Advanced Restore - SAP MaxDB iDataAgent

Choosing Restore Types

When restoring SAP for MAXDB data, it is important to consider the backup type that was originally performed.

The following table illustrates the types of restores available for each backup type:

Backup Type

Restore Level


Offline Backup

Restore Entire Database

Recover Database

The database is offline and is consistent, so there is no need for logs.

Online Backup

Restore Entire Database

Restore Logs

Selective Online Full Backup

Restore Entire Database

Restore Logs

Log backup

Restore Logs

Validating the Backups

Before you perform a restore operation, you can validate if the backup that you want to restore is accessible, and the data is readable. You need to open a service session to perform the validation.

  1. Open the DBM Command Line Interface and type the following commands to list all of the external backup IDs:

    dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm –uUTL
     dbmcli on TST>db_admin
     dbmcli on TST>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
     dbmcli on TST>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|TST 262791520_85712 /sapdb/TST/data/pipe/m0|DATA MIGRATION|2015-02-11 17:52:04|
     AVAILABLE|TST 262791520_85712 /sapdb/TST/data/pipe/m1|DATA MIGRATION|2015-02-11 17:52:04|
  2. Open a service session.

    dbmcli on TST>service_connect
  3. Use the recover_check command to perform a consistency check of the backup. A 0 return code with the backup details as an output indicates that the consistency check is successful.

    dbmcli on TST>recover_check BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "TST 262791520_85712 /sapdb/TST/data/pipe/m0,TST 262791520_85712 /sapdb/TST/data/pipe/m1" AUTOIGNORE
     Returncode 0
     Date 20150211
     Time 00181637
     Server sde-unx2
     Database MAXDB
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.9.08 Build 025-123-251-168
     Pages Transferred 2672
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BackData2
     Location /sapdb/TST/data/pipe/m1
     Label DAT_000000016
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 3
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20150211
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00175204
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 2643
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sde-unx2:TST_20150211_175204
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 17
  4. End the active service session before you start the restore option of the backup.

    dbmcli on TST>service_release

Restoring to a Different Client (Cross Machine Restore)

In cases when the original client computer is damaged, you need to restore the SAP for MAXDB database to a different host. This is called a cross-machine restore. Whenever you perform such a restore, ensure that the destination machine has sufficient disk space to accommodate the restored database.

Before You Begin

  1. Perform a full backup.

  2. Build a destination computer. The source and destination computer must have the same operating system.

  3. Install the SAP for MaxDB software on the destination client. Configure the destination client so that it has identical DATA volumes and LOG volumes as the source host.

  4. Place the destination database in ADMIN mode.

  5. Install the SAP MaxDB agent on the destination computer.

  6. Configure the database instance on the destination CommServe computer.

  7. Define a backup medium on the destination computer by using the medium_put command. For information on how to use the medium_put command, see SAP for MaxDB Configuration.

  8. Configure the SAP MaxDB parameter file to include the srcCrossClient parameter. Set the value to the source client name.


  1. If the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf files do not exist on the destination client and if the source client is still available, copy these files if they are available. Otherwise, manually restore the files by using the Backint interface.

    1. Create an input file (for example, "file1.txt") that contains #NULL that you will use with the inquire operation.


      more file1.txt
      [root@mac1 opt]# cat file1.txt 
    2. Run the inquire operation with the input file to retrieve the job ids. The operation returns of all the backup jobs, ending with the latest backup job. On the command line, type the following substituting the parameters:

      backint.exe -u <database_name> -f inquire -t file -p <parameter_file> -i <input_file>

