

  • Snapshot

    A unique number that identifies the snapshot.

  • Mounted

    Indicates whether the snapshot is mounted or not.

  • Mount Point

    The path and name of the mount point.

  • Shared

    Indicates whether a share of the snapshot has been created or not.

  • Share Name

    The name of the share as specified in the Replication Set Properties.

  • Snapshot Type

    Displays the name of the snapshot engine used to create snapshots.

  • View Paths

    Click to open the Recovery Point Paths properties to display the source, destination, as well as any protected applications if associated.

  • Mount

    Click to specify a mount point for a snapshot you have selected from the list.

  • Unmount

    Click to unmount a snapshot you have selected from the list.

  • Share

    For Windows only, click to create a share of a mounted snapshot you have selected from the list. (You cannot share the snapshots of a Replication Set configured for Fan-in.)

  • Unshare

    For Windows only, click to remove a share of a snapshot you have selected from the list.

Pairs protected by the selected snapshots

  • Source Path

    The source path specified for this Replication Pair.

  • Apps

    Applications whose data is being replicated.

  • Destination Path

    The destination path specified for this Replication Pair.
