Configuring a Cloud Policy for Log Monitoring

You can monitor data in a CommCell environment by using a global monitoring policy created in another CommCell environment. The Index Server selected in the global monitoring policy is used to index data from the CommCell environment. The indexed data is available in the Log Monitoring application in the global monitoring CommCell Web Console.

Before You Begin

  • Create a global monitoring policy in another CommCell environment. For information on creating a global monitoring policy, see Creating a Global Monitoring Policy for Log Monitoring.

  • You need the following information from the CommCell environment where you created the global monitoring policy:

    • Web Server host name and port, for example:

    • User name and password


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Control Panel.

  2. Under Monitoring, click Cloud Policy Configuration.

    The Cloud Policy Configuration dialog box appears.

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Cloud Policy dialog box appears.

  4. Retrieve the global monitoring policy from the CommCell environment where you created the global monitoring policy:

    1. In the Monitoring Policy Name box, enter the name users will see in the cloud policy list when they create a monitoring policy in this CommCell environment.

    2. In the Web Service URL box, enter the web service URL for the CommCell environment where you created the global monitoring policy: http://web server host name:port/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/.

      For example:

    3. In the User Name and Password boxes, enter the credentials for a user who can access the CommCell environment where you created the global monitoring policy.

    4. Click Get Global Policy.

      All of the available global monitoring policies are retrieved and appear in the Global Policy list.

  5. In the Global Policy list, choose a global monitoring policy to use for the cloud policy.

  6. Choose how to connect to the global monitoring CommCell environment that will index the data from this CommCell environment:

    • To connect through a proxy client, in the Proxy Client list, choose the client to use as the proxy.

    • To connect through an internet gateway, select the Use Internet Gateway check box.

      The gateway configured in Control Panel > Internet Options is used. For information on the gateway options, see Internet Options (Internet Gateway).


The cloud policy can be used in monitoring policies created in this CommCell environment.

What to Do Next

Create a monitoring policy, and on the Specify the data capturing options page, select the Use Cloud Policy check box. The cloud policies you configured for the CommCell environment appear in the list next to the Use Cloud Policy check box. For instructions on creating a monitoring policy, see Creating a Monitoring Policy for Log Monitoring.
