Create Template Wizard: Please select template type

Use this page in the wizard to select the method you want to use for defining the log structure (columns and delimiters) in the template.

User defined

Use this method to manually specify the log columns in the template.


Use this method to automatically discover the log columns by uploading the log file you want to monitor.

We recommend that you use this method if the log has numerous columns, or if each line in the log has a clear set of columns separated by a consistent set of delimiters. For example:

2014-08-12 12:33:42.08 Client1 Server process ID is 10336


Use this method to manually specify the key for key value pairs. For example, if the key value pair is Skill[Algorithm], Skill is the key you add to the Discovered template. The match for the Discovered template is flexible. Not all of the keys you define in the template need to exist in the log file. You can use this template to monitor MiFID logs.

Discovered templates are secondary templates and must be used with a primary template. The primary template can be a user-defined template, a delimited template, or certain system-generated templates, for example, the Simple Text Template. Primary templates are used to index the log data. The Discovered template is applied after the primary template and extracts the key value pairs.
