Contents for Service Pack 16

  • VM Clients names may be incorrectly updated by a v10 VSA proxy.

  • HyperScale nodes may become unresponsive after reboot due to wrong UUID in /etc/fstab

  • User will not be able to download files if the latest job run for the selection is a snap backup job.

  • Shortcuts are recreated on laptop clients during service pack installation

  • Openstack VM restores may fail when cinder quotas are enforced.

  • NAS NDMP restore may not use configured proxy and fail.

  • OpenStack VM restores may not complete on certain distributions.

  • Updated installer translations, including the translation for "Configure process manager shortcut" which translated to "Do not configure process manager shortcut" which is the opposite of what the option does.

  • VSA backups of VMs on NFS datastores may take longer than expected.

  • Windows files system backup may try to backup files that has been deleted on every attempted job

  • Rest API to convert a storage policy to a plan may fail.

  • Download fails for Hotfix packs because of extra path seperator when MAX_PATH exceeds for Windows

  • SharePoint document backup fails with Method not found : 'Boolean CVSPUtilsNamespace.CVSPUtils.TrimPath(System.String ByRef)'.

  • Commserve performance may degrade during OneDrive backups

  • Client level Job throttling may not be honored when resuming jobs that are queued

  • Backup copy operation may fail.

  • HyperScale drive status many not be correct in Command center.

  • Services may not start on Amazon Linux 2 upon reboot.

  • VMware CBT may be enabled while there are pre-existing snapshots on the VM

  • The download of for email may not work for journal /user mailbox.

  • Salesforce backup job may not complete.

  • Playback could fail with ISAM error 533 during inserting record to Location table

  • Auxcopy job may fail with reservation errors.

  • Clustered metrics server setup do not show dashboard

  • Virtual machine client names may be incorrect.

  • SharePoint Account validation may fail in TLS 1.2 environment.

  • Browse and restore of windows machine data using a Unix mediaagent may fail.

  • Oracle OSC schedule may fail to probe if the machine is a VM

  • Linux 1-Touch: system state backup might fail when machine has PVs as multipath disk partitions

  • Unable to view review sets in compliance search.

  • Viewing jobs at the copy level can be slow for a higher number of jobs

  • Synthetic full high water mark may not work for multi-stream synthetic full jobs.

  • SharePoint Farm Backup may display 'Backup Pending' for some databases in the 'Status' tab after successful job.

  • Security fix to block external redirects from Webconsole.

  • Exchange mailbox stubbing with truncate option may remove Hebrew right-to-left alignment.

    Double clicking of email stubs may not recall the message.

  • Auxiliary copy jobs may fail with a database timeout error.

  • SharePoint O365 backup might fail with CVSPBackup2013.exe crash.

  • Generation of stub report for larger mailboxes may fail.

  • Changes to data path on storage policy may fail.

  • VM Tags as a filter may not work as expected when the tag does not exist.

  • Data analytics job may fail for subclients with aged backup jobs.

  • Commcell Console may hang when creating SharePoint Online backupset.

  • Chargeback report configuration gets resetting even when Chageback is selected under Private metrics reporting.

  • VMware LiveSync Failover group does not list live sync replicated VMs in Select Machines step in CommCell Console.

    VirtualizeMe HyperV screen does not list clients even with proper permission

  • Webadm may crash when delimiter of multipath device is empty.

  • HANA log backups work only for one HANA instance in the FlexFrame environment.

  • Failed restore jobs may be shown in job history for all users.

  • Modifying an Oracle Instance may cause Commserver services to terminate unexpectedly.

  • SharePoint office 365 incremental backup may take a long time on smaller sites.

  • Restore job summary report may not populate "Failed Objects" or "Successful Files" in restore file list.

  • Solaris 1-touch recovery fails in a firewalled setup.

  • Index gateway service may not start when IPv6 is enabled on the machine.

  • SharePoint Online restore with "skip" option may overwrite "Renamed" existing documents.

  • SQL log backup may be always convert to full backup.

  • CaseManager with reviewset hold may not work with export API.

  • Snapshots may not be deleted from a NetApp E-series array.

  • Fujitsu ETERNUS AF S2 Series- snap target volumes may not be returned to the free snapshot target volume during data aging.

  • Adding or changing a user to another Google Mail subclient may remove it from any Google Drive subclient its associated with.

  • Enhancement to allow setting of client group as proxy host form virtual server agent using CV python sdk.

  • Alerts associated to a custom email template may have duplicate content.

  • VSA V2 Synthetic full job fails when file indexing is enabled.

  • Failback is failing from Azure to VMware

  • HyperScale hardware monitoring report may show wrong status for network interface.

  • When running multi stream synthetic full jobs on Hyperscale environment, the large number of streams used by synthetic full jobs may cause deadlock situation.

  • DR backup folder may not be cleaned periodically.

    Differential CommserveDR backup may be converted to FULL when metadata directory is on a network path.

  • Metrics dashboard may show incorrect values for servers.

    Storage - Data Retention report may show incorrect values.

  • HyperScale hardware alert may include NICs that not in use.

  • HyperScale appliance advanced network configuration may error out while configuring bond when IP is already assigned to a bond.

  • Bulk-delete request may fail for OpenStack Cloud library pruning.

    Azure Archive objects recall for Azure Cloud library may fail if the credential is using SAS token.

  • CvMountd may crash during hardware monitoring data collection.

  • Unable to append contents to SharePoint documents subclient without overwriting the existing content using command line.

  • Restarted VSA backup jobs may be run as incremental instead of full.

  • Unable to update the client display name or client description via Python SDK

  • Live sync for tenant admin: A tenant admin is not able to create, view, edit or override replication targets even if they have destination client permissions

  • cvc login with local admin fails for non root users.

    cvc non-interactive did not support local user login.

  • cvc login may fail for non root users

  • Install of file system agent may fail on SLES 15

  • Live Browse from secondary copy may fail.

  • Edge Monitor app on MAC may send excessive queries to LDAP server to check if the logged in user is an AD user.

  • Restore from Admin console may not work for all client.

  • Incremental GlusterFS backups may fail when volume name has underscore character in it

  • A tenant user may see auxiliary copy schedules he does not have access to in Command center.

  • Data restore from NFS object store may fail.

    3dfs backup may fail forever when an extent is not present in diskcache.

  • Network cards with enp interface names are skipped from dashboard and alerts

  • Snapshot backup copy for Amazon EBS volume may fail.

    Snapshot copy of encrypted snaps may fail if the target encryption key has multiple tags.

    Snapshot backup job may fail for RDS if the Amazon API returns throttling error.

  • File level analytics on a client group may time out when logged-in user has permission on large number of clients in the client group.

    Exporting all data to CSV from file analytics report does not work for active directory user when there is firewall between domain server and web server even after configuring commvault network topology correctly.

  • Unable to select Linux client as destination for file level restore from VSA backup in Command center.

  • Linux mediaagent admins may receive email about log rotate failures.

  • Custom reports may not work with custom date range option.

    Report with required commcell Input does not load when there is only one commcell.

  • Backup jobs may fail with error 'Failed to get media information for the volume'.

  • AWS EC2 backup may filter some non marketplace instances during backup.

  • Optimized scan may be slow for Windows file system backup, if content has many re-parse points.

  • RO1100 appliance setup may fail.

  • CVD might crash during synthetic full backup when VM has content indexing enabled

  • Drives or mount paths on a HyperScale node may be marked offline in the Admin console under the following conditions: 1) HyperScale node is rebooted 2) Temporary network disconnect between nodes 3) Mount path encounters an error 4) Host name of the node changed after the StoragePool is created

    No alerts are being generated when drives on a HyperScale node go offline or bad.

    HyperScale brick daemon status is not being marked offline when drives go offline or bad.

  • CVD Process May Crash during Full VM Restore

  • Unable to configure live sync from VMware to Amazon in Commcell console.

  • Login to Command Center with domain user name starting with "xm" like "xmtest01" may be stuck on loading page.

  • Content indexing pruning may not finish.

  • Auxcopy job may fail with database deadlock errors.

  • Customer wants native attachment support through content store for exchange classic agent emails.

  • Live browse of AWS snap backups may fail when using an alternate virtual server agent proxy machine.

  • Guest file level Restore Browse option is not working with different destination vCenter

  • My Data page in web console may not load.

  • Restore of HANA snap backup using proxy media agent may fail.

  • Full machine restores for OpenVMS may hang

  • Unable to create file on a NFS ObjectStore

  • Certificate failure due to case sensitive client name not matched in the commserv database.

  • 1) Custom Report Schedule or email fails when the URL has ReportID is a name.

  • CVODS process on mediaagent may terminate unexpectedly.

  • backup log shows repeating 'progress 100%'. And sometimes log shows minus '-' count for failed items.

    too much log for 'user not found' or 'no onedrive quota' case.

