Getting Started with the MediaAgent - Features and Configurations

To get started with the MediaAgent, review the following features and configuration information.

Configure ACSLS Client Service on Solaris

On a Solaris MediaAgent, the ACSLS Client Service must be configured before configuring the STK library attached to an ACSLS Server.

To configure a STK library that is controlled by an ACSLS server, you can use the Config ACSLS Services package to add the required services, as follows:

  1. Log on to the MediaAgent computer as root.

  2. Start the following program:

    <software installation path>/Base/config_acsls

    The following menu appears if ACSLS services are not configured:

    Please select one of the options below:
     1) Config ACSLS Services
     2) Exit
     Your selection: [2]
  3. Type 1, and then press Enter.

    The following message appears:

    Please enter the name of the host running the ACSLS daemon. ACSLS Server host name:
  4. Enter the name of the host where the ACSLS server is installed, and then press Enter.

    The system copies the necessary files and creates the required configuration. The following message appears:

    ACSLS services are currently CONFIGURED.

    A menu appears.

  5. Enter the number that corresponds with Exit.

Use the commvault list command to check if the SSI service is running on the Solaris computer. See Controlling Services on UNIX Clients.

Configure Storage Devices

You must configure the MediaAgent to communicate with the storage devices that are attached to the computer.

Depending on the type of storage devices that are attached to the MediaAgent computer, refer to one of the following topics:

Create Storage Policies

You must create storage policies to define where and how to store your data during backup jobs. See Storage Policy - Getting Started.

Additional Configurations

For additional features and configurations, refer to MediaAgent Administration.
