Integrate Data Cube Sources with External Services

You can integrate Data Cube data sources with third-party software and services to combine data from a corporate platform, such as Salesforce, with data from your own data repositories.

Integrating Data Sources with External Services

You can make the files, database entries, and other information in Data Cube available to supported external software and services. For example, you can use the file system connector to gather sales and marketing documents into a single data source in Data Cube. Then you can integrate the data source with a Salesforce account, and make the data available for searches from Salesforce, without moving or copying the data from its storage location.

For more information about integrating Data Cube with Salesforce, see Integrating Salesforce with Data Cube Data Connectors.

Visualizing Data with Business Intelligence Tools

By using Data Cube REST APIs, you can integrate Data Cube with business intelligence (BI) tools and visualization tools, such as Microsoft Power BI and Tableau.