    Crash from SQLite query exception.

    SQL error for saving failed items record.

    OneDrive C# provider for V2 engine which can be used by OneDrive Analytics does not have new base library function signatures.

  • Admin Console dashboard lists deconfigured/deleted clients as unreachable.

  • Azure Virtual Server agent backup may complete with error " VM not found".

  • Reports while exported as text format through mail has no proper indentation

  • License capacity consumed by virtual server agent backups may be incorrect.

  • Lotus notes backup may fail.

  • Command Center may report incorrect "Latest recovery point" on VM summary screen.

  • File scan may fail when processing previously failed items.

  • CVD service may not start on windows 7 32-bit machine

  • File analytics csv export may fail.

  • 'Managed Disk Space' may get enabled for snap copy during storage policy creation with job based retention

  • User needs to manually type password to login into Commcell console App.

  • Stub recalls may fail if extended attributes stream exists in the archived file. Hence making it default to skip EA on recalls.

  • Deleted clients may show up in Version and service pack report.

  • REST API to get jobs may not sort results by jobId when invoked without paging.

    REST API to get jobs does not return size on media for completed jobs.

  • Application size and last backup time values in command center under file system Servers may be shown incorrectly.

  • VCS cluster install may create virtual clients with the wrong IP addresses.

  • Guest file restore may fail if the user selects a client with only file system core package installed in Command Center.

  • SQL database subclient content change to "Do Not Backup" may not work via script.

  • Tape import may fail if index archive gets merged first.

  • Hardware refresh of CommServe using an existing DB dump may fail in database upgrade phase with error "Product [CommServ] is not supported.".

  • Support for screen readers and other accessibility software to work correctly for search area in My Data section in Web Console.

  • Added new tape drive support for Sony ODA device (VTL).

  • Browse operation on big dataset causes CVODS to crash.

    Browse with ACL check shows folders in denied list.

  • IMAP client may not show encrypted messages correctly.

  • Unable to create Metric reports schedule on clustered CS

    Metrics upload is not working on metrics server in a clustered environment.

  • Oracle backup copy may request older tapes.

  • Backup and restore job get failed with this error log in SQLiDA.log. Error Log : "CvManagedLoggerObject reference not set to an instance of an object."

  • "Enable after delay" option in Activity Control may not work as expected.

  • Journal emails archived using ContentStore Mailbox may not be visible in browse.

  • VSA AppAware snapshots may not be unmounted if the associated jobs are aged.

  • Storage Policy Report may fail to generate with some copies are associated with custom calendar.

  • Storage Information Report may show storage policies which are not associated to the user.

  • Secondary index server extended retention might not work

  • Commserve live sync may replicate a stale database post unplanned failover.

  • AWS snapshot backup may fail.

  • SQL agent subclient content may show an incorrect number of databases.

  • HyperScale factory reset may hang while detaching peer nodes.

  • Registration with CS fails with HS3300 CS VM

  • SMTP gateway server may not receive email messages from Office 365 cloud when TLS 1.2 option is enabled.

  • After a successful Live Recovery job, the MAC address may differ from the source machine.

    Software snapshot may be left on VM after a full VM restore.

  • Data verification of jobs on secondary copy may fail when parallel copy option is enabled.

  • Job progress does not get updated in job controller page in admin console

  • Tenant admin may not be able to configure an exchange backup in Command center.

  • Entity extraction may find incorrect phone numbers.

  • Scheduled IntelliSnap backups may not run the catalog phase.

  • Exchange CI job for user mail box and journal mail box may fail.

  • SharePoint Restore may not complete.

    SharePoint Online restore to disk may fail.

  • Populating email preview takes time

    Default preview mode configuration is not user friendly

  • User is unable to set a destination host when creating replication group in Command center.

  • Chargeback Report may not count backup size of Archive Logs.

  • HyperScale nodes post upgrade may not come up after reboot if bonding is enabled

    Installing updates may fail on HyperScale node

  • Unable to save reports in commcell console when user has limited permissions.

  • Restoring encrypted google mail may fail.

    Pending gmail restore jobs may show incorrect job status.

  • Xen virtual machine backups may fail.

  • AWS intellisnap Live browse of linux file system may fail with error 'Browse failed due to error while mounting virtual machine: Unrecognized error [54].' (Incorrect availability zone)

  • 1-touch restore may attempt to restore unmapped volumes.

    1-touch restore may assign incorrect drive letters to restored volumes.

    Incorrect DNS and WINS IP entries might get assigned to network interfaces post 1-touch restore

    On first boot post 1-touch restore, volumes selected for the restore may be left with "oneTouch_drive.cvf" files on them at the root level

  • Automatic client groups with owner set as AD user group may incorrectly disassociate valid clients.

  • Download of a file from a Virtual machine backup may fails when using the HyperScale appliance.

  • User Centric Activation is failing

  • SAML app to manage different company users

  • Offline content indexing schedule may not save the selected mediaagent.

  • Some users may not able to access Web console with error "Error while loading applications. Please contact administrator."

  • Error 404 while trying to access the new api

  • In case of v10 commcell, status update condition was not ambiguous and hence health status was not updated correctly.

  • Metrics cloud report fixes.

  • When one or more database have circular logging enabled, Exchange database standalone backup job may fail.

  • 3PAR IntelliSnap operation may fail in UNIX hosts with the following error - "Failed to get array info. Please enter array info from Array Management. : [3PAR-TP_prepareDevices[Local]: The device /dev/sdg does not belong to 3PAR array. Vendor of the device is - and product line"

  • Virtual server snap backup copy may fail with error "Unknown VMInfo Error".

  • WebConsole users may not receive search results.

  • HyperScale appliance install may fail during Commserve install.

    Hyperscale install after commserve initialization may fail due to low memory.

  • application aware workflow job might encounter error when updating the status when the client has large number of Instances associated

  • Backup of vCloud 9.1 virtual machines may fail.

  • Virtual machines after a synthetic full backup may show incorrect status with zero KB backup size

  • Unattended installation of Linux clients may not honor the "overrideClientInfo" option.

  • Some Clients/MediaAgents do not show up in "Client Computers" selection list on throttling setup tab.

  • Jobs might fail with : "Received a PL_FS_SIGNATURE when none was expected

  • DDB may hang when the MediaAgent services are stopped.

  • Restore VM is connecting to standard switch if the network name is same as the intended standard switch

  • Amazon RDS restore job may be marked as failed even though the restore from snapshot is successful.

  • O365 user based licenses may count users multiple times

    download fails for 7gb ISO file.

    Browse shows the users that has no OneDrive files. This is confusing

  • Google Drive discovery may not discover any users.

  • HS1300 and HS3300 install may fail.

    Possible memory leak in CVMountd in case of HyperScale.

    Appliance type registry key may not be set properly.

  • Content-indexing may show duplicate items when backing up file shares.

  • Few objects may be missed from IBM i backup

    Backup job of Library file system may fail when a library gets deleted during scan.

    CVD process may stop intermittently on IBM i client

  • Error message "XML error: Please refer to logs for more details" may be reported when trying to view backupset/subclient details in Commcell console.

  • Informix backup of a V9 client may fail with V11 CS setup.

  • Loading of client properties in Commcell console may show an XML error popup.

  • DDB stores may get marked corrupted after move

  • Creation of OCUM storage policy using GDSP may not associate the mediaagent and library to the snap copy..

  • SAP HANA snap backup on Azure client may fail.

  • When copying contents from one Subclient Properties description to another the very last letter in the line is removed and a blank line above the sentence is inserted.

  • Full VM snap restores not restoring vm to vm folder

  • VSA backup may fail with error "Error in creating VM clients or subclients"

  • CVC recover will restrict the operations only to the installed client.

  • Ability to hide location information from user preferences page in web console.

  • Storage spaces live browse may fail.

  • NetApp Snap operation may fail due to secondary snapshot names starting with "snapmirrorPreSE.~" or "snapmirrorSE.~", being recorded in the Commvault DB during open replication.

  • The TempDB may become large.

  • SAP user cannot open an archived attachment.

  • Simple recovery model SharePoint database may be skipped during differential backup.

  • Webserver cache may be filled up during IMAP sync

  • Hyper scale /var may be full with lot of dump files.

  • VMware Backup Failed using TrueUp: Could not read data from the virtual disk

  • Extended properties may not load and save properly for clients when display name is different from client name.

  • NDMP backup pre/post scripts may fail.

  • Get Job REST API may fail when category is passed as Active or Finished.

  • Block level backup may go to pending state if there is no content to backup.

  • Metrics reports may not show the latest information when FIPS is enabled on the web server.

  • CIFS shares mounted on Linux hosts may not be unmountable untill commvault services are stopped

  • Large filesystem restore may hang.