      C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>set BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB 
       C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>backint.exe -u CERT1 -f inquire -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file1.txt
       -------------------------- Output of inquire -------------------------
       -------------------------- Parameter Specified -------------------------
       src and dest dbname=<CERT1>
       -------------------------- backint Command Line -------------------------
       backintCmd=[backint.exe -u CERT1 -f inquire -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file1.txt ]
       Galaxy CommCellID=2
       Galaxy ClientID=237
       Inquire has been requested
       Src Cross Client=<sde-sap5>
       Galaxy ClientInstanceID=2868
       Galaxy ClientAppType=79
       Galaxy ClientAppID=16293
       Galaxy SrcCrossClientID=575
       Galaxy CrossClientInstanceID=3123
       Galaxy CrossClientAppType=79
       Galaxy CrossClientAppID=17940
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222
      [root@rhel5sap64ismorethanthirtycharacters Base]# pwd
       [root@rhel5sap64ismorethanthirtycharacters Base]# export BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB
       [root@rhel5sap64ismorethanthirtycharacters Base]# ../SapMaxDbAgent/backint -u TESTDB -f inquire -t file -p /opt/commvault/SapMaxDbAgent/param -i /opt/file1.txt
       -------------------------- Output of inquire -------------------------
       -------------------------- Parameter Specified -------------------------
       src and dest dbname=<TESTDB>
       -------------------------- backint Command Line -------------------------
       backintCmd=[../SapMaxDbAgent/backint -u TESTDB -f inquire -t file -p /opt/commvault/SapMaxDbAgent/param -i /opt/input.txt ]
       Galaxy CommCellID=2
       Galaxy ClientID=670
       Inquire has been requested
       Src Cross Client=<maxdbrhel>
       Galaxy ClientInstanceID=2873
       Galaxy ClientAppType=79
       Galaxy ClientAppID=16312
       Rel -- - CS=<basecs.idcprodcert.loc> CC=<rhel5sap64ismorethanthirtycharacters>
       #BACKUP 1023298_386440
       #BACKUP 1023298_386435
       #BACKUP 1023298_386421
       #BACKUP 1023298_386419
       #BACKUP 1023298_386418
    3. Create an input file for the restore command that contains the last job id. For example, if the last backup job id is1023298_396222, the file looks like:

      [root@mac1 opt]# cat file2.txt 
    4. Run the inquire operation with the input file that contains the last job id, to retrieve the location of the catalog files. On the command line, type the following substituting the parameters:

      backint.exe -u <database_name> -f inquire -t file -p <parameter_file> -i <input_file>

      C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>backint.exe -u CERT1 -f inquire -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file2.txt
       -------------------------- Output of inquire -------------------------
       -------------------------- Parameter Specified -------------------------
       src and dest dbname=<CERT1>
       -------------------------- backint Command Line -------------------------
       backintCmd=[backint.exe -u CERT1 -f inquire -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file2.txt ]
       Galaxy CommCellID=2
       Galaxy ClientID=237
       Inquire has been requested
       Src Cross Client=<sde-sap5>
       Galaxy ClientInstanceID=2868
       Galaxy ClientAppType=79
       Galaxy ClientAppID=16293
       Galaxy SrcCrossClientID=575
       Galaxy CrossClientInstanceID=3123
       Galaxy CrossClientAppType=79
       Galaxy CrossClientAppID=17940
       iPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem1] qPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem1]
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1
       iPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem2] qPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem2]
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2
       iPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem3] qPath=[\\.\pipe\pipe_mem3]
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem3
       iPath=[D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf] qPath=[D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf]
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf
       iPath=[D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl] qPath=[D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl]
       #BACKUP 1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl

      The history and catalog files found on the source are called D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf and D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl.

    5. Create an input file that the restore operation will use.


      File Format

      Restore to same path

      <job id> <location of dbm.ebf file>

      <job id> <location of dbm.knl file>


      1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf

      1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl

      Restore to a different path without overwriting the original catalog

      <job id> <location of dbm.ebf file> <new location of dbm.ebf file>

      <job id> <location of dbm.knl file> <new location of <location of dbm.knl file>


      1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf D:\new_location\dbm.ebf

      1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl D:\new_location\dbm.knl

      Restore to a different SID

      Source SID Name = <source SID> whose path = <catalog with source SID directory>

      Destination SID Name =<destination SID> whose path =<catalog with destination SID directory>


      1023298_396391 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf D:\sdb\cert3\wrk

      1023298_396391 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl D:\sdb\cert3\wrk

    6. Restore the catalog files. On the command line, type the following substituting the parameters:

      backint.exe -u <database_name> -f restore -t file -p <parameter_file> -i <input_file>

