Installing the CVINSTPKG.savf Installation Package on the IBM i Client

If the SSHD server is not installed on the IBM i client, then you must manually install the CVINSTPKG on the IBM i client.

You must transfer the CVINSTPKG.savf installation package from the access node to the IBM i client using FTP and perform installation. The CVINSTPKG.savf installation package is located in the software_installation_path/iDataAgent/ProxyPackage/iSeries/ directory on the access node. The installation program copies all the necessary binaries into the CVLIB program library, prepares the configuration settings, and registers the Commvault TCP service.

You can start or stop the Commvault services using the standard IBM i utility by running the COMMVAULT START and COMMVAULT STOP commands.

Before You Begin

  1. Enable TCP/IP services.

  2. Install the IBM i agent on the access node.

  3. Verify that the IBM i client has a valid IP address and a host name that the access node can resolve.

  4. Verify that the IBM i client has the DNS services configured and the access node host name must be resolvable.


  1. On the IBM i client, type the following command to create a save file that will be used to receive the installation save file from the access node. The file must be located within the General Purpose Library (QGPL).

    CRTSAVF FILE(QGPL/CVINSTPKG) TEXT('Commvault installation save file')
  2. Using FTP transfer the installation save file (.savf) directly into the QGPL/CVINSTPKG file on the IBM i client:

    1. Start FTP from the access node and log on to the IBM i client with an IBM i user ID and password. Make sure that your current directory on the access node is /opt/Commvaultxx/iDataAgent/ProxyPackage/iSeries.


      xx: The proxy instance.

      # ftp IBM_i_client_host_name Name ( Password:password

    2. Send the save file (.savf) to the IBM i client from the access node.

      ftp> quote site namefmt 0
      ftp> bin
      ftp> cd QGPL
      ftp> put CVINSTPKG.savf
  3. Log on to the IBM i File System Agent server with a user ID that has a user class *SECOFR, for example the QSECOFR user ID.

    Note: For IBM i File System Agent servers that have a non-English operating system, perform one of the following procedures based on the profile type that you want to use.




    1. Create a new user profile with CCSID "37" (English) . On the command line, type the following and then press Enter:

    2. Log in with the created user profile and continue with the installation. You can use the user profile to access the Commvault logs, configuration and data.


    1. Modify an existing profile user profile and assign the user class *SECOFR to it. On the command line, type the following and then press Enter.

      Substitute 'USER_ID' with the existing user profile.


    2. Log in with the modified user profile and continue with the installation. You can use the user profile to access the Commvault logs, configuration and data.


    For IBM i machines that do not use English as the primary language and that only have non-English language libraries, use a subsystem that has a Subsystem library attribute (SYSLIBLE) set to the English library “QSYS2924” to run Commvault jobs. For more information about how to enable the secondary language for a subsystem, see the IBM documentation.

  4. Restore the installation library stored in the .savf save file. On the command line, type the following:


    Note: Ignore the security changes-type message at the bottom of the installation pane.

  5. Run the CVINST/INSCVSIM installation command.

    Set the following parameters.

    • Commvault Client Name: set this parameter to the same value that is configured on the CommServe.

    • User profile to run services: Set this parameter to the user profile that will own the installed files.

      The software uses this user profile to run the Commvault backup and restore operations. You must select a user profile that meets the following requirements:

      • The profile has the *SECOFR user class and with all special authorities.

      • Is enrolled to the QDLS file system when QDLS data protection is required. For information on how to enroll the user profile, go to the IBM website, search for the Client Access Express for Windows Setup document. Click the appropriate link to open the document and search for Enroll Client Access Express users.


        Do not use the following user profiles:

      • "QDBSHR"

      • "QDOC"

      • "QLPAUTO"

      • "QLPINSTALL"

      • "QRJE"

      • "QSECOFR"

      • "QSPL"

      • "QDFTOWN"

      • "QTSTRQS"

      • "QSYS"

    Optional parameters:

    • Subsystem description: Set this parameter to the IBM i subsystem name to the location where the Commvault services run; QSERVER is the default value).

    • Job queue: Set the parameter to the job queue which is already attached to the subsystem mentioned with parameter SBSD. The default input is “*DEFAULT” which will pick the existing jobq attached to the subsystem. An additional option “*CREATE” will create a new jobq in the Commvault library CVLIBOBJ and will attach to the subsystem.

    • Library: Set this parameter to specify the library. The default is *LIBL.

    • Port number: Set this parameter to the port number (*DEF uses 9401 by default). You must use this value for the CVD Port Number (NewIBM i File System AgentClient dialog box) when you create the IBM i client in the CommCell Console.

      For information on adding an IBM i client, see Adding the IBM i File System Agent Client.

    • Data directory path: To set the location of the data files (*DEF uses the /var/commvault directory by default).

    • Job Priority: Set the job priority of the Commvault jobs. The valid values are between 1-9, where 1 is the highest priority. The default value is 5.

    • Run Priority: Set the run priority of the Commvault jobs. The valid values are between 1-99, where 1 is the highest priority. The default value is 50.

    • Start Services: Set whether the Commvault services need to start automatically after the successful installation.

    The installation command performs the following tasks:

    • Creates CVLIB and CVLIBOBJ program libraries when it does not exist

    • Copies the required files into the CVLIB program library

    • Creates the class object, job description and if you specify the job queue, then it creates the job queue

    • Copies the configuration files to the /var/commvault directory

    • Prepares the data directory

    • Changes the subsystem description by adding the new routing entry and attaches the job queue, if specified, to create the jobq

    • Starts the Commvault services in the specified subsystem

    • Sets the ownership for library, directories, and files

                      Commvault Installation (INSCVSIM) 
       Type choices, press Enter. 
       Commvault Client Name . . . . . . 
       User Profile to run services . .               Existing & Valid user profile 
       Subsystem description . . . . .  QSERVER       Name 
         Library . . . . . . . . . . .   *LIBL            Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB 
       Job queue . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAULT       Name, *DEFAULT, *CREATE 
       Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL            Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB 
       Port number . . . . . . . . . . 9401           Port Number 
       Data directory path . . . . . . '/var/commvault' ___________________________________________
       Job Priority . . . . . . . . . . 5             1-9 
       Run Priority . . . . . . . . . . 50            1-99 
       Start Services . . . . . . . . . *YES          *YES or *N

    As a minimum, you can also run the following command for installation.

    Substitute 'XXXXX' with the user profile.

  6. To start the Commvault services, type the following command:


    To stop the Commvault services, type the following command:


    To restart the Commvault services, type the following command:


    To uninstall the Commvault services, type the following command:

    Note: If you plan to reinstall the client without removing the job result directory from the IBM i client, then you must use the “COMMVAULT TASK(UNINSTALL) RMVJRDIR(*NO)” command, that removes all the components except the job results directory.


    To check the status of the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:


    To go to the Commvault services job results directory, on the command line, type the following command:


    To go to the logs directory that is related to the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:



The installation creates the CVLIB and CVLIBJOB program libraries when they do not exist.
