Hardware Refresh of MediaAgent Hosted on Cloud

You can perform hardware refresh of MediaAgent computer hosted on cloud.

Before You Begin

  • If a library or a deduplication database is present on the operating system disk, move it to either a different disk on the same MediaAgent or a different MediaAgent.

  • Bring a new computer with the required operating system.

  • Make sure that no jobs are running on the MediaAgent.


  1. Record the storage policies that is associated with the MediaAgent:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Storage Resources > MediaAgents.

    2. Right-click the MediaAgent, and then click Properties.

    3. On the Associated Storage Policies tab, record the storage policies that are listed.

  2. For each storage policy that you recorded, record the subclients that are associated with it:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Policies > Storage Policies.

    2. Right-click the storage policy, and then click Properties.

    3. On the Associated Subclients tab, record the clients that are listed.

  3. To disable job activities on each client that accesses the libraries that are configured on the MediaAgent, complete the following steps:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers.

    2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

    3. On the Activity Control tab, clear the Enable Backup and Enable Restore check boxes, and then click OK.

  4. Stop the MediaAgent services.

  5. Before detaching a disk, complete the following steps:

    • For Windows, note the disk mounted drive letter.

    • For Linux, complete the following steps:

      1. Note the mounted path.

      2. On each disk, mark the volume group as Inactive.

  6. If a deduplication database (DDB) is configured on the MediaAgent, complete the following steps:

    1. From the Task Manager, verify that the SIDB.exe and SIDB2.exe processes are not running on the MediaAgent computer.

    2. Detach the DDB disk from the instance.

  7. If a disk library with a local mount path is configured on the MediaAgent, detach the library disks from the instance.

  8. Detach the index cache disk from the instance.

  9. Install the new operating system on the MediaAgent.

  10. Reattach the DDB, library, and index cache disks as follows:

    • Attach the disk to the MediaAgent and mount the disk and the MediaAgent on the same drive letter (for Windows) or same mounted path (for Linux).

    • Activate the volume group on each disk (for Linux).

  11. Using same name and hostname that are used for the MediaAgent that is configured on the CommServe server, install the MediaAgent package.

  12. Verify that the DDB paths and disk storage paths are same as before the refresh and are online.

  13. Change the index cache directory from the default install location to the disk where it is mounted by executing the following command on the MediaAgent:

    • For Windows (from the base folder):

      CatalogMigration.exe -vm <your instance> -cn <MA client name> -source <current index cache path> -target <new index cache path> -skipCopy
    • For Linux (from opt/commvault/MediaAgent):

      ./CatalogMigration -vm <your instance> -cn <MA client name> -source <current index cache path> -target <new index cache path> -skipCopy
  14. To enable job activities on each client that you previously disabled, complete the following steps:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers.

    2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

    3. On the Activity Control tab, select the Enable Backup and Enable Restore check boxes, and then click OK.

  15. Perform a test restore and a backup on the client.

    For instructions about how to run restores and backups, see the documentation for the agent.