      C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>backint.exe -u CERT1 -f restore -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file3.txt
      Number of streams desired=<2> Number of files to restore=<2>
      -------------------------- Output of restore -------------------------
      -------------------------- Parameter Specified -------------------------
      src and dest dbname=<CERT1>
      -------------------------- backint Command Line -------------------------
      backintCmd=[backint.exe -u CERT1 -f restore -t file -p C:\SapMaxDbAgent\param -i C:\SapMaxDbAgent\file3.txt ]
      Galaxy CommCellID=2
      Galaxy ClientID=237
      Src Cross Client=<sde-sap5>
      Galaxy ClientInstanceID=2868
      Galaxy ClientAppType=79
      Galaxy ClientAppID=16293
      Galaxy SrcCrossClientID=575
      Galaxy CrossClientInstanceID=3123
      Galaxy CrossClientAppType=79
      Galaxy CrossClientAppID=17940
      Total number of Collect Files Generated=<1>
      Setting the Number of streams desired=<1> as all the data resides on the same Media=<83427>.
      Number of streams desired=<1> Number of files to restore=<1> CMDLINE Job
      Restore has been requested
      SID=[CERT1] BkpSet=[default] AppType=[79]
      Success in getting Job id=396229 Token=<396229:2:1>
      Success in init with JM
      Attaching CommServer Session
      Restoring from MediaId=<1463_MagVolId_83427>
      Restoring file=<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf>
      AfileNumber=817819, AcommCellId=2 AgroupNumber=439 archfilename=D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf copy=823 BI
      D=396222 reqBID=396222 afileFlags=14d
      #RESTORED 1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf
      SAPPERF: Archive File Name=<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf>, CumulativeSize=483 bytes, Write I/O Time=0.00
      0685 secs, Read I/O Time=4.216592 secs, Total (SAP + MA) I/O Time=4.217276 secs
      SAPPERF: Archive File Name =<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.ebf>, Write I/O Throughput=2.365516 GB/Hr, MA I/O
      Throughput=0.000394 GB/Hr, Total I/O Throughput=0.000384 GB/Hr
      Restoring file=<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl>
      AfileNumber=817820, AcommCellId=2 AgroupNumber=439 archfilename=D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl copy=823 BI
      D=396222 reqBID=396222 afileFlags=14d
      #RESTORED 1023298_396222 D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl
      SAPPERF: Archive File Name=<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl>, CumulativeSize=767 bytes, Write I/O Time=3.23
      4993 secs, Read I/O Time=7.424840 secs, Total (SAP + MA) I/O Time=10.659833 secs
      SAPPERF: Archive File Name =<D:\sdb\cert1\wrk\dbm.knl>, Write I/O Throughput=0.000795 GB/Hr, MA I/O
      Throughput=0.000357 GB/Hr, Total I/O Throughput=0.000241 GB/Hr
      Successful restore; 2 File(s); total transferred bytes=767
      Success in sending JMSUCCESS to server
      Success in sending JMSUCCESS to server
  2. Perform the data and log restores. You can restore from a data backup, or a data and a log backup. On the command line, type the following.

    backup_ext_ids_get BACKData2 
  3. Activate the database and recover the full backup. On the command line, type the following. Use a comma to separate each specified ID.

    db_activate RECOVER BACKData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "ExternalBackupIDN"

  4. Restore the incremental backups. On the command line, type the following.

    recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "ExternalBackupIDN"

  5. Restore the logs. On the command line, type the following.

    recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID
     recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID 
     recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID
Same Operating System - Different Version

Restoring data associated with different versions of the operating system is supported. For example, you can restore file system data secured from a Windows 2000 client computer to a client computer with Windows 2003, or Solaris 7 to Solaris 8, etc. If you plan to do a full system restore on a Windows 2003 Server with an x64 platform, use an SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent for backup on x64 platform. You cannot do a full system restore on an x64 platform if you are using SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent for 32bit platform.

Restoring to a Different Client with Different Database Name (Cross Machine Restore)

In cases when the original client computer is damaged, you need to restore the SAP for MAXDB database to a different host. This is called a cross-machine restore. Whenever you perform such a restore, ensure that the destination machine has sufficient disk space to accommodate the restored database.

Prior to performing a cross-machine restore, perform the following:

  1. Build a secondary (destination) client computer, and assign a different name to this computer. Both the source client computer and the destination client computer must have the same operating system.

  2. Install the SAP for MaxDB software on the destination client. Ensure that the SAP for MaxDB software version is same for the source and destination client.

  3. On the destination client, create the database and volume that are identical to those on the source client. Ensure that the database is in ADMIN mode.

  4. Install the SAP for MaxDB iDataAgent on the destination client and configure the database instance on the CommServe.

  5. Define a backup medium on the destination computer using the medium_put command.

  6. In the parameter file, add the parameters srcCrossClient and srcCrossDbName followed by the name of the source client and the source database:
    For example:





  7. From the CommCell Console, configure an instance for the destination client. For instructions, see SAP Max DB Agent Configuration.

