Installing Commvault Locally on UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers Using the Installation Package

You can install agents and other Commvault software by using the installation package that was created from the Download Manager application.

If installing on a clustered environment, install the software on all the physical nodes of the cluster.


For 1-Touch installations, see Installing the 1-Touch Server.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the installation package that was created from the Download Manager includes the software that you want to install. If some of the software is missing, create a new installation package and include the required software. For more information, see Downloading Software for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers Using the Download Manager.

  • Prepare your environment and gather information that you must provide during the installation, as follows:

  • If the installation package was distributed as a DVD, make sure to mount the DVD.


    On AIX 6.1 (or later) computers, if the installation package was converted to an ISO image file, do not use the loopmount command to mount the ISO. Instead, use one of the following methods:

    • Install the software by using the CommCell Console.

    • Mount the ISO on a Linux computer, and then export the NFS share to the AIX computer.

    • Create a custom package, and then copy it to the local disk on the AIX computer.

  • If you want to show the client certificate screen in the install wizard (by default, it is not shown) based on hook file, create a lock file by running the following command:

    touch /tmp/cvpkgadd_unlock_clientcertificate


  1. Log on to the computer as root.

    In a cluster environment, log on to a physical node of the cluster as root.


    If the computer does not have a root user defined, you can install the File System Agent, Oracle Agent, and DB2 Agent by using a non-root user. For more information, see Installation of UNIX Agents by a Non-Root User.

  2. Run the following command from the installation package or mount point:


    To run the installation as a SUDO user with root privileges, run the following command:

    sudo ./cvpkgadd

    The welcome page appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Install Task page appears.

  4. Select Install packages on this machine and then click Next.

  5. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

  6. On the Server Information page, enter the following information in the Server/Gateway hostname field:

    • Gateway_Hostname (use this format if the tunnel port of the network gateway is 8403)

    • Gateway_Hostname:Port_Number (use this format if the tunnel port of the network gateway is anything other than 8403)


      • If you want to use multiple network gateways, you can enter multiple hostname ports separated by a semi-colon (;). For example: Gateway_Hostname1:Port_Number1;Gateway_Hostname2:Port_Number2

      • If you want to enter the port as an IPv6 address, use the following format: [2001:db8::216:cbff:xx:xx]:8080

      • If you want to install Commvault in decoupled mode, when you reach the Server Information page, do the following:

        • Leave the Server/Gateway Name field blank.

        • Uncheck The server will connect to this computer to complete the installation.

        • Click Next. The Decoupled Install screen appears.

        • Click Yes.

  7. Click Next.


  • If you are installing the software in a cluster environment, repeat the installation procedure for each physical node on the cluster.

  • If you installed the software in decoupled mode, register the client with the CommServe computer.

What to Do Next
