legal Hold.