  8. From the source client, execute the following backups using the given commands:

    B1 – Full Online Backup

    Execute the following command to perform a full online backup:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
     sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackData2 Migration
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00104536
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 432
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BackData2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2
     Label DAT_000000018
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 26520
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00104449
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 393
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 12

    B2 – Incremental Backup in Cold (Offline) Mode

    Execute the following command to perform an incremental backup in cold (offline) mode:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
     sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackPages2 Migration
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00105614
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 4024
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BACKPages2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4
     Label PAG_000000019
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 37186
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00105612
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 3971
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 12

    B3 - Backup of Logs

    Execute the following command to perform backup of logs:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_warm
     sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00110905
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10824
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000005
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 26290
     Last LOG Page 37186
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130807
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00183022
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00105612
     Page Count 10803
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    B4 – Incremental Backup in Warm (Online) Mode

    Execute the following command to perform an incremental backup in warm (online) mode:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackPages2 Recovery
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00111617
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 8288
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BACKPages2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4
     Label PAG_000000020
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 48088
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00111617
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 8240
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 18

    B5 – Full Backup in Warm (Online) Mode

    Execute the following command to perform a full backup in warm (online) mode:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_Start BackData2 Recovery
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00112006
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 8664
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BackData2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2
     Label DAT_000000021
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 48089
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112005
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 8622
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 18

    B6 – Backup of Logs

    Execute the following command to perform backup of logs:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00112600
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000006
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 37187
     Last LOG Page 48089
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00111435
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112005
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    B7 – Backup of Logs Again

    Execute the following command to perform backup of logs again:

    sybserver5:/opt/sdb/data/cert1/data # dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00112910
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000007
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 48090
     Last LOG Page 58990
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112828
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112846
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count
  9. Disable all the backup schedules.

  10. To get the catalog files for backup IDs, copy the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf files from the source client to the destination client.

    [root@sybserver2 wrk]# scp dbm.ebf
     [root@sybserver2 wrk]# scp dbm.knl
     [root@sybserver2 wrk]# cat dbm.ebf
     5203AF100003|DAT_000000018|CERT1 1023362_78302 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-08-08 10:45:36|BACK|0||BackData2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|0|
     5203AF100003|DAT_000000018|CERT1 1023362_78302 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-08-08 10:45:36|BACK|0||BackData2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|1|
     5203B18C0010|PAG_000000019|CERT1 1023362_78308 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2013-08-08 10:56:14|BACK|0||BACKPages2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|0|
     5203B18C0010|PAG_000000019|CERT1 1023362_78308 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2013-08-08 10:56:14|BACK|0||BACKPages2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|1|
     5203B4910012|LOG_000000005|CERT1 1023362_78322 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2013-08-08 11:09:05|BACK|0||BackLog|vftPipe|NO|0|8|S|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|0|
     5203B6410015|PAG_000000020|CERT1 1023362_78327 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2013-08-08 11:16:17|BACK|0||BACKPages2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|0|
     5203B6410015|PAG_000000020|CERT1 1023362_78327 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2013-08-08 11:16:17|BACK|0||BACKPages2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|1|
     5203B7250017|DAT_000000021|CERT1 1023362_78331 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-08-08 11:20:06|BACK|0||BackData2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|0|
     5203B7250017|DAT_000000021|CERT1 1023362_78331 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-08-08 11:20:06|BACK|0||BackData2|vftPipe|NO|0|8|M|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|1|
     5203B8880019|LOG_000000006|CERT1 1023362_78333 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2013-08-08 11:26:00|BACK|0||BackLog|vftPipe|NO|0|8|S|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|0|
     5203B946001C|LOG_000000007|CERT1 1023362_78335 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2013-08-08 11:29:10|BACK|0||BackLog|vftPipe|NO|0|8|S|/opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|0|
  11. From the destination client, execute the following restores using the given commands:db_activate Database to the First Full Backup (B1)

    Execute the following command to activate database to the first full backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>db_activate recover BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78302 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1,CERT1 1023362_78302 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2"
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00084709
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 424
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BackData2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem2
     Label DAT_000000018
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 26520
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00104449
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 393
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 12

    Restore of the Incremental Backup (B2)

    Execute the following command to restore from an incremental backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78308 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3,CERT1 1023362_78308 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4"
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00084940
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 4016
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BACKPages2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem3
     Label PAG_000000019
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 37186
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00105612
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 3971
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 12

    Restore of the Log Backup (B3)

    Execute the following command to restore from the log backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78322 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
     Returncode -8020
     Date 20130808
     Time 00085125
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10824
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000005
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 26290
     Last LOG Page 37186
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130807
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00183022
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00105612
     Page Count 10803
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Restore of the Log Backup (B6)

    Execute the following command to restore from the log backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78333 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
     Returncode -8020
     Date 20130808
     Time 00085327
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000006
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 37187
     Last LOG Page 48089
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00111435
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112005
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Restore of the Log Backup (B7)

    Execute the following command to restore from the log backup again:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78335 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
     Returncode -8020
     Date 20130808
     Time 00085545
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000007
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 48090
     Last LOG Page 58990
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112828
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112846
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Completion of Restores

