Export Sets in Compliance Search


After responsive data has been collected and thoroughly reviewed, it is ready for final production. Compliance Officers and attorneys can use export sets to deliver data in convenient and useful formats.

Export Set Limitations

Items that skipped content indexing cannot be included in an export set.

Format Options for Export Sets

When you select items to be included in an export set, you must select a format type. The items in the export set are converted to the selected format and compressed into a ZIP file, which can then be downloaded from Compliance Search.

The formats available for exporting items from Compliance Search are as follows:

  • CAB (Cabinet File)

    Applies To: Files and emails

    You can export files, emails, or a combination of both from Compliance Search in the cabinet file (CAB) format.

  • PST (Portable Storage Table)

    Applies To: Emails

    You can export email data from Compliance Search in the PST format. To preview email messages on the search page and to perform operations such as exporting to the PST format, you must have Microsoft Outlook 64-bit installed on the Web Server. To convert Lotus Notes data to Microsoft Exchange data, export the Lotus Note data using the PST format.


    PST files have an inherent size limit. If the size of the export set is above the PST size limit set by Microsoft, consider selecting the CAB export option.

  • NSF (Notes Storage Facility )

    Applies To: Lotus Notes data

    You can export Lotus Notes data from Compliance Search in the Notes Storage Facility (NSF) format.

  • HTML

    Applies To: Files and emails

    You can export files, emails, or a combination of both from Compliance Search as hypertext markup language (HTML) files. To export items as HTML files, the previews must be generated during content indexing. For instructions on how to configure preview generation, see Configuring Preview Settings for Search Engines.


    The latest Exchange Mailbox Agent does not support HTML exports. If data was archived using OnePass for Exchange Mailbox (Classic), then you can export to HTML.

  • CSV (Comma Separated Values)

    Applies To: Exporting items from a Review Set

    The CSV export option creates two files: one that contains the metadata for the items in the export set, and another that contains any comments that were added to the items in Compliance Search. The types of metadata fields that appear in the first CSV file depend on whether the export set contains emails, files, or a combination of both. If the export set contains only email data, then email-related metadata fields, such as from, to, cc, and bcc, are included in the CSV metadata file. If any file data are included in the CSV export set, then the metadata file will only contain the file-related metadata fields for the items in the export set.