Advanced Restore Options (Pre/Post)


Establish pre or post processes for restore jobs, and the account that has permissions to run these processes.

Pre Recovery Command

Displays the name or path of the process to run before the restore. Add or modify the name or path, or use the Browse button to search for and select the name or path. The system allows the use of spaces in the name or path, provided they begin with an opening quotation mark and end with a closing quotation mark.

Post Recovery Command

Displays the name or path of the process to run after the restore. Add or modify the name or path, or use the Browse button to search for and select the name or path. The system allows the use of spaces in the name or path, provided they begin with an opening quotation mark and end with a closing quotation mark.

Run Post Restore Process for all attempts

Select this option to run a process after each restore job, even if the restore job was not successful. Selecting this option will execute the specified process for all attempts to run the job, including situations where the job is interrupted, suspended, or fails. Else, when the check box is cleared the specified process will only execute for successful, killed, or failed jobs.

Pre/Post Impersonation

For File System agents, displays the user account used to run the pre/post processes.

  • Use Local System Account

    Normally, the Local System Account has permissions to access all the data on the local computer.

  • Impersonate User

    Select this check box to enable the User Name and Password boxes. If the Impersonate User account defined here is not available, restore jobs using pre or post commands will fail. This account operates independently of the Impersonate User account for backup jobs.

  • User Name

    Enter the Window's user account name which will have permission to execute the desired commands.

  • Password

    Enter the corresponding password for this account.

  • Confirm Password

    Enter the password again for this account.

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