    Run the following command after the restore is complete:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_ignore
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00085545
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000007
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 48090
     Last LOG Page 58990
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112828
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112846
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Check Database

    Verify the database after the restore:

    dbmcli on cert2>db_state
     dbmcli on cert2>quit
     [root@sybserver2 log]# sdbfill CERT2 check 0 3000000 10000 0 a DBA DBA
     Checking table 'sdbfill'.
     Fetched first (0 0.000000 0.000000)
     table 'sdbfill' is OK.
  12. Now, execute the following commands for another round of restores.

    db_activate Database to the Full Backup (B5)

    Execute the following command to activate database to the full backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>db_activate recover BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78331 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1,CERT1 1023362_78331 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2"
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00092027
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 8656
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 2
     Medianame BackData2
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem2
     Label DAT_000000021
     Is Consistent true
     First LOG Page 48089
     Last LOG Page
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112005
     DB Stamp 2 Date
     DB Stamp 2 Time
     Page Count 8622
     Devices Used 2
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page 0
     Converter Page Count 18

    Restore of the Log Backup (B6)

    Execute the following command to restore from the log backup:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_replace BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78333 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
     Returncode -8020
     Date 20130808
     Time 00092417
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000006
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 37187
     Last LOG Page 48089
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00111435
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112005
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Restore of the Log Backup (B7)

    Execute the following command to restore from the log backup again:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023362_78335 /opt/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
     Returncode -8020
     Date 20130808
     Time 00092538
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000007
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 48090
     Last LOG Page 58990
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112828
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112846
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Completion of Restores

    Run the following command after the restore is complete:

    dbmcli on cert2>recover_ignore
     Returncode 0
     Date 20130808
     Time 00092538
     Server sybserver5
     Database CERT1
     Kernel Version Kernel 7.8.02 Build 021-121-242-175
     Pages Transferred 10832
     Pages Left 0
     Volumes 1
     Medianame BackLog
     Location /opt/sdb/data/cert2/files/pipe_mem5
     Label LOG_000000007
     Is Consistent
     First LOG Page 48090
     Last LOG Page 58990
     DB Stamp 1 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 1 Time 00112828
     DB Stamp 2 Date 20130808
     DB Stamp 2 Time 00112846
     Page Count 10815
     Devices Used 1
     Database ID sybserver5:CERT1_20130723_163654
     Max Used Data Page
     Converter Page Count

    Check Database

    Verify the database after the restore:

    [root@sybserver2 log]# sdbfill CERT2 check 0 3000000 10000 0 a DBA DBA
     Checking table 'sdbfill'.
     Fetched first (0 0.000000 0.000000)
     table 'sdbfill' is OK.

Restoring a Full Backup

At times, if the database gets corrupted, you might need to restore the entire database and recover it back to the current state. However, in order to recover a database, you will also need to restore the logs. You can perform a restore operation to restore and recover an entire database. You can restore the database in-place or out-of-place using the same path/destination.

  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Open the DBM Command line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  3. MaxDB should be in admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in online (warm) mode, execute the following command.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  4. Verify the status of the database again.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  5. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  6. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|

    Note: If the command returns CONTINUE instead of END, information on further backups is available in next page. The information is not listed here because of the limited size of the response file. To display the next page of Backup IDs:

    • Repeat the same command.


    • Execute the following command:

  7. Type the following command to execute the restore of an entire database.

    For Unix:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4”

    For Windows:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1, CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2”
  8. The restore should complete without any errors.

    dbmcli on CERT1>exit

Restoring Incremental Backup

  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Open the DBM Command line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  3. MaxDB should be in admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in online (warm) mode, execute the following command.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  4. Verify the status of the database again.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  5. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  6. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
  7. Type the command to execute the restore of an incremental backup.

    For Unix:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4”

    For Windows:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1, CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2”
  8. The restore should complete without any errors.

    dbmcli on CERT1>exit

Restoring Logs

  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Open the DBM Command line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  3. MaxDB should be in admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in online (warm) mode, execute the following command.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  4. Verify the status of the database again.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  5. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  6. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
  7. Type the commands to restore the logs.