  • Export job from review set may fail when data in review set is restored using legal hold.

  • Export job from review set may fail when data in review set is restored using legal hold.

  • High CPU usage during a SharePoint backup may be observed.

  • Command center may not load in IE.

  • Exchange live browse restore to PST may fail

  • SQL cluster clients may not be listed for restore of SharePoint database.

  • ClBackup could crash on Unix

  • SharePoint 2016 Database backup may fails with error "Strong name validation failed".

  • Out of place full virtual machine restore may use incorrect vCenter.

  • Unix install may fail on machines with zero-byte "dd" utility

    On Fedora15 commvault services may not start after upgrade

  • Email download may fail

  • Disabled mailboxes may consume Exchange Mailbox license.

  • Windows File System compare for restore of System State may not show service pack level of the source machine.

  • Writing data to NFS object store may fail with no space error.

    Reboot of NFS object store server may be delayed when CIFS access to NFS object store is enabled.

  • Attachments may not appear in Outlook content store.

    Digitally signed email preview is not available

  • PII entity may not be detected in a document if there are multiple occurrences of the same.

  • Live sync replication job may not trigger when copy precedence is specified.

  • Google Mail Compliance Search download may not work

  • Outlook content store may not show original attachments when the sync is in progress.

  • Log lines indicating data loss errors were logged in ArchiveIndex.log when infact there is no data loss.

  • Machine may fail to boot after 1-touch restore.

    1-touch restores of an MA configured with a locally attached PNP drive may result in the PNP drive losing its drive letter.

  • Full VM restore to Azure may fail with invalid argument error.

    Backup may fail for Azure VMs that have multiple disks that are 4TB or larger.

  • Subclient properties may show properties for a different subclient.

  • Key to disable synthetic full job without a new incremental backup job running

  • Index restore could fail on Linux MediaAgent

  • echo command with -e option on Script create problem

  • Ability to show original attachments in IMAP client.

  • Incremental jobs may be converted to full after a secondary copy is promoted to primary if there are incremental jobs with no backed up data in the latest cycle.

  • Web console may load slow.

  • Nutanix AHV Job fails with an error ''Failed to refresh service provider".

  • Files on the NFS share are accessible to everyone.

  • Upgrade of Commserve to SP16 fails with database error 'Cannot connect now. Validation of Commserv database is not complete.'

  • Command line service on Commserve may may terminate unexpectedly.

  • Network configuration support needed for IPMI link

  • Cleanup MMDeletedAF for removable media.

  • Upload and download is slow in SAP migration.

  • Print MA name at higher debug level in logs for prune response handling.

  • Installer doesn't show dialogs during CS instance installation on standby node. So SQL binaries, index cache and DR will be set to default directories.

  • Index Cache path
  • SQL installation path
  • DB installation path
  • DR path

  • Restore to PST using Alias was not supported for 9.0 data format

  • SQL Server hosting the Commserv database may lock out sqladmin_cv during a hardware refresh of the Commserve.

  • Index Playback may fail.

  • Recalls will fail if EA stream exists in the archived file for cmode netapp filers.

  • Linux 1-Touch backup may change the permission of syslib during backup.

  • Customer can choose to view only active mailboxes or all mailboxes (active/disabled)

  • SMTPGateway server stops to received mails after some time, no errors reported to the mail-sender.

  • CS VM initialization fails if Database drive is initialized with different drive letter apart from G:

  • NetApp NDMP snap job fails when trying multi snap creation on file server.

  • Snap Backup Fails for VMware when storage center is switched for live volume

  • Options tab of SQL restore dialog is shown as empty when user is on VPN connection.

  • Dedupe pruning on Network disk storage can run into errno 22 (EINVAL) when additional setting DedupPrunerThreadPoolSizeDisk is changed.

    Enhancement to decide on dedupe pruning threads based on number of processor cores.

  • Content store outlook addin may not show encrypted or digitally signed email attachments correctly.

  • Osc checks fails with error=6 when launching sqlplus process on some Windows setups with Oracle Instance OS User value "/".

  • Service pack install may fail.

  • Greenplum Crossinstance restore sometimes fail

  • SQL transaction log backups may be converted to full.

  • CommServe Live Sync may not sync all the databases.

  • Health Report: Version and service pack tile may show as critical even after installing the latest hot fix pack.

  • Mailboxes which are deleted from Exchange may not be allowed to modify retention policy.

  • VMware VSA Linux VM restores may fail to boot due to the disks having the wrong boot order in BIOS

  • Upgrade may fail because of duplicate client group creator.

  • Passing client name other than local clientname in cvc was permitted for a localadmin user.

  • Auxcopy of jobs imported via tape catalog may fail.

  • CCM Merge may fail due to missing device path in library mapping.

  • MediaRefresh would say no media to refresh.

  • Wrong retention values set by default for certain GDSPs

  • Client version string may not be updated after hotfixes are push installed on clients

  • Admin console is not working for restore screen though logged-in user has access over the client.

  • IntelliSnap- VPLEX - Ability to create snap on specified backend array during VPLEX local migratio

  • Clones are being left over on INFINIDAT after VSA Multi-Node Mount Backup Copy job - "Update VolSnapInfo failed".

  • Snap mount using CV Nimble engine fails for Nimble ICP engine created snaps as v10 clients do not have access to management IP provided as ArrayName

  • When resync of deduplication engine fails due to transient errors that correct after several hours, manual intervention may still be required to get restart the resync.

    Some messages in CloudActivity*.log may not contain Commvault jobid.

    Enhancement to disable monthly validation of deduplication engines footprint.

    Enhancement to perform deduplication engine footprint validation aggressively when required.

    Offline MediaAgents may stall Resync of deduplication engines on online MediaAgents.

  • Media manager may take lot of time to resync media agents.

  • Currently we only keep one debug log by default. The customer (Epic) wants to control how long to keep debug logs by default.

  • Failback support for VSA V2 VVOL Direct Replication

  • AppGetDistributedAppsClients taking long time to finish and consuming huge IO and CPU.

  • When deduplication database is hosted on a slow disk volume, SIDB2.exe on the MediaAgent may not go down when services are stopped.

  • Enhancement: Adding option to show Oracle Archive and DB jobs separately in the report "Backup Job Status by Agent".

  • Support for time range based backup for exchange online backups using EWS.

  • AWS S3 Cloud library may fail to connect using IAM role on EC2 MediaAgent.

  • the counting for ContentStore & Journal Mailboxes is not accurate Cluster Group is not counted to FS only license.

  • Allow non root users to login using -localadmin

  • The auxcopies are failing after the destination volume for a relationship is renamed on the filer.

  • VSA find may not return results.

  • Optimized and CJ scan may skip file during scan without reporting if they encounter corrupt file error

  • VMWare AppAware Snap - Perform application restore by Reverting VSS Snaps on Mounted VM

  • For block level backups application read size from subclient properties is not honored properly

  • Metrics Report may not showing latest data for the commcell

  • MySql backup was holding other transactions on the database.

  • OpenStack : Content browse and backups may not work in multi-region environment.

  • Mark TrueUp complete for FULL job. Pending Data Aging causes discrepancy in Data Utilization Report

  • Support Cloud and Tape Library Growth.

    Metrics query 129 was failing with ArgumentNullException: at System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(String id) at UserDefinedFunctions.IsInvalidTime(DateTime time, String timeZoneName) .

  • Oracle 12cR2 CDB clone fails with datafiles incarnation invalid errors.

  • Reduce logging in media manager.

  • If a table contains column(s) with spaces in their name, archiving that SQL Table fails with exception in pruning phase.

  • Vmware restore using hardware snapshot revert job failed but VM got restored

  • The analytics report for NAS CIFS shares does not contain information on filtered items.

  • Pruning may fail on dedupe stores on which defragmentation was run.

  • machine might crash with CVVD driver stack while doing live browse & restore operation

  • Erroneous "No recent DDB backup" alert may be sent for DDB subclients that are completing backups successfully.

  • CommServe event manager process may terminate unexpectedly when an AD user tries to login using Two-factor authentication.

  • Contents on mount path may show jobs with backup time listed as 12/31/1969.

  • Push installation of client names with Unicode characters may fail.

  • Change datapath fails with foreign key constraint error

  • IPMI network setup is done manually.

  • Enhancement: Add MediaAgent name(s) to report.

    Enhancement: Add StoreId to report

  • Action links are not working in internet explorer.

  • New Registry to skip mountpoint from 1-Touch backup.

  • Fix for files missing during cloud archive recall

  • Stubbing of files may be skipped if only FS advanced package is installed.

  • Discovered ASM instances are added to schedule policies and causing issues.

  • CvMountD service on Mediaagent may crash during AWS snapshot copy job.

  • Identity Server addition may fail when the AD account used for authentication contains a "$" symbol in the password.

