Configuring the Insufficient Storage Alert


You can establish a low watermark for each disk library. The low watermark is the minimum amount of free space at which the low watermark warning should be generated. If the amount of free space, for all the combined mount paths, reaches or falls below the low watermark, the system logs a message in the Event Viewer and generates the Insufficient Storage Alert, if configured.

The Insufficient Storage alert is generated based on the following calculation:

When the total free disk space of all mount paths is less than or equal to the low water mark percentage + (plus) the total reserve space.

  • Example of a Single Mount Path:

    The alert is generated based on the following:

    MP1: Total disk space is 100GB

    Total reserve space is 20GB

    Low water mark percentage is 10% of the total disk space.

    Therefore, 10% of the total disk space is: (100X10)/100=10GB

    10GB (10% of the total disk space) + 20GB (total reserve space) = 30GB

    The alert is generated when 30GB space is left on the disk.

  • Example of Multiple Mount Paths

    The alert is generated based on the following:

    MP1: Total disk space is 100GB

    Reserve space is 20GB

    MP2: Total disk space is 300GB

    Reserve space is 30GB

    Low water mark percentage is 20% of the total disk space.

    Therefore, 20% of the total disk space is: (100+300) X 20/100=80GB

    Total reserve space is: 20GB + 30GB = 50GB

    80GB (20% of the total disk space) + 50GB (total reserve space) = 130GB

    The alert is generated when 130GB space is left on the disk.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries.

  2. Right-click the appropriate library, and then click Properties.

    The Library Properties dialog box appears. The Space Status field indicates the amount of space that is occupied on the disk.

    The Space Status is updated every 30 minutes based on the Interval (Minutes) between disk space updates parameter set in the Media Management Configuration dialog box.

  3. On the Space Management tab enter the following:

    • In the Low Watermark box, enter the minimum percentage of free space at which the low watermark warning should be generated.

    • In the Warning Watermark box, enter the percentage of free space at which a warning must be generated.

    • In the Notify when library will run out of space in n days, enter the number of days in advance to trigger notification for low disk space in the library.

  4. Click OK.

  • Free space in a disk library can also be affected by the Data Verification jobs run on DDBs (deduplication databases) for space reclamation. For more information on the Reclaim idle space on Mount Paths option, see Data Verification of Deduplicated Data.

  • The Data Verification jobs for DDB space reclamation is controlled by the Automatically submit Space Reclamation DDB Verification job when free space on Library is below this percent option in Media Management Configuration. For more information on this option, see Media Management Configuration: Service Configuration.

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