Viewing the Backup Job Summary Report

You can generate the Backup Job Summary Report in the CommCell Console.

By default, the Backup Job Summary Report can display job details for up to 10,000 rows. To increase the number of rows, you can use a Qcommand to set the maximum row limit. For instructions, see Configuring the Number of Rows for the Job Details Table.

Before You Begin

  • Your CommCell user account must be assigned to a role that has the Report Management permission.

  • To view report data for an entity, your CommCell user account must have an association with that entity.

    For more information on users, permissions, and associations, see User Administration and Security - Overview.


  1. Open the CommCell Console.

  2. On the CommCell Console menu bar, select the Reports tab, and then click Job Summary.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears with Job Summary (Web) selected by default.

  3. From the navigation pane, click Job Summary (CommCell Console).

    On the General tab, the Backup Job Summary Report is selected by default.

  4. Click Run.

    The report appears in your default Web browser.


The default report output includes the following:

  • Summary Table

  • Details Table

  • Failure Reason Section

  • Protected Virtual Machines