  • Database backups may fail if client is at an older service pack version

  • In Commvault IntelliSnap for NetApp OEM, the MSSQL agent CvFailoverLogShipping subclient IntelliSnap option incorrectly gets enabled.

  • Wrong load is calculated based on old data

  • VSA SAN mode backup copy may fail when using a Tegile array.

  • Customer requires report that show data written for all SP copies on all libraries

  • Pruning can happen during Operation Window

  • If the customer selected particular region which has the VM and blocked the access for other region then power operations are not honored.

  • Leaves files in inconsistent state with attributes flags offline, sparse. Can also result in data loss.

  • Content Indexing V2 job may show incorrect Index Server.

  • Compilation break of SnapTestConf

  • When commcell migration happens restore schedules for SQL might not run.

  • Allow non root users to login using -localadmin

  • instance level restore failing with stage free option without specifying MA

    When a complete node is selected for restore, sstableloader is not run on controller.

  • Hide input in company overview dashboard report

  • SFILE_CONTAINERs may be read in full when restoring from a hybrid cloud library.

  • IBM i disaster recovery is failing

    Ownership of Commvault library and data directory is set to wrong user profile when package is installed manually.

  • Jobs marked bad incorrectly on DV2 when referenced chunk is in use.

  • Synthetic full job may take a long time to complete when data sets are large and many incremental jobs are involved.

  • CVD service may not start on windows 7 32-bit machine

  • Jobs on spool copy may not age after aux copy or backup copy operation

  • When user clicks on "Admin" when looking at job details we get the message "User does not have permission on this entity" instead of navigating to that particular CommCell user.

  • Fail to delete specific user group.

  • Pseudo client shows as Windows client

  • Oracle backup jobs with client Side Deduplication using cache database may fail.

  • Linux 1-touch : retain permission of certain files while copying into system state

  • Diag-VSA performance counters enhancement

  • Analytics report will only show one file after the job is complete.

  • Oracle VM VSA backups fail for VMs using old disk format hd

  • Analysis Services instances may be configured part of appaware backup.

  • App Aware Restore from VMWare Snap - We could not validate Mount MA is a VM if Serial number does not contain word VMware

  • Xen - backup failing when getting the disk list for Citrix Xen mobile server

  • Linux 1-Touch restore may fail to map disks correctly for SLES 12.x machines with multi path disks

    Linux 1-Touch detection of response file from USB may fail.

  • AWS Conversion failure

  • Oracle PDB clone customized script jobs fails.

  • Storage policy info report may fail with arithmetic overflow error when jobs that created invalid archive files due to failed attempts are aged.

  • Customer cannot view aged jobs on secondary disk copies.

  • User may not be able to enable deferred catalog on a storage policy.

  • Agent management right check is not enforced for sub-client content operations

  • After migration the library controller is not marked active properly.

  • Script to remove stale size entries from VM property table

  • New report to show the relationship between Storage Policy Copies and Disk Libraries.

  • Backup library pruning may be slow.

  • Any client can connect to ActiveMQ and read/write messages.

  • Full database backups are marking databases as SIMPLE recovery model but then on TLog backup we are marking it correct

  • Hyper Scale appliance configuration install may not be restart able.

  • Solaris zpool snap backup may fail to find devices if disk controller number is greater than 9.

  • Subclient policies properties screen may load very slow

  • IntelliSnap backup job using IBM SVC engine fails to create snap due to VSS timeout while consistency group configuration is enabled.

  • Cassandra stage free recover bug fixes

  • New private Metrics Report for customer to gather all client and subclient properties.

  • SQL restore schedule may not save the "Drop Connections" option.

  • NDMP Intellisnap mount from secondary snapshot may fail if the array host name doesn't resolve to its management interface.

  • Hyper-V SMB backup on a Nutanix file server fails with error VSS_E_UNSUPPORTED_CONTEXT

  • Enhancement: Operation column on admin job details report will have "workflow name -Workflow" for workflow job.

  • Browse from VM client level is not working for VMs which are stopped getting backup

  • PST Archiving job may fail

  • Content indexing pruning may fail.

  • Qscript to change media type.

  • File Level browse of virtual machine in Command center may not work.

  • Unable to remove OCUM Array Management entry as there few storage policies referring it.

  • Commserve LiveSync setup may fail.

  • On Server Plan Details user would not be able to disable backup copy for snapshot options.

  • Browse for content might fail with unclear log messages.

  • Linux 1-Touch restore may fail to install Grub2 bootloader when used with multipath disks and /boot on XFS partition.

    Linux 1-Touch restore may fail to install bootloader for UEFI machines.

  • Backup Date is not set for files with extended characters in their names.

  • Edge Monitor enhancement to clarify the difference between authorization code for installs and pin for two-factor authentication.

  • DDB Reconstruction after compaction of secondary files may fail.

  • Admin Console VM Group Information Graphs page may not display correctly in Polish language.

  • Script to mark archive files as invalid for specific VM

  • Need to obtain information about the stubs which has no PL_DATA

  • Early finalize snapshot for VSA aware exchange database backup

  • When copying contents from one Subclient Properties description to another the very last letter in the line is removed and a blank line above the sentence is inserted.

  • In case of optimized scan if DC fails to process a path, there can be duplicate entries in collect file for mount paths under that path

    DC failure due to population time more than 20 minutes was making the job to fail rather than falling back to other scan. It was also forcing them to take recursive scan path in next run

    DC was falling back to CJ only after 1 retry of 2 mins

  • HyperScale installation may hang when hosted engine deployment on remote node fails

    Cvavahi still accepts bonding mode argument for set_blkid command

  • IPMI network needs to be initialized manually.

  • Restore will fail in firewall configurations

  • /var may fill up and services on Hyperscale appliance may not start.

  • Restore Job may take longer to be listed in Job controller.

  • adding the OCR language selection support via registry key.

  • Sybase backup is failing for a large DB

  • Support for Cross CommCell Restores for SAP HANA

  • Auxcopy of jobs imported via tape catalog may fail.

  • HyperScale imaging fails with RHEL 7.6 based ISO.

  • HS1300 configuration fails on SP15.

  • Recall fails because file is not marked offline.

    Archiving job fail to backup stubs who lost sparse attribute.

    Shows size on disk, for files who lost sparse attribute, same as actual file size.

    Re-stub of recalled files fails

    Files shown as offline incorrectly.

  • PST Archiving job may fail

  • Java GUI do not show CS client.

  • Discovered ASM instances are added to schedule policies and causing issues.

  • Linux 1-Touch: Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16+ fail to boot with the single stage generated DVD.

    Linux 1-Touch: Restore of Red Hat 5.x with ext4 partitions fails

  • Nutanix AHV : Full VM restore might fail for certain disk sizes

  • Jobmanager scale fixes for VSA V2 jobs.(Add on changes in SP16 for Linux CS)

  • Commcell Vault Tracker Tracking report: There is a duplicate options in "Order by" drop down menu.

  • Enhancement to allow multiple FREL proxy clients to be used for IP customization during LiveSync.

    LiveSync jobs may not complete with errors when IP customization requests fail.

  • The Protected status indicators in the Web Console's various My Data client lists incorrectly show up as red (not protected) in some cases.

  • When installing standby node in livesync environment, Install may fail since there won't be media for the deprecated packages.

    Installing standby node in LiveSync environment may fail if the active CS has SQL server ida installed.

  • Data Restored used the command line job on some of the nodes.

  • Multiple reconstruction jobs per store may not create recon history correctly.

  • 1-touch client recovery via a firewall may fail.

  • [Enhancement] Supporting Email Preview with Original Attachment format support

    Duplicate items may show up in the folder, if the ContentStore Email Viewer is in Lite Mode. ContentStore Email viewer may cause Outlook to hang

    ContentStore: User unable to get authenticated when HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlLsaFIPSAlgorithmPolicyEnabled is set to 1

  • Click on protected vms on company details page redirects to initial landingpage

  • Report schedules are failing in load balanced configuration.

  • List of clones created via JAVA console (or clones created before SP14) were not listed in new admin console.

  • Restored emails which are restored from both Compliance Search (msg) and Outlook (xml with new feature) may have incorrect format

  • 1 touch restore with network configuration may fail

  • Data aging job may complete with errors .

  • [Enhancement] Supporting Email Preview with Original Attachment format support

  • Mongo DB backup job may incorrectly commit a job.

  • Exchange online backup job may not complete

  • Some columns of the web job summary report details table are not giving the correct data.

  • Third party migration workflow may not fail on errors.

  • GlusterFS backup may fail

  • GPFS Backup may fail when GPFS snapshot is enabled

  • Push install job may fail at the client group level.

  • Edge Monitor app shortcut may be created by default even though the option was deselected in install.

