Elements Available for Windows File System Subclient Configuration from the Command Line Interface

The following table displays all of the elements that you can use to configure Windows File System subclients from the command line interface. To add an element to your command, use the syntax:

qoperation execute -af <template XML file> -<parameter name> <value>


Description of Parameter Values


Name of the client computer.


Name of the backup set. If the backup set name is not specified in the command query, the default backup set is used by default.


Name of the application. In this case it is 'File System'.


Name of the subclient.


New name of the subclient.


Option to enable/disable backup.

Valid values are True/False.


Option to set the encryption points during backups. Valid values are:

  • ENC_MEDIA_ONLY, to encrypt the backup data after transmission and prior to storage on the media.

  • ENC_NETWORK_AND_MEDIA, to encrypt the backup data before transmission. The data is stored encrypted on the media.

  • ENC_NETWORK_ONLY, to encrypt the backup data for transmission and then decrypt the data prior to storage on the media.

  • ENC_NONE, to disable data encryption.


Number of Network Agents.


Option to enable compression on the Client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable software compression on the client.

  • ON_MEDIAAGENT, to enable software compression on the MediaAgent.

  • USE_STORAGE_POLICY_SETTINGS, to use the software compression options defined on the storage policy.

  • OFF, to disable software compression.


The maximum network bandwidth per network agent (in megabytes per hour).

Valid values are 2-2147483647.


Option to enable deduplication on subclient.

Valid values are True/False.

Use this parameter when the generateSignature parameter is set to ON_CLIENT or ON_MEDIA_AGENT.


A component of deduplication performed on the client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable signature generation on the client.

  • ON_MEDIA_AGENT, to enable signature generation on the MediaAgent.

  • OFF, to disable signature generation.

    Use this parameter when the enableDeduplication parameter is set to "true".


Name of the Storage Policy to be associated for backup.


Option to enable the use of global filters. Valid values are:

  • ON, to enable global filters for the subclient.

  • USE_CELL_LEVEL_POLICY, to enable the use of global filters if the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is enabled on the Control Panel (Global Filters) dialog. If the option is disabled, USE_CELL_LEVEL_POLICY will disable global filters for the subclient.

  • OFF, to disable global filters.


Option to enable/disable VSS for backing up the file system data.

Valid values are True/False.


Option to use VSS for all files or for locked files only. Valid values are:

  • USE_VSS_FOR_ALL_FILES, to use VSS snap for all files.

  • FOR_LOCKED_FILES_ONLY, to back up locked files.


Options available when you use VSS for all files. Valid values are:

  • FAIL_THE_JOB, to fail the backup job if VSS snap fails.

  • CONTINUE_AND_RESET_ACCESS_TIME, to reset access time of files when VSS snap fails. Select the Recursive scan method when you perform a backup.

  • CONTINUE_AND_DO_NOT_RESET_ACCESS_TIME, to not reset the access time of files when VSS snap fails.


Option to enable/disable VSS for backing up the system state.

Valid values are True/False.


Option to enable/disable the back up of system state. This option should not be enabled in more than one subclient per backup set to avoid system state backup failures.

Valid values are True/False.


The option to backup the system state only during full backups. This parameter is available when backupSystemState is set to True.

Valid values are True/False.


The option to enable/disable 1-Touch Recovery on Linux file system agents. 1-Touch Recovery can be enabled on only one subclient within a backup set.

Valid values are True/False.


Path to the post-process script that will be run after the backup.


Path to the post-process script that will be run after the scan phase.


Path to the pre-process script that will be run before the backup.


Path to the pre-process script that will be run before the scan phase.


Option to specify the user name who has permissions to run the pre-process and post-process scripts. Valid values are:

  • USE_IMPERSONATION, to specify a user with enough privileges to run the scripts. When using this value, you also need to provide the user credentials:

    -prepostUserName/userName <user name> -prepostUserName/password <password>
  • USE_LOCAL_SYS_ADMIN, to use the administrator account to run the scripts.


Location of the content to be backed up. This parameter must be used along with the 'contentOperationType' parameter, for example:

-contentOperationType <value> -content/path '<path value>'

Note the following:

  • If you want to specify a wildcard to the content path, you must add '\/\/" (back and forward slash) at the end of the path to enable the detection of wildcard characters:

    -content/path 'datapath*\/\/'

  • If you are using a UNC path to specify the subclient content, you must also use the 'impersonateUser/userName' and 'impersonateUser/password' parameters to provide the credentials of a user account that has the required privileges to access the network share (where the content resides).

  • You can specify multiple paths to your subclient content as shown in the following example:


    <path>C:\Documents and Settings</path>












Location of the content to be excluded from backup. This parameter must be used along with the 'contentOperationType' parameter, for example:

-contentOperationType <value> -content/excludepath '<path value>'

impersonateUserCredentialinfo/credentialName xxxxxcontent/includepath

Location of the content to be included in the backup from the excluded list. This parameter must be used along with the 'contentOperationType' parameter, for example:

-contentOperationType <value> -content/includepath '<path value>'


User name of the account that has the required privileges to access the data on a network share when specifying UNC paths for the subclient content.


Password of the account that has the required privileges to access the network share. This parameter must be used along with the 'impersonateUser/userName' parameter.


Credentials to impersonate a user.


The type of operation to perform on the subclient content. The content is defined in the content parameters.

Valid values are:

  • ADD, to add content to the subclient.

  • OVERWRITE, to overwrite content for the subclient. When you use OVERWRITE, you must define all of the content parameters you want to keep. For example, to update the subclient content and keep an existing exclusion defined for your content, you must use the following parameters in your command:

    -contentOperationType OVERWRITE -content/path new_path_value -content/excludepath existing_exclude_value

  • DELETE, to delete content from the subclient.


The following examples show how to add a parameter for a command:

Adding Content

To update the location for the subclient content, add the 'path' element to the following command:

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -appName 'File System' -clientName client1 -backupSetName backupset1 -subclientName subclient1 -contentOperationType ADD -content/path 'c:\temp'

Setting a Storage Policy

To assign a storage policy to a subclient, add the 'storagePolicyName' element to the following command:

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -appName 'File System' -clientName client1 -backupSetName backupset1 -subclientName subclient1 -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName sp1
