Create Template Wizard: Please define columns and delimiters for log file/Edit Template

Use this page in the wizard to define and manage the log columns, to specify delimiting characters, and to set other template properties. The columns defined in this page are presented as filtering attributes during the configuration of a monitoring policy.

The contents of this page are also available in the Edit Template dialog box, which appears if you select to edit a template from the Manage Templates dialog box.


If you are on the Edit Template dialog box, note that you cannot delete or change the order of the columns.

  • Column Name

    The name of the log columns defined for the template.

  • Data Type

    The data type for the corresponding column.

  • Type Format

    The format of the corresponding data type. For example, if the data type is Number, the format might be hexadecimal.


Opens the Add Column dialog box to define a new column.


Opens the Edit Column dialog box to modify the properties of the selected column.


Deletes the selected column.


Changes the order of the columns by moving up or down the selected column.


Provides a list of delimiting characters. Select the check box of the delimiting characters that are used in the log file to separate each of the columns.

If the delimiting character is not provided as a check box, select the Other check box and type the character. For example, #, -, or @.

  • Treat consecutive delimiters as one

    Treats consecutive delimiting characters as a single delimiter.

  • Allow substring match (Not available for .csv log files)

    With this option, log files are selected for monitoring when they partially match the template. Without this option, log files are selected for monitoring when they match the template exactly.


    A template is setup as follows:

    • Column 1: a date column with DD-MM as the format

    • Column 2: an integer column

    • Delimiter: a space

    With the Allow substring match option, the following log file data matches the template:

    • !@@13-09 2

    • 12-08 1sdfsd!!@@

    Without the Allow substring match option, the log file data must match the template exactly:

    • 14-09 1

    • 13-09 2

Number of lines in log file header

The number of lines that define the log header. By default, this option is set to 10.

Type of log file to be monitored

Lists the available types of log files. If your log file extension is not listed, select All Files (*.*).