  8. For Unix:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4”

    For Windows:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1, CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2”
  9. The restore should complete without any errors.

    dbmcli on CERT1>exit

Restoring Automatic Logs

Use the following steps to restore automatic log backups:

Prepare for Restores
  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Type the command to acquire the backup IDs:

    [root@sappg54 files]# dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8506 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:13:45|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8506 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:13:45|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8507 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:15:25|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8507 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:15:25|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8508 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:18:53|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8508 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:18:53|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8509 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:20:17|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8517 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:17|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8518 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:43|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8519 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:35:03|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8521 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:58|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8522 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:15|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8532 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:30:53|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8533 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:31:13|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8534 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:18|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8535 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:17|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_xxxxxxx_8536 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:44:51|
     dbmcli on CERT1>
     Delete the log & data Segments:
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_cold
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
     dbmcli on CERT1>quit
Activate the Database to Restore from First Full Backup

Type the command to activate the database:

Db_activate to the first full backup
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8517 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:17|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8518 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:43|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8519 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:35:03|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8521 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:58|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8522 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:15|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8532 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:30:53|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8533 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:31:13|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8534 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:18|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8535 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:17|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8536 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:44:51|
 Restoring from backup Job ID 8511
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 [root@sappg54 files]# dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm –uUTL
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_activate recover BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1, CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2"
 Returncode 0
 Date 20101203
 Time 00010519
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 8608
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 2
 Medianame BackData2
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2
 Label DAT_000000003
 Is Consistent true
 First LOG Page 22115
 Last LOG Page
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101202
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00232825
 DB Stamp 2 Date
 DB Stamp 2 Time
 Page Count 8574
 Devices Used 2
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page 0
 Converter Page Count 11
 dbmcli on CERT1>
Restore from Incremental Backup

Type the command to restore from incremental backup:

AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackPages2 ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4"
 Returncode 0
 Date 20101203
 Time 00010812
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 4096
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 2
 Medianame BackPages2
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4
 Label PAG_000000004
 Is Consistent true
 First LOG Page 32999
 Last LOG Page
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101202
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00233730
 DB Stamp 2 Date
 DB Stamp 2 Time
 Page Count 4055
 Devices Used 2
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page 0
 Converter Page Count 20
Restore from Job ID

Type the command to restore from a Job ID:

Restore Data from backup xxx1
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx1 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx1 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_cold
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_activate recover BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx1 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1, CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx1 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2"
 Returncode 0
 Date 20101203
 Time 00042756
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 8600
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 2
 Medianame BackData2
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2
 Label DAT_000000006
 Is Consistent true
 First LOG Page 43903
 Last LOG Page
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00003741
 DB Stamp 2 Date
 DB Stamp 2 Time
 Page Count 8574
 Devices Used 2
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page 0
 Converter Page Count 20
Restore Logs from the Log Job with Time Stamp Greater Than That of the Current Job ID

Type the command to Restore Logs from the log job with time stamp greater than that of the current Job ID xxx1:

Ex: JobID with time stamp that is just greater xxx1 is xxx6. Please obtain this from the below backup list.
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8517 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:17|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8518 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:43|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8519 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:35:03|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8521 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:58|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8522 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:15|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8532 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:30:53|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8533 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:31:13|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8534 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:18|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8535 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:17|
 AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8536 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:44:51|
 Job ID xxx6 was at 00:44:51, which falls next from the time stamp of xxx1 at 00:37:41
 Selection of Log job ID to restore is the key for Auto Log Restore.
 Restore Logs from Job ID xxx6
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_cold
 Restore this job with the syntax "recover_start" as below.
 dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx6 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
 Returncode -8020
 Date 20101203
 Time 00043242
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 4320
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 1
 Medianame BackLog
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
 Label LOG_000000009
 Is Consistent
 First LOG Page 41557
 Last LOG Page 45892
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00003100
 DB Stamp 2 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 2 Time 00004449
 Page Count 4300
 Devices Used 1
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page
 Converter Page Count
Apply Next Log Job in the Sequence

Type the command to apply the next log job in the sequence:

Apply next log with the sequence according its time stamp.
 In this case next log needs to be applied from Job ID xxx5
 Recover Replace of Log from Job ID xxx5:
 Make sure to run this as Recover_Replace
 dbmcli on CERT1>recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx5 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
 Returncode -8020
 Date 20101203
 Time 00043323
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 4320
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 1
 Medianame BackLog
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
 Label LOG_000000010
 Is Consistent
 First LOG Page 45893
 Last LOG Page 50225
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00004449
 DB Stamp 2 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 2 Time 00004501
 Page Count 4300
 Devices Used 1
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page
 Converter Page Count
Apply Next Log till the Database is Consistent

Type the command to apply the next log till the database is consistent.