  • Remove insecure SSH ciphers reported in Nessus scan.

  • Enhancement: New workflow to be able to Create SQL AG clients without logging on through the JAVA GUI.

  • Xen - Backup should fail immediately if there are failures in getting the disk list

  • Unable to create plan in AdminConsol

  • Execute activities against clients that have been migrated to that commcell may fail

  • Enhancement: Adding "Mount Path Accessible" Column to Disk Library Utilization report.

  • Linux 1-Touch backup might fail if lvm commands report non-persistent device mapper names rather than persistent device mapper names

  • Time Line graphs in Monthly Backup Job Details report are missing when saving as pdf.

  • Admin console users may not see the restore option in the details page.

  • Script to enable collect file details on VSA subclient

  • VSA content rule may automatically change from "Contains" to "Does Not Equal"

  • VSA backups may not honor VMware tags.

  • Backup speeds are slow for Huawei cinder backend volumes.

  • When restoring VMs created from images, glance images might not be deleted when using ceph backend.

  • Support for shared VPC in Google cloud in-place restores.

  • SAML Single Sign with user name may not work.

    Ability to enforce SAML based authentication in Admin console.

  • Exchange Mailbox job may fail when only Archive mailboxes are configured to be backed up.

  • Update to fix commcell GUI not display consistent compression information.

  • Jobmanager scale fixes for VSA V2 jobs.

  • Remove MMDisablePrune registry key

  • CSV based metrics collection reports error "Failed to launch sql command for metrics query "

  • Script to mark archive files as invalid for specific VM

  • restore not working properly

    LNDM restores/recall failing for some emails

  • Cassandra stage free restore - GUI changes

  • in VSA backup environment SAN mode backup would fail since mapping to MA not selecting user defined target group.

  • No total count info for exchange browse.

    No email is selected after a folder is selected which caused no preview was shown on the right panel.

    No message is shown to indicate how many items are selected.

  • VSA backups may run with only one stream when storage policy is set to use preferred data path.

  • Empty error in logs when CCM import fails with longer error string

  • All reports for File Analysis and SDG app will not work based on client and client groups.

  • Exchange Mailbox browse may not show all items when the index server is not at the same level as the web server.

  • Unable to change storage policy of Oracle instances when client is not reachable.

  • EvMgrS logs are filled with SQL errors during Oracle RAC readiness check

  • Remote install as non-root of Unix agent from the Commcell console may fail.

  • Fujitsu VTL may incorrectly set the tape for scratch when it is mounted for restore.

  • VMs status may be reported as "In Progress" when not yet replicating.

  • index server engine disk may get filled up with temporary files.

  • Cloud library pruning may be slow.

  • Commserve Failover packages fail to install on Standby server

  • Exchange Mailbox browse may not show the latest emails.

  • SAP HANA/Oracle Azure Snap backups may fail when http_proxy setting is enabled

  • Linux 1-Touch recreation of partitions may fail causing recovery to fail.

  • OCI - full vm restore unconditional Overwrite option changes

    OCI new architecture changes for network/subnet

  • Support delete of new agent mails from compliance search interface

  • Log files on content extractor package may not roll over.

  • Laptop registration may not be successful

  • Windows file system client backups may report a large amounts of failed files.

  • IBM i restore job may not complete

  • OpenShift restore may fail

  • Exchange Cleanup jobs may fail

  • Due to case sensitivity, table restore fails on invalid column name error.

  • /var may fill up and services on Hyperscale appliance may not start

  • Backup activity for subclient [IndexBackup] is disabled. The job will not run.

  • we can't associate subclient policy to backupset based on regex expression

  • Admin console live sync monitor may not show sync status accurately.

  • Failed to upload configuration files in case of unix proxy.

  • "Clients by Index MA" shows all Index MAs to the user for selection, when only a subset of them should be displayed that the user actually has rights to see.

  • GRC job may skip index backup jobs migration.

  • Tools needed enhancement

  • Index Playback may fail

  • Commserve service may crash when a NAS client is created from the command line.

  • QScript to update mount status update expiry interval for a snap engine.

  • Deduplication Reconstruction job may fail during validation phase due to errors in add record phase.

  • Permanent QScript to move media from one stream to another stream.

  • VSA find may not return results.

  • Isilon NAS NDMP Backup may be unsuccessful in deleting the BRE context.

  • Adding single VM client to Commcell causes 10 minute disruption to Commcell, logins not possible, if number of SCG is large. Currently SQL queries do the SCG refresh, which may take lot of time when the number of SCG is too large or has several rules.

  • Synthfull process may be terminated abnormally.

  • Windows block level backups may fail on restart

  • For 'Clients by Role' Automatic Client Group property shows all roles configured in the database, it should only show roles associated with the logged in user.

  • Installing Hot Fixes on an Automatic Client Group may include the Commserver physical client nodes in error since these clients are NOT displayed in the client list tab.

  • Subsequent qlogin without qlogout may fail in case of db password is saved in script.

  • DcIfind make take way too long to scan a volume

  • AuxCopyMgr jobs might appear sluggish or stuck.

  • Running Job Summary query may fail if subclient name with a length larger than 100

  • When commcell migration happens restore schedules for SQL might not run.

  • Additional indexing configurations for search engine.

  • peak capacity usage in December and January is not shown correctly in cloud

  • Scheduled backup job summary report may not be formatted correctly on mobile devices.

    Metrics Health alert email notification may show duplicate data.

  • Backup library may show more space consumed than the size of the deduplication store.

  • Cannot change subclient content for OneDrive

  • Folder Size may be incorrect

  • Duplicate replica ID on Domino NSF exports.

  • Sometimes EvMgrs crashes while getting Live Logs directory.

  • IBMi DR job may fail with timeout error

  • Restores from compliance search may fail.

  • SAP Archive Link agent recall may fail when the file name contains Unicode characters.

  • Backup of GPFS file system may not backup files with special characters in the file name.

  • SIDB engine may not be able to start.

  • Oracle ArchiveLog backup may fail for auto discovered instances.

  • Enhancement to support restart-ability of DDB Reconstruction jobs.

  • DDB may not shut down properly when services are shut down

  • Mailbox archive solution license usage may be reported incorrectly.

  • Restore and auxcopy of data from cloud library may be slow.

    Recall archived objects may fail for AWS S3, Azure Archive and Oracle Archive.

  • Time based restore from Command Center may not recover all files.

  • Tenant admins are not able to manage datastore freespace setting for a VM group in Admin Console

  • Volumes/Drives on Dynamic disks not showing when browsing multiple jobs for the same vm or cloned VMs simultaneously.

  • Volume size for tape media may not be updated correctly during backup.

  • Intellisnap of Oracle Logical standby database may not start log replay automatically.

  • VMWare File Level Restore may fail.

  • From admin console, I have set filters under exception and exclude tab for analytic server. But when I am trying to clear the filter , they are not getting removed from the page. When I reopen the content, I am seeing the filters again.

  • Push install job may fail at the client group level.

  • Mountpaths disabled for writes

  • Backup may fail

  • Case manager jobs may be slow for a large data set.

    Case manager date filter not capturing data till end of day i.e 11:59:59 pm

  • Media Agent may prematurely marked the volumes as deleted upon volume access error.

  • Cleanup Dangling Library

  • Enhancement for Daily Backup Executive Summary report.

  • Hotfix pack with two digits may not be installed on the CommServe.

  • Script to delete duplicate subclient

  • Linux 1-Touch : Disks listed in /tmp/override_removable should be treated as regular disks

  • Data Verification job fails at the beginning of "Verify Data" to populate large number of chunks.

  • 1-Touch and Command Line jobs are not included in the online documentation.

  • Scale statistics in cloud reports commserve database tables are bloated.

  • Xen backup may crash while Unmounting the VM

  • SharePoint restore of pages with "modern experience" option enabled may cause the SitePages to be unusable.

    SharePoint restore job of large library with versioned files may not restore all documents.

  • Cloud delay request tracking should show summary and success rate.

  • Support in Clone Client Dataset for VSA specific subclients

  • Tenant user not able to login

  • Restore job cant restore older data file version for stub for more than one path. View all versions restore supports only one file path restore.

  • Saleforce backups may fail for custom objects with a large number of columns.

  • VM's moved between data stores and backed up by another subclient show as failures in reports and job history.

    Browse may show virtual machines that were decommissioned and no longer in production.

  • Ability to discover file shares and specify them as content to archive.

  • VMware vm may not boot up after restore.

  • gmail backup not terminating on connection error

    Cvopenbackup service crashing when services shut down

    Gmail backups may fail due to data specific issues

  • Index Server Directory Move Workflow fails to move index directory.

  • CVD may crash when syncing remote cache

  • Script to delete duplicate subclient

  • Citrix Xen VSA - Backup not counting CPU Sockets for licensing.

