Creating an NFS ObjectStore Share




ConfigureObjectStore -o create -n <Object Store Name> -s <Storage Policy> -i <Index Server Client Name> [-t Object Store type] -m <Media Agent Client Name> -c <Allowed clients> [-V Versions enabled flag] [-S Squashing Type] [-u anonuid] [-g anongid] [-C Copy Precedence] [-A ACL enable flag <1|0>] [-D Retention: Minimum Days to retain Deleted Items] [-v Retention: Minimum versions to retain] [-d Retention: Minimum days to retain the older versions] [-F Backup filter] [-h]


The create option creates an NFS ObjectStore.

Before you create the NFS ObjectStore share, make sure that you have the following CommCell Console information:

  • The MediaAgent client name

  • The Index Server client name that is in the Index Servers client group in the CommCell Console

  • The storage policy name

After you create the NFS ObjectStore, send the mount path to the users so that they can access it.

The table lists the options that the software supports.




The NFS ObjectStore name.


The storage policy name.


The Index Server client name that is in the Index Servers client group in the CommCell Console


The Linux MediaAgent name.


A comma separated list of IP Addresses or host names that can access the NFS ObjectStore share.

Specify the clients that can access the NFS ObjectStore share over NFS protocol.

The clients do not need to be configured in CommCell Console.

To make this share accessible to any client, use for IPv4 and :: for IPv6 as the client IP address.


The flag that specifies whether to enable versioning for this NFS ObjectStore

Valid values are:


The squashing type to use for the share. The default is ROOT_SQUASH.

Valid values are:

  • ROOT_SQUASH: Map the root user on the NFS client to an anonymous user/group that has limited privileges. This prevents a root client user from having total control of the NFS ObjectStore share.

  • ROOT_ID_SQUASH: Map the root user on the NFS client to an anonymous user/group that has limited privileges and map a non-root user that is part of the root user's group to an anonymous group ID so that the user is treated as a non-root user.

    A root user ID is 0. A root user group ID is 0. This squashing type performs the following operations:

    • Maps a user ID of 0 to an anonymous user ID.

    • Maps a group ID of 0 to an anonymous group ID.

    • Maps a group ID of 0 in an alternative group to an anonymous group ID.

      For example, if USER1 has the root user group (group ID 0), then the user is mapped to an anonymous group ID and is treated as USER1 (instead of having root privileges).

  • ALL_SQUASH: Map all the users on the NFS client to an anonymous user/group that has limited privileges.

  • NO_ROOT_SQUASH: A root user account on the NFS client can access the share as a root user.


If you use squashing, then the user ID is the user ID that the software uses for mapping. This value can be greater than 0.


If you use squashing, then the group ID is the group ID that the software uses for mapping. This value can be greater than 0.


Specify the copy precedence to use for the backup copy operation.


Displays the help for this option.


Specify the file extensions that must be excluded from the backup operations.


The following command creates a NFS ObjectStore share. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

./ConfigureObjectStore -o create -n userTest -i Index1_analyticsServer -s object_store_storage_policy -m object_store_mediaagent -c '*' -F 'txt,bmp,jpeg'