Apply next log with the sequence according its time stamp.
 In this case next log needs to be applied from Job ID xxx4
 Recover Replace of Log from Job ID xxx4:
 Make sure to run this as Recover_Replace
 Recover Replace Log Job ID xxx4:
 dbmcli on CERT1>recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_xxx4 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5"
 Returncode -8020
 Date 20101203
 Time 00043444
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 4320
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 1
 Medianame BackLog
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
 Label LOG_000000011
 Is Consistent
 First LOG Page 50226
 Last LOG Page 54560
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00004501
 DB Stamp 2 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 2 Time 00004513
 Page Count 4300
 Devices Used 1
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page
 Converter Page Count
Bring the Database Online

Once all the applicable logs with greater time stamp were restored, run Recover_Ignore command to bring database online:

Now Recover Ignore to get the DB consistent and open state:
 dbmcli on CERT1>recover_ignore
 Returncode 0
 Date 20101203
 Time 00043444
 Database CERT1
 Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
 Pages Transferred 4320
 Pages Left 0
 Volumes 1
 Medianame BackLog
 Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5
 Label LOG_000000011
 Is Consistent
 First LOG Page 50226
 Last LOG Page 54560
 DB Stamp 1 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 1 Time 00004501
 DB Stamp 2 Date 20101203
 DB Stamp 2 Time 00004513
 Page Count 4300
 Devices Used 1
 Database ID
 Max Used Data Page
 Converter Page Count
 dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
 dbmcli on CERT1>
Restoring Logs from First Full Backup
  1. Open the DBM Command Line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #>dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
    dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  2. The SAP MaxDB database must be in the admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in the online (warm) mode, then run the following command.

    #>dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  3. Verify the status of the database.

    #>dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
    dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  4. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #>dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  5. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8517 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:17|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8518 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:43|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8519 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:35:03|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8521 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:34:58|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8522 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-02 23:27:15|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8530 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:34:09|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8531 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-03 00:37:41|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8532 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:30:53|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8533 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:31:13|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8534 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:18|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8535 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:45:17|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8536 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem5|LOG RECOVERY |2010-12-03 00:44:51|
  6. Type the following command to execute the restore of entire database.

    For example:

    Restoring from backup Job ID 8511
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
    AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:29:08|
  7. After restoring all the logs required, verify the recovered database.

    [root@sapclient  files]# dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm –uUTL
    dbmcli on CERT1>db_activate recover BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1, CERT1 SAP_1020127_8511 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2"
    Returncode 0
    Date 20101203
    Time 00010519
    Database CERT1
    Kernel Version Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
    Pages Transferred 8608
    Pages Left 0
    Volumes 2
    Medianame BackData2
    Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2
    Label DAT_000000003
    Is Consistent true
    First LOG Page 22115
    Last LOG Page
    DB Stamp 1 Date 20101202
    DB Stamp 1 Time 00232825
    DB Stamp 2 Date
    DB Stamp 2 Time
    Page Count 8574
    Devices Used 2

Restoring Logs from an Incremental Backup

  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Open the DBM Command line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  3. MaxDB should be in admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in online (warm) mode, execute the following command.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  4. Verify the status of the database again.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  5. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  6. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4|PAGES MIGRATION|2010-12-02 23:39:02|
  7. Type the following command to restore the logs from an incremental backup.

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackPages2 ExternalBackupID "CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 SAP_1020127_8514 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4"
    Returncode 0
    Date 20101203
    Time 00010812
    Server sappg54.idclab.loc
    Database CERT1
    Kernel Version
    Kernel 7.7.04 Build 028-123-194-355
    Pages Transferred 4096
    Pages Left 0
    Volumes 2
    Medianame BackPages2
    Location /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4
    Label PAG_000000004
    Is Consistent true
    First LOG Page 32999
    Last LOG Page
    DB Stamp 1 Date 20101202
    DB Stamp 1 Time 00233730
    DB Stamp 2 Date
    DB Stamp 2 Time
    Page Count 4055
    Devices Used 2
    Database ID sappg54.idclab.loc:CERT1_20101202_231525
    Max Used Data Page 0
    Converter Page Count 20

Restore from a Secondary Copy

SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent provide the capability of restoring data from secondary copies from SAP command line. This is useful for restoring data when the primary copy is unavailable. To utilize this feature, add the CV_restCopyPrec parameter followed by the copy precedence number 2 into the parameter file prior to running the restore. Ensure that you have run a backup of the SAP MAXDB database prior to starting restore from a secondary copy. Ensure that you have run an auxiliary copy operation after completing the backup.

  1. Disable all the backup schedules.

  2. Open the DBM Command line Interface and verify the status of the database.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  3. MaxDB should be in admin (cold) state to perform a basic restore operation. If the database is in online (warm) mode, execute the following command.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
  4. Verify the status of the database again.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>db_state
  5. Type the following command to check all backup IDs. The command should return OK.

