When custodians are added to a case, the software automatically sends the user an email stating that they have been added to a case in Case Manager. If you do not want users to receive these emails, you can disable these notifications for Case Manager.
Log on to the CommServe computer and open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
At the Command Prompt window, go to software_installation_directory/Base and run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe client.
For example, to log on to a CommServe client named server1 with username user1, enter:
qlogin -cs server1 -u user1 -p <password>
Run the following command:
qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si DisableCustodianAlert -si y -si true
On the Web Server, reset Internet Information (IIS) services.