  • SLA Report may show incorrect results.

  • Bonded interfaces may not be created automatically in HyperScale appliance.

    Setup fails to redirect to peer node due to gateway connectivity issues

  • HyperV snapbackup with granular metadata collection may report failed VMs as successful

  • MySql database restore to auxiliary db may fail.

  • Random failures to recall files over NFS

  • HyperScale imaging support for HP DL360.

  • Job controller auto update may not work post failover

  • Backups are successful but there are some exception captured by extended events monitoring tool.

  • ArchChunkToReplicate table might have data stuck from very old auxCopy jobs and won't be deleted as part of data aging.

  • Media Refresh process slows when they have keep replacing medias in a small library.

  • Auxcopy fails due to wrong flags set in DB for a given client.

  • We may not be able to view DDB stores after CCM.

  • Server Count is not correct in Company Overview Dashboard

  • Job Manager may be stuck processing selective copies for updating their selection periods.

  • If CS and proxy are not directly reachable, then 7 mode is not choosing the right IP address for connection to filer.

  • Enhancement to collect System CPU type and Index Fragmentation Windows via SQLServerConfigurationXML diagnostic SP

  • Edge drive Permissions not working as expected.

  • Netapp NAS Snap Restore may sometimes fail if restoreACLs is unselected even though data is successfully restored.

  • Script to delete duplicate subclient

  • Archive index phase might fail with error 'File Exists' during remote file cache archiving

  • New script to remove job attempts while keep a certain number of days

  • Restore job may fail on Unix mediaagents with IPV6 only network interface.

  • Exchange user mailbox browse shows duplicate folders.

  • Volume size not updated for tape media during backups.

  • AIX 1-Touch restore may fail to register a new client

    AIX 1-Touch restore may fail with disk full error.

  • After a linux 1-touch restore, /etc/fstab may contain an incorrect device name causing the OS boot to fail.

  • 1-touch recovery during boot may fail.

  • Windows server with CSV volumes may report error "Cluster Shared Volume has identified one or more active filter drivers on this device stack that could interfere with CSV operations. I/O access will be redirected to the storage device over the network through another Cluster node. This may result in degraded performance. Please contact the filter driver vendor to verify interoperability with Cluster Shared Volumes".

  • SharePoint Document restore may fail.

    1. Customer is not able to add/remove clients from client group without agent management permission.
  • Customer does not want to give agent management permission to some users, but these users should be able to add/remove clients from client group

  • VM Backup coverage report is not showing all the vms.

  • Legal hold job may fail.

  • Legal hold job may fail.

  • RHEV backups might record storage domain uuid instead of name in the index causing in place restores to fail

  • PostgreSQL multi stream restores from block level backup fails.

  • Content indexing of synthetic full may be slow.

  • VMe Azure restore may not bring back all folders.

  • CSV with list of dangling stubs gets generated after Synthetic full. This list doesn't differentiate the stubs moved from other subclients. This is needed for debugging in huge customer setups.

  • CCM Migration might fail for UMRoles

  • Auxcopy of jobs imported via tape catalog may fail.

  • Cleanup Dangling Library

  • When a DB file is corrupted, it does not proceed the received message, just returning error. This will pile up the messages in the queue.

We need to keep process the incoming messages even in this case.

  • Force unmount of parent snaps of app aware snap backup fails

  • /var may go to 100% usage on HyperScale.

  • Cisco HX snapshots may not be deleted after a backup copy job completes.

  • Application restore from mirror copy is failing when the job is available on Snap, Mirror and tape copy

  • VSA IntelliSnap backup jobs may hang.

  • CommCell Configuration custom report is not showing correct subclient Deduplication property.

  • Unlicensed clients are not listed as restore destinations for SQL server.

  • VSA-new restore : Multi VM restore causes browse to timeout during index reconstruction

  • Intellisnap HDS unmount operation fails with 'Failed to lock resource group' error even when the retry attempt is set to high value.

  • Unmount not proceeding after hitting the below log "17392 1ddc 01/21 13:04:36 ### TranslateVolumeGuidToDriveLetter() - Translated vol path [\?Volume{e4f9ada1-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}] to [E:]."

Also, it tries to send unmount/cleanup request every 10 minutes and volume is reserved forever in Unmounting state.

  • Adding KMIP KMS may fails if empty certificate passphrase is used

  • Fresh install of CommServe may fail.

  • Email search from Command center may not be consistent.

  • Backups may fail to download VMX files

  • Entity extraction may not detect all Social Security Numbers in a document.

  • Exchange import job enhancement to import selective jobs.

  • DB2 backup copy may fail with file scan errors

  • Setting missing pruner MA automatically for cloud mountpaths.

  • Metrics queries are taking lot of CPU.

  • creation of server plan with additional copy does not create aux copy schedule

  • Backup copy jobs may fail with XML parsing errors.

  • Web Console: Fix the issue with changing password of expired password upon login

  • Incorrect entities are detected and reported in Compliance Search.

  • Unable to change storage policy of Oracle instances when client is not reachable.

  • Error in generation "Network Summary" for a client resulting in empty Network Configuration

  • Workflow with a list box input field may fail when executed using WebConsole

  • Tenant admin with create schedule policy rights are unable to view the schedules created by them.

  • Installation on AIX 5.3 32-bit mode may fail during post installation steps.

  • Manually created snapshots may be deleted during Azure backup

  • Hypervisor tile is empty when Red Hat hypervisor is present in the Virtualization Dashboard page

    Negative number may be shown for not protected VMs in the virtualization dashboard.

  • AD users are able to login to web console and admin console, even without associated to any entity.

  • Performance improvements when backing up using HPE StoreOnce server

  • Live browse fix for setting correct commcell Id

  • Extending timeout for Tape Catalog Request

  • Restore fails when root or parent of subclient content is selected for restore

  • HyperScale appliance hosted engine deployment may fail.

  • Unage operation is not getting performed.

  • DRBackup to cloud may fail.

  • VSA backup copy job fails in update index phase if nExtentSize is partially defined across a set of VSA proxy nodes

  • Failure of all hadoop operations when the CCACHE type is changed for hadoop.

    When Kerberos auth is enabled, backup phase fails after failing to read files

  • Backup job of Library file system fails when a library gets deleted during scan.

  • VMware to AWS restore using import method may fail.

  • Remote cache sync operation might fail when multiple update packs are available in CS cache

  • User interface of Company Details page is misaligned.

  • EvMgrS could crash if two sessions with the same session ID are attempted to be processed on CommServe.

  • IP address of network interface won't update.

  • Browse and restore on a job after changing copy precedence may not show backed up data

  • Show configured Log storage policy for Archive log subclient in comcell GUI.

  • Storage Resource Summary Report showing incorrect capacity when compared to commcell console GUI.

  • Reports exported in a non English webconsole setup might cause the tables in the report to be not rendered correctly.

  • Its hard to identify interface names by network type.

  • Archive index phase of a backup job may fail repeatedly.

  • Live sync schedule of VMware VSA may show duplicate VM's

  • LiveSync Direct by default uses thick provisioning for VM disks.

  • Backup of VMs residing on NFS data store may create many snapshots unnecessarily.

  • SharePoint restore may fail with message "There was nothing to restore".

  • Unable to add user group to company via ADminconsole.

    New AD user will not able to login to CS

  • Commcell migration may error out during migration if duplicate indexserver entries are present for a backupset in CommServe DB.

  • On replication monitor summary page, only the replication clients that user has access to will be counted.

  • Admin console shows replace brick issue after the brick is successfully replaced

  • Adding external usergroups might fail for openldap

  • Immediate notifications might repeat after 5 days for no backup for last n days criteria, pending jobs criteria

  • Copy software may not overwrite the hot fix pack.

    Interactive installation of hot fix pack may not show the correct hot fix information on the client.

  • mSim License is not enforced

  • Tapes may not get imported automatically.

  • Recall of file system stubs may be slow.

  • Virtual machine conversion from VMware to Hyper-V may fail.

  • Nutanix AHV large VM incremental backups may fail.

  • Backup/auxcopy may fail on Unix mediaagent with socket errors.

  • Domino API failing on few setups

  • Edge drive upload take 9 seconds.

  • Total Items processed will be applicable for Content Indexing jobs only. For all other job types, setting Total Items processed should be empty in job controller.

  • Support CommCell option "Skip weekend when SLA days is less than 7 days".

  • FSA Intellisnap jobs configured with V1 indexing fail to download metadata in the catalog phase.

  • OCI: changes to show networks, subnets from all compartments

    OCI: some compartments are not getting listed in the UI.

  • In exchange archive, cleanup and journal policy when we specify message class exclusion value as say "Contacts" only IPM.Contact gets excluded. Messages classes IPM.Contact.QuickContacts, IPM.Contact.SpeedContacts etc dont get excluded.