    #> dbmcli -d CERT1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL
     dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_get BackData2
  6. Type the command to list all the External Backup IDs. The command should return OK and display a list of all External Backup IDs.

    dbmcli on CERT1>backup_ext_ids_list
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem1|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
     AVAILABLE|CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem2|DATA MIGRATION|2013-09-06 01:35:46|
  7. Type the command to execute the restore.

  8. For UNIX:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem3, CERT1 1023298_171929 /space/sdb/data/cert1/files/pipe_mem4”

    For Windows:

    dbmcli on CERT1>recover_start BackData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1, CERT1 1023298_171929 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2”
  9. The restore should complete without any errors.

    dbmcli on CERT1>exit

Restore Using a Specific Library or Drive Pool

Data can be restored/recovered from any compatible library and drive type in the CommCell. By default the system automatically identifies and restores/recovers data from any configured library in the CommCell, even if the media is not available in the original library in which the data protection operation was performed. Data Recovery operations use a specific data path - MediaAgent, Library and Drive Pool - to perform the restore operations. When the default options are selected, the system automatically chooses the most appropriate data path. For comprehensive information on choosing an alternate data path, see Data Recovery Operations using Alternate Data Paths.

Note: This feature only applies to tape libraries. The operation fails if the requested data is not available in the disk library that is attached to the specified MediaAgent.

In some situations you may want to use another data path to perform a data recovery operation. In such a situation, you can specify the MediaAgent, Library and/or the Drive Pool.

Consider the following examples:

  • You may want to use a specific MediaAgent to perform the browse and restore operation instead of the system selected default MediaAgent. For example, the default MediaAgent may be busy and you wish to use another MediaAgent which is idle, or you know the library attached to a specific MediaAgent contains the media associated with the data you wish to restore.

  • The default MediaAgent may have a problem accessing the devices (library, drive) and hence you wish to use another MediaAgent sharing the library to perform the browse and restore operation.

Restoring Using Point-in-Time

You can perform a point-in-time restore operation for SAP for MaxDB databases.


You can also perform a point-in-time restore operation using the SAP Database Studio.

Consider the following information for backup jobs.

Backup type

Job ID

Start time

End time



12-07-2021 22:25:38

12-07-2021 22:26:21

Incremental log


12-07-2021 22:32:08

12-07-2021 22:33:22

Incremental log


12-07-2021 23:02:03

12-07-2021 23:06:18

Incremental log


12-07-2021 23:16:58

12-07-2021 23:19:41

For example, assume the point-in-time value as 12-07-2021 23:15:00 and the equivalent value in Database Manager Command Line Interface is 20210712 231500. To perform a point-in-time restore as on 20210712 231500, run the following command:

dbmcli on db2>db_activate recover BACKDATA2 DATA externalBackupId "DB1 84920386_1255705 \\.\pipe\DB1_0,DB1 84920386_1255705 \\.\pipe\DB1_1, DB1 84920386_1255705 \\.\pipe\DB1_2, DB1 84920386_1255705 \\.\pipe\DB1_3"
dbmcli on db2>recover_start BACKLOG LOG externalBackupId "DB1 84920386_1255707 \\.\pipe\DB1" UNTIL 20210712 231500
2021-07-13 02:19:30       5664 INF        283 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_start "BACKLOG" LOG ExternalBackupID "DB1 84920386_1255707 \\.\pipe\DB1"  UNTIL 20210712 231500' is being executed.
2021-07-13 02:27:56       5664 INF        419 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_start' has ended with return code 0.
dbmcli on db2>recover_replace BACKLOG externalBackupId "DB1 84920386_1255727 \\.\pipe\DB1"
2021-07-13 02:27:56       5664 INF        283 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_replace "BACKLOG" ExternalBackupID "DB1 84920386_1255727 \\.\pipe\DB1" \\.\pipe\DB1' is being executed.
2021-07-13 02:46:12       5664 INF        419 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_replace' has ended with return code 0.

To restore the incremental log backup job Id 1255731 that has log jobs as on 12-07-2021 23:15:00, run the following command:

dbmcli on db2>recover_replace BACKLOG externalBackupId "DB1 84920386_1255731 \\.\pipe\DB1"
2021-07-13 02:46:12       5664 INF        283 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_replace "BACKLOG" ExternalBackupID "DB1 84920386_1255731 \\.\pipe\DB1" \\.\pipe\DB1' is being executed.
2021-07-13 02:52:21       5664 INF        419 DBMSrv   Command 'recover_replace' has ended with return code 0.
dbmcli -d db2 -u dbm,dbm
dbmcli on db2>db_state
