Advanced Client Properties (Web Server URLs)

Use this tab to view the URLs to allow End User Access and Compliance Searches to be performed on the selected client, as well as to access the User Administration page for the Web Server. You can also use this tab to select a different Web Server to search content indexed data on the client.

Compliance URL

Use this space to view the URL to allow Compliance Searches on this client from the Compliance Search page.

End User URL

Use this space to view the URL to allow End User Access on this client from the Web Console.

Admin/Search Analytics URL

Use this space to view the URL to access the User Administration page for the Web Server to customize the default settings, such as the size of Results Sets, disk quotas, etc.

Web Server URL

Displays the URL of the Web Server installed on the client. This URL cannot be accessed directly by the user from any web browser.

Web Server Name

Displays the name of the Web Server installed on the client.

Web Server

If content indexing is enabled on the client, use this space to associate a different Web Server for searching content indexed data on the client.

For more information, see Selecting an Alternate Web Server to Handle Search Operations.

Web Search Server for Outlook

On clients with Version 9 or earlier, use this space to select the Web Server to be used by the Exchange Server when opening the Web Console from Outlook. To establish or change the associated Web Server, select one from the list.

Recall Service

The Recall Service points to the proxy that is used to retrieve stubbed messages for features like Outlook Add-In and ContentStore. Enter the complete address of the proxy service that was installed with the Web Console. Click Test Service

If you use the HTTPS protocol, then set the port number to 443 for test purposes.

If the Web Console is not on the default port number, then you must specify the port number in the recall URL. The URL should be in the following format: http://<HostName> where hostname is a fully qualified domain name of the Web Console client.