  • Not able to login as Two Factor Authentication is failing.

  • Discover process crashes.

  • schedule list fails to load when run time is set to a very later time like 2039

  • During CCM remove valid AF entries from DeletedAF tracking tables.

  • Factory reset SP14 onwards will fail with compilation error

  • Commcell Console crashes on user login when Two Factor Authentication is enabled.

  • Optimized the Health tile logic for database index fragmentation. Factored Last Re-index time and included it part of the display

  • Optimized PST restore is off by default.

  • Script to add corrupt chunks to be marked bad in dedup engine.

  • VSA restore may not restore all extents

  • VSA VM filters by "Tags" is may not work from a linux proxy.

  • Enhancement to improve AuxCopy performance on HyperScale.

  • System workflows are not getting deployed

  • Workflow to get older DB as input, upgrade it, perform CCM capture and merge the CCM dumps on to the destination commserve.

  • Backup job may get killed in Archive Index phase

  • Subclients has indefinite retention.

  • PDF file preview may not work for certain documents.

    Preview of files larger than 10 MB will show "This items is too large. Please download" in compliance search.

  • Cloud Apps backup jobs are in "Waiting" state without any delay reason.

  • Support for auxcopy on HP Store Once library

  • Live sync UI is showing source instance proxies when editing live sync schedule

    Validate destination VM value is set as selected when editing live sync schedule even if option was not unchecked when schedule was created

  • Edge Monitor icon may show incorrect icon and status

  • Application size may be higher than actual backup content if Data Classification cannot process a path, and there are mount paths under it

  • Ability to exclude search of specific mailboxes from compliance search

  • Web console Job Summary report does not show list of Media Agents.

  • Macbook/Finder may trigger excessive stub recalls.

  • Discrepancy of strike counts between Health report and Strike Details.

    Heath Report is not showing 2-strike and 1-strike icons.

    Metrics Dashboard is showing incorrect number of servers and laptops.

  • Optimize DDB pruning by batching the requests.

  • Backup Copy Jobs are still shown in Job Summary report even if the option 'Include Backup Copy/Catalog Snapshot Jobs' is not selected.

  • Unable to add inventory in Governance App for users using the Dutch locale.

    Database data collection job may not collect any data.

  • Alibaba Cloud RDS instance properties may not be saved correctly.

  • Support generate original attachment data during CI and preview

  • Backup Jobs running with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst as destination, may fail with error "{CHPStoreOnceFile::FlushData(2216)/MM.81021}" indicating a potential intermittent network disconnection.

  • Installer doesn't set the current machine's locale id in request messages in V11 to localize and display messages.

  • Partition tables backed up in MySql 5.6 were not recoverable.

  • Restore from HPE StoreOnce may fail with error "Data Integrity validation failed for the data read from media".

  • Compliance search may not show preview of journal emails.

  • VM conversion in AWS may time out.

  • it failed to get item path even item is not deleted or list deleted

  • All RDS instances may not be listed when performing database instance discovery for Ali Cloud.

  • CVD service may terminate intermittently.

  • Appliance 600: Disk Configuration fails with the new NetApp Web Services proxy and SANtricity Software.

  • Jobs with Multiple retry custom report is showing duplicate jobid

  • Snap backup or backup copy might use a different Media Agent for downloading index than the one used during backup, causing unnecessary slowness.

  • SMB shares recall won't work via finder

  • QScript to set extended retention on jobs of provided media list.

  • Script to correct the totalBackupSize of snap jobs as charge back report gives incorrect application size.

  • During system state restore, when user opts for OS service pack comparison then instead of showing the uncommon updates we show even the common updates between the source and destination client.

  • Restores may fail due to mount path lookup failures

  • Ability to set the number of restores that is allowed for an end user via a business workflow.

  • Index backups are skipped for selective copies currently.

  • Unable to view copies for a given storagepolicy

  • Snapshot deletion is failing with arithmetic overflow error.

  • Script to cleanup Edge Drive archive files that are pending cleanup from index

  • Once a Nimble session expires, the Nimble session refresh attempt fails as username and password are empty.

  • Update to fix sorting discrepancy within the CommCell Console "Number of Readers in use" column.

  • Reference Copy job should skip System State files

  • Virtual server backup might fail during archive index phase if the virtualization client itself is a VM

  • Data Verification job with "Verification of Deduplication Database" or "Verification of Existing Jobs on Disk and Deduplication Database" may fail due to space outage.

  • Framework changes to support HPE StoreOnce library on Solaris, AIX, HPUX MediaAgents

  • Performance enhancement for healing of stale gluster files.

  • N/A

  • Index restore could fail on Linux MediaAgent

  • Data Verification job with "Verification of Deduplication Database" or "Verification of Existing Jobs on Disk and Deduplication Database" on scale out storage policy copies may cause space outage.

    Data Verification job with "Space Reclamation" option selected may run longer.

  • MySQL full backups may fail when binary logs are missing.

    MySQL restore job may fail during server restart.

    mysqldump of MySQL table with large data may fail with high memory usage.

  • Save required encryption info except private key on media when "No Access" is selected.

  • Database Upgrade should skip DBCC CHECKDB during main upgrade.

  • Commcell console is getting disconnected frequently.

  • Certain failure reasons might not be set in alert

  • Customer requires Oracle, Oracle Rac Databases to included in report.

  • Webserver installation may fail.

  • Unable to to set the number of data reader streams on a PostgreSQL subclient using CLI

  • The existing volume rename script updated the SMReplicaEntities table if the entity ID exists. In some cases it updated the wrong volume

  • File System Quota report does not give any data.

  • Oracle CDB restore may fail.

    Oracle Command line backup may hang

  • Informix backups may fail on Solaris platform.

  • Fix dynamic content of VSA subclient

  • Snap backup may fail during Archive Index phase with error "Valid Afile is not found in generated logs".

  • Appaware Backup job is not working for vVol snap backup

  • System State snapshot may not get cleaned up after backup

  • Continuous Schedule for Sybase Transaction Log Backups do not run when Full jobs are running on the same subclient

  • Search from compliance interface may fail.

  • VM auto fail over may not work.

  • Tintri snap backup may not cleanup the software snap created during the backup

  • Even after applying the reg key bRemoveProtectedObjectsLimit backup job summary report not showing more than 1000 protected objects.

  • PostgreSQL Database Restore from BlockLevel backup fails if server startup takes more than 15 minutes

  • Enhancement Hide username/password for one drive targets.

  • Customer accidentally deleted a copy

  • Media Refresh process slows when they have keep replacing medias in a small library.

  • Metadata collection automatically happens when "System Created Content Store" Schedule is present.

  • Calendar Job Summary custom report was showing clients with deleted client group association.

  • Enhancement to give detailed connection handling information.

  • DR Orchestration job fails in case of Azure , when destination VM is not present.

  • High CPU usage for MediaManager service during backups.

  • Enhancement request For FS to OneDrive restore, hide 'restore to same folder' option when destination is a CloudApps client.

  • Job submission may fail when doing retry export to PST of all failed items.

  • VSA V2 jobs may not prune as expected.

  • Oracle filesystem backup copy performance enhancement

  • VMware to AWS live sync may fail for disks that are 1TB or larger.

  • SOQL is broken when querying with cloud during out of place restore.

  • Support for auxcopy on HP Store Once library

  • Enhancement to allow modification of job restart settings for Site Replication jobs

  • Enhancement for showing Total of All Rows in Chargeback report.

  • DDB Space Reclamation job may go to pending on HyperScale if it encounters chunk files which are currently being healed

  • Changes to not reset JPR set by DR backup job when job completes with error.

  • DB2 and Informix binaries fail to build.

  • Resources may not be allocated correctly for DB2 multinode GUI jobs.

  • CBFS unmount might not unmount the device properly and cause issue for subsequent VMware hotadd backups.

  • CBFS unmount might not unmount the device properly and cause issue for subsequent VMware hotadd backups.

  • DASH readless synthetic full may not correctly follow the option "Do not deduplicate against objects older than X days" on the copy properties.

  • Factory reset fails to locate nodes by serial number when serial numbers are provided in upper case

  • Support localization of login error messages from installer.

  • Standalone workstation Java GUI fail to Install Additional Updates

  • Restore DAOS objects might cause high CPU usage and domino server down.

  • Qscript to enable or disable offline Media Agents

  • Qscript to Update Schedule for style sheet in Vault Tracker Report.

  • In place restore of VMware VM may fail.

  • Attempt to suspend data transfer on Replication Set may not work

  • Snap deletion may fail.

  • Cross instance restore with data masking is failing in DataMasking phase due to missing tempfiles

  • Logs doesn't say which all mountpaths came online

  • VMs with DVSwitches may not have connectivity after restore

  • Greenplum restore from secondary copy may fail.

    Greenplum cross instance restore may fail.

  • Storage policy information fix for JobDetails REST API

  • Generic LDAP usability improvements

  • Backup might get stuck intermittently waiting for index playback to complete.

  • Snapshot backup might show user names via Document and settings folders

  • SharePoint cross-domain farm restore out of place may not work.

  • Enhancement to provide a REST API for getting and setting backup quotas.

  • restore not working properly

  • CVD may crash when syncing remote cache

  • Header file name correction.

  • Enhancement to provide a REST API for getting and setting backup quotas.

  • Data aging job may run for a long time and log warnings about the stored procedure 'MMS2MarkAssignedMediaFull' executing for an abnormally long time.

  • Email preview may fail.

  • Incorrect data streams are showing for RAC sub-client

  • Executor user configured as request authorizer is able to approve the request

  • In rare cases, synthetic full backups to HPE StoreOnce appliance may fail with error 'Cannot open the chunk metadata index file'

  • Enhancements to log more diagnostic information for data management operations on HPE StoreOnce dedupe appliance.

  • The backup copy job event messages mentions both source and mount ESXi host, which can lead to misreading of the message.

  • VM Live browse may fail when a UNIX MediaAgent is used to browse a Windows Guest VM.

  • Added improvements to email option in create company functionality in AdminConsole

  • Manually created snapshots are deleted by Azure backup

  • CPU utilization is high when running Azure VSA backups

  • Application backups on VMs may fail.

  • Exchange Database backups may fail due to circular Logging.

  • Performance enhancement for healing of stale gluster files.

  • Qscript to Update Schedule for stylesheet in VT Report.

  • QScript to disassociate a client from Array Management entry.

  • Files with invalid timestamps or not having enough privileges to get timestamps may be getting backed up repeatedly for onepass

  • Get Exported Encryption Keys

  • Adding a separate table to show subclient content for exchange v2 clients in Subclient configuration information report

  • Unable to force delete snap

  • Sometimes we may not decode message recipient data properly. It's rare case.

  • Sync of emails in outlook with lot of images may be slow.

  • Nimble Snap operations will fail upon Nimble array session expiry.

  • Fix for Smart Client GroupClient Refreshing taking too long.

  • Replace brick operation does not update the new mount point in commserve database

  • Gmail backups may fail due to data specific issues.

  • SQL Restore using copy precedence may fail.

  • Synthetic Full and back copy operations may be delayed because index may be in read only state.

  • Changes to the filters in Permission Management report.

  • Content indexing pruning may fail in commcells with migrated clients.

    Content indexing job may fail when there are a large number of clients.

  • SQL cluster auto detection may not for cluster with CSV volumes.

  • SQL backups may fail when authentication information set on a client group.

  • SharePoint Backup job may crash on 32 bit systems.

  • SAML user group attributes may not honor commcell group.

  • Enhancement to inherit Security rights from VSA hypervisor to VM clients.

  • Job throttling setting for log backups may not be honored correctly.

  • Outlook content store may not work in admin/resource domain configuration.

    Login fails in Outlook content store if primary SMTP is different in admin domain and resource domain for any user.

  • Commcell console title bar may show CS host name instead of client name.

  • Push install on Mac may fail.

  • FS to OneDrive Browse/Restore Support

  • Snap Backup failing for SCOS 7.3 using Dell Compellent ICP Engine

  • vCenter has too many established TCP connections with VSA proxies

  • VLAN tagging network configuration may fail.

  • "Drop Connections to database" option in restore dialog -> Advanced -> Options tab is grayed out for out of place restore.

  • SharePoint Online backup may hang due to a "CSOM operation timeout"

  • Not able to do OOP for public folder in exchange DB mining.

  • 1-Touch backup of Redhat 6 may throw a warning "rpm integrity check showing change in files after change".

  • Enhancement to create Hyper scale 2U appliance CS VM with 4 disks.

  • vCloud 9.5 support; Add new schema files

  • VMWare to AWS live sync/conversion may fail if disk size is in decimal.

  • In a multi webserver environment where some webserver require the use a proxy, other webservers that are not configured for proxies fail to connect to the CommServer

  • Subclient without backup schedule reports showing subclients which is associated to schedule policy

  • Commcell console title bar may show CS host name instead of client name.

  • File level restore of vCloud VM client may fail.

  • New job throttling options for MS AG SQL Cluster clients

  • Security fixes for Content Extractor service.

  • CVNetworkTestToolGUI workflow fails when selecting an AIX client.

  • Auxcopy process may crash during DDB Data Verification job if many invalid chunks are detected.

  • Index backup may fail.

  • Royalty report may fail with SQL error.

  • Tenant admins are not able to create schedule policy by default

  • Manually assigned users to OneDrive subclient may get removed.

    Default OneDrive subclient may not display associated content

  • Email with Hebrew characters may not be searchable.

  • The throttling parameters - sCloudGlobalRecvHourBucket and sCloudGlobalSendHourBucket does not work when the time value is set with 0.

    List for volumes/chunks under Oracle bucket in cloud storage explorer goes into loop.

  • VMWare Linux VM customization fails when there are multiple disks.

  • Content Indexing job for Exchange Mailbox classic agent may fail.

  • SIDB process may crash during startup.

  • OpenStack configuration may fail with keystone connection failures.

  • Customer requires report to graphically show client location/density, backup sizes and time of last backup.

  • Multi-stream restore from synthetic full may fail with error 'All the Data Access Nodes are either down or not reachable'.

  • Backup unable to get file versions for item with path containing '#' symbol.

  • Unable to rename the array in the SMArray table due to duplicate entry in the table.

  • Enhancement

  • Cloud processing fails to process Metrics query 239.

  • VMware IntellIsnap backup may fail when there are multiple datastores with independent disks.

  • Nessus scan reported insecure ciphers being used for ssh communication.

  • User does not have the option to edit the host name

  • VMware IntelliSnap unmount of NetApp LUNs may leave behind stale devices when run on a Linux proxy.

  • VMWare IntelliSnap unmount for NetApp LUN configurations may leave behind stale devices when run on Linux proxy.

    Do not retry job if VM snapshot fails because of insufficient space

  • GDPR: database analysis on Unix client

  • Report email is not send to external user group if its added in user group

  • Internal: Performance improvement of the report: "MediaAgent Performance In Last 24 Hours".

    Following features are added to this report: - Add Commcell Input (1 of many) - Media Agent Input (1, many or all) - Security

  • Exchange Mailbox (Classic) may not process an archived Mailbox assuming it is already processed.

  • Client name change may fail.

  • Job stuck in job controller and cannot be killed

  • Admin console may show all bricks offline

  • Smart client groups are showing clients from other tenants

  • Restore job may fail with timeout while restoring large number of files.

  • Virtual Machine count by snap in the license report is missing.

  • Using the QScript QS_setSubclientFilter.sp,user would be unable to add paths with same name but different case as filter.

  • PostgreSQL dump-based backup on Windows may hang in the scan phase.

  • Installer adds unsupported character in client name for Turkish locale

  • EvMgrS service may terminate unexpectedly.

  • Wallet based access on Oracle clone not working.

    Oracle backups may incorrectly detect OS User name causing the backup to fail.

  • Unaged jobs may still show as aged in GUI

  • OneDrive backups may not work when TLS 1.2 is enabled

  • vCenter has too many established TCP connections with VSA proxies

  • Added support for multiple backup jobs to run simultaneously in the migration object store on unix

  • Reports export to CSV schedule is failing for the following reports:

  • Capacity License by Client Group

  • Full and Incremental Backups

  • RMAN backup copy may fail. when table browse is enabled.

  • File system restore may not restore all the files.

  • kextstat would show wrong update number

  • XML tags were removed from alert emails when text type is selected

    html tags were not honored

  • In guest agent backup may fail when the VM is marked deleted.

  • Cannot delete client groups that are associated with the companies that are deleted and companies that are marked for deleted

  • Script to fix missing entries from VM property table for synthetic full jobs

  • Log backup raises false alarm of log backup and converts to FULL

  • Cleanup job for ContentStore Mailbox may fail.

  • Backup jobs or browse may fail if the index is not present on the MediaAgent.

  • Restore to disk is shown under live sync menu.

  • IBMi update installation may fail if client system has slow response time

  • GDPR: database analysis on Unix client

  • Metrics queries 96 and 117 are very slow.

  • During deduplicated backups to a busy ISILON share, CVD.log on the MediaAgent may show a lot of ' [MEDIAFS ] Failed to flush the data index file' errors.

    When resync of a deduplication database cannot proceed because the disk volume hosting the database is offline, an event referring to 'Index cache unreachable' might be thrown, instead of mentioning 'deduplication database'.

  • Customer accidentally deleted a copy
