Upgrading Clients to Indexing Version 2 with the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Workflow

If you have clients in your CommCell group that were installed prior to Version 11 and you are upgrading them to Version 11, then you can change the clients and their backup sets to use Indexing Version 2 by using the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Workflow.


  • During the upgrade process, the last cycle of backup data is converted to Indexing Version 2. Therefore, you can continue running incremental backups on subclients after upgrading them to Indexing Version 2 (that is, you do not need to run a full backup as your first backup job after the upgrade).

  • If there is no valid license for a client that you wish to change, or there is no valid license for the agent that is installed on that client, the system will not change that client to Indexing Version 2.

  • If a backup set for the client that you wish to change does not have a schedule, the system will not change that backup set to Indexing Version 2.

  • If a client is de-configured, the system will not change the client to Indexing Version 2.

  • To change a PostgreSQL agent to Indexing Version 2 using this workflow, the following conditions must be met:

    • The CommServe must use Version 11 SP14 or later.

    • The PostgreSQL client cannot have any currently running jobs. If it does, the workflow will skip the client, and the client will not be changed to Indexing Version 2.

    • For an IntelliSnap or a block level enabled PostgreSQL client, before upgrading to Indexing Version 2 run a backup copy of all IntelliSnap or block level snap jobs.

When to Use the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Workflow

New file system clients that you have added to your Version 11 CommCell environment use Indexing Version 2 by default. However, if you have existing clients in your CommCell environment that were installed prior to Version 11, and you are upgrading them to Version 11, then you can change the clients to use Indexing Version 2.

For a list of agents that support Indexing Version 2, see Agents that Use Indexing.


  • You may run the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Workflow for clients that are using a previous version of agent software. However, these clients will continue to use Indexing Version 1 until you upgrade the agent software to the latest version.

  • For the Virtual Server Agent, Indexing Version 2 is enabled by default only when you create a new virtualization client for a new Commvault deployment with Service Pack 14 or a more recent service pack. Upgrading the Virtual Server Agent to Indexing Version 2 for existing jobs is not supported.

  • For the PostgreSQL agent, Indexing Version 2 is not enabled by default for the newly installed clients. So, we have to enable Indexing Version 2 for the clients when required.

Agent Support

For a list of agents that support the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Workflow, see Agents that Use Indexing.

Before You Begin

  • It is recommended that you run a full backup or synthetic full backup (whichever is applicable) prior to changing to Indexing Version 2.

  • The Commvault Workflow solution must be deployed in your CommCell environment. Typically the Workflow Engine is installed with the CommServe software. If you need to install the Workflow Engine separately, see Installing the Workflow Engine.

  • Download the Upgrade to Indexing V2 workflow from the Commvault Store. See Download Workflows from the Commvault Store.

  • In the CommCell Console, stop all jobs on the clients that are expected to be changed with this workflow.

  • Gather the following information, which you will enter into the workflow configuration when it runs:

    • The names of the clients or client group that you want to change to Indexing Version 2.

    • The type of agent that is installed on the clients or client group you want to change to Indexing Version 2.


      You can only change clients with the same type of agent in a single Upgrade Indexing V2 Workflow job. If you want to change clients with different agents, configure and perform separate workflow jobs for each type of supported agent.

    • The number of clients, from 1 to 20, that you want to allow the workflow to change in parallel.

  • If you are backing up to tape media, you must have the last cycle's tapes on site before you change to Indexing Version 2.

  • For file system clients with IntelliSnap enabled, also consider the following:

    • Perform a backup copy of all IntelliSnap jobs before changing to Indexing Version 2.

    • Perform at least one IntelliSnap job for each subclient after upgrading to Version 11 Service Pack 8 or later.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, in Workflows, right-click Upgrade to Indexing V2, point to All Tasks, and then click Execute.

  2. In the Upgrade to Indexing V2 Options dialog box, click the Run workflow on list, and then select the Workflow Engine that you want to use to perform the workflow.

  3. Next to Choose the component you would like to upgrade, select the option to either run the workflow on clients or on a client group.

  4. Configure the workflow for clients as follows:

    1. In the Client(s) list, select the clients that you want to run the workflow on.


      The Client(s) list shows actual client names, and not display names.

    2. In the Agent list, select the type of agent that you want to change on the clients. Note that all of the clients included in the workflow must have the same type of agent installed.

    3. In Number of Parallel Upgrades, enter the maximum number of clients that the workflow can process simultaneously. You can enter a value from 1 to 20.

    4. Select or deselect the Ignore Pre-Upgrade Check check box. Prior to running the workflow, the system determines if full or synthetic full backups have been run within the last 45 days on the subclients for the clients that you are upgrading with this workflow. If such backups have not been run on one or more of the subclients within the last 45 days, then the system will not upgrade that client to Indexing Version 2. Select this check box to ignore the pre-upgrade check and proceed with the upgrade regardless of whether or not such backups have been run on the subclients in the past 45 days.

    Configure the workflow for a client group as follows:

    1. In the Client Group list, select the name of the client group that you want to run the workflow on.

    2. In the Agent list, select the type of agent that you want to upgrade on the clients in the client group. Note that all of the clients included in the workflow must have the same type of agent installed.

    3. In Number of Parallel Upgrades, enter the maximum number of clients that the workflow can process simultaneously. You can enter a value from 1 to 20.

    4. Select or deselect the Ignore Pre-Upgrade Check check box. Prior to running the workflow, the system determines if full or synthetic full backups have been run within the last 45 days on the subclients for the clients that you are upgrading with this workflow. If such backups have not been run on one or more of the subclients within the last 45 days, then the system will not upgrade that client to Indexing Version 2. Select this check box to ignore the pre-upgrade check and proceed with the upgrade regardless of whether or not such backups have been run on the subclients in the past 45 days.

  5. Click OK.

    The Upgrade to Indexing V2 job appears in the Job Controller tab.
