Advanced Restore Options (Data Access Nodes) - Online Help


Use this tab to manage the nodes used in the restore operation for the subclient. Use multi-node restores only when you want to perform restores to distributed or network file systems such as NFS and CIFS mounted across multiple machines.


The destination volume must be shared across all the restore nodes and it must be accessible from all the nodes.

Available Data Access Nodes

Lists the available nodes that can be used in the restore operation.


Select a node from the list of available nodes and click to add a node to the restore operation.


Select a node from the list of available nodes and click to remove a node from the restore operation.

Add All

Click to add all of the available nodes to the restore operation.

Remove All

Click to remove all of the available nodes from the restore operation.

Selected Data Access Nodes

Lists the selected nodes for the restore operation.

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