Cataloging Backup Pieces Restored to Disk After an Application-Free Restore

In cases where you do not use the recovery manager, use RMAN scripts to catalog Oracle backup pieces to disk after an application-free restore.


  1. On the RMAN command line, connect to the target database.

  2. On the RMAN command line, create and then run the following RMAN sample script.

    Do not use the forward slash (/) at the end of the folder name.

    configure channel device type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=<software_installation_path>/Base/,ENV=(BACKUP_DIR=disk_location,CV_media=FILE)";


    BACKUP_DIR: This is the location of the restore disk pieces (Restore Options, Destination Path options set. For more information see Restoring an Oracle Database to Disk (Application Free Restore).

    UNIX Example

    configure channel device type 'sbt_tape'

    Windows Example

    configure channel device type 'sbt_tape' PARMS = "ENV=(BACKUP_DIR=D:\RestoretoDisk\32092,CV_media=FILE)";
  3. Verify the configuration. On the RMAN command line, type the following command to verify the configuration.

    RMAN>show all;
  4. Catalog the backup pieces. On the RMAN command line, type the following command to catalog the backup pieces.

    catalog device type 'sbt_tape' backuppiece 'backuppiecename1', 'backuppiecename2'
