Downloading Files and Folders From Cloud Storage

You can download files and folders from cloud storage. The Cloud Test Tool converts the downloaded files and folders to the native format after the download.

Downloading a Folder

  1. Start the Cloud Test Tool.

    CloudTestTool, Version 11.0.0
     This program will perform simple cloud server tests for you.
     Press <ENTER> to begin...
  2. Press Enter.

    A list of cloud storage devices (vendor types) appears.

  3. Enter the number of the cloud storage device that you want to select, and then press Enter.

  4. Enter your credentials to access the cloud storage, and then press Enter.

    Select operation:
      1. Upload/Download Speed Test
      2. Upload Test File
      3. Download Test File
      4. Download Cloud File
      5. Download Cloud Folder
      6. Copy Archived Data to another Cloud Server
      7. Upload multiple test files
      8. Delete the temp folder used for Uploading Multiple Test Files
      9. Access Functionality Check  
      0. Choose different vendor.
     Operation [1]:
  5. Type 5, and then press Enter.

    Do you want to convert the cloud format data?
    Yes(1) or No(0) (default:[1]) :
  6. Press Enter.

    Enter the source folder:
  7. Type the source path of the folder, and then press Enter.

    For example:

    Enter the local destination folder:
  8. Type the path of the local directory where you want to download the archive, and then press Enter.

    For example:


    The folder is downloaded to the location that you specified.

    Downloaded remote folder [1XKHJL_11.01.2019_13.12/CV_MAGNETIC/V_8030/CHUNK_606760/CHUNK_META_DATA_606760.FOLDER] to local folder [c:\downloadtest] size = 0.09 MB in [1] seconds, transfer rate 0.09 MByte/sec.
    Press <ENTER> to return to the previous menu...

Downloading a File

Select operation:
   1. Upload/Download Speed Test
   2. Upload Test File
   3. Download Test File
   4. Download Cloud File
   5. Download Cloud Folder
   6. Copy Archived Data to another Cloud Server
   7. Upload Multiple Test Files
   8. Delete the Temp Folder Used for Uploading Multiple Test Files
   9. Access Functionality Check
  10. Reset Canned Access Control Lists (ACL) on Bucket to private
  11. Delete the extra ETag files under bucket
   0. Choose different vendor.
Operation [1]:
  1. Type 4, and then press Enter.

    Enter the full source filename:
  2. Type the source file name and then press Enter.

    For example:

    Enter the local destination folder:
  3. Type the path of the local directory where you want to download the file and then press Enter.

    For example:


    The file is downloaded to the location that you specified.

    Downdloaded file [1XKHJL_11.01.2019_13.12/CV_MAGNETIC/V_8030/CHUNK_606760/CHUNK_META_DATA_606760.FOLDER/0] 0.09 MB in [1] seconds, transfer rate 0.09 MByte/sec.
    Press <ENTER> to return to the previous menu...
