Creating an Oracle RAC Client


In a NetApp configuration, if you plan to use SnapVault or SnapMirror, use the appropriate storage policy based on the type of snapshot, such as NetApp 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode snapshots. For NetApp 7-Mode snapshots, use storage policies associated with OnCommand Unified Manager 5.0, 5.1, or 5.2. For NetApp Cluster-Mode snapshots, use storage policies associated with OnCommand Unified Manager 6.0 or later.

The cascaded replication of primary to SnapVault or SnapMirror on a single policy is not supported.

If you are using NetApp FlexVol volumes for RAC ASM disks, the system takes a snapshot of all LUNs on each FlexVol together. Consequently, these don’t need any explicit consistency group configuration.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computers, point to New Client > Application, and then click Oracle RAC.

    The Creating New Client dialog box appears.

  2. On the General tab, specify the following information:

    1. In the Pseudo-client Name box, type a name for the RAC client.

    2. In the Database Name box, type the name of the Oracle RAC database to which you are assigning this client.

    3. From Storage Policy list, select the storage policy with a snap copy used for the data of the default subclient. For more information, see Snapshot Copy.

  3. On the Details tab, determine how you want to connect to Oracle.



    Oracle Wallet Auto Login

    You can use this option when you have configured the Secure External Password Store (Oracle Wallet) feature that stores password credentials, and you want to use those credentials during the data protection operations. For more information on the Secure External Password Store, go to the Oracle documentation website, Secure External Password Store.

    1. Select the Oracle Wallet Auto Login check box.

    2. Enter the Oracle Service Name in the Connect String third box.

      Note: If you provide the user name and password, the software ignores the Oracle Wallet feature.

    Use the Oracle Connect String

    Enter the Connect String to connect to the Oracle database.

    1. Enter the database user name in the Connect String first box.

    2. Enter the database user password in the Connect String second box.

    3. In the Confirm Password dialog box, re-enter the password, and click OK.

    4. Enter the Oracle service name in the Connect String third box.

      For example, in the following:


      sysdba is the database user id

      <password> is the database user id password

      orcl is the Oracle service name

    Use the Oracle Catalog Connect String

    Select the Use Connect String check box and in the Connect String box enter the Oracle connect string credentials.

    Note: If you want to use an account other than 'sys', you must grant the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP (in Oracle version 12 or higher) privilege to the user account.

    Enter the Catalog Connect String to connect to the Oracle database.

    1. Enter the database user name in the Connect String first box.

    2. Enter the database user password in the Connect String second box.

    3. In the Confirm Password dialog box, re-enter the password, and click OK.

    4. Enter the Oracle service name in the Connect String third box.

      For example, in the following:


      sysdba is the database user id

      <password> is the database user id password

      orcl is the Oracle service name

  4. Add the Oracle RAC instances. Click Add.

    The Add Instance dialog box appears.

    1. From the Instance Physical Client list, select the client.

    2. In the Instance (ORACLE SID) box, type the name of the instance that you want to include in the Oracle RAC node.

    3. Click Change User Account. In the User Name box, type the user name, and then click OK.

    4. In the ORACLE HOME box, type the Oracle application installation path.

    5. In the Connect String box, type the credentials to access the Oracle RAC database. Use SYS login i.e., sys/password@Service for Oracle RAC client. For example, sys/pwd12@orcl4.

    6. In the TNS_ADMIN Folder, type or click Browse to specify the path for TNS_Admin directory. Note that the TNS_admin path is automatically appended to the path of the $ORACLE_HOME directory even if you do not specify the path.

    7. Click OK.

  5. On the Storage Device tab, enter storage policy information:

    • From the Storage Policy used for user command backup of data list, select a storage policy.

    • From the Storage Policy used for all Archive Log backups list, select a storage policy name.

  6. Click OK .

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