NAS System Discovery Report Information

You can use NAS System Discovery to view information about the supported Network Attached Storage (NAS) arrays in your CommCell environment. The NAS System Discovery report is available from the Analytics section of the Web Console.

The following tables describes the information that is available in the NAS System Discovery Report:

Report Area

Filter Name



Array Name

Select the name of the NAS arrays you want to view in the report. If more than one supported NAS array was added to Array Management in the CommCell Console when the System Discovery for NAS workflow was performed, then you can use this filter to select individual NAS arrays to view in the report.

Array Entity Type

Select the types of array entities that you want to view in the report.

Discovery Timestamp

Select the date and time of the information displayed in the report. These options reflect the dates and times that the System Discovery for NAS workflow was run from the CommCell Console. You can select different options to see how the information about your NAS arrays changed over time.

Storage Pool Name

Select the names of the storage pools you want to view in the report.

Volume Name

Select the names of the volumes you want to view in the report.

Report Columns

Array Entity Type

The type of array entity: volume, logical unit number (LUN), storage pool, or array.

Array Total Space in GB

The total storage space, used and free, of the array to which the entry belongs in GB.

Array Used Space in GB

The used storage space of the array to which the entry belongs in GB.

Array Free Space in GB

The availble storage space of the array to which the entry belongs in GB.

Array Name

The name of the NAS device to which the entry belongs.

LUN Name

The name of the logical unit number (LUN) to which the entry belongs.

LUN Path

The path on the logical unit number (LUN) where the entry is located.

LUN Space in GB

The total storage space, used and free, of the logical unit number (LUN) to which the entry belongs in GB.

LUN Used Space in GB

The used storage space of the logical unit number (LUN)to which the entry belongs in GB.

LUN Free Space in GB

The available storage space of the logical unit number (LUN)to which the entry belongs in GB.

Storage Pool Name

The name of the storage pool to which the entry belongs.

Storage Pool Total Space in GB

The total storage space, used and free, of the storage pool to which the entry belongs in GB.

Storage Pool Used Space in GB

The used storage space of the storage pool to which the entry belongs in GB.

Volume Name

The name of the volume to which the entry belongs.

Volume Path

The path of the volume on the NAS array where the entry is located.

Volume Total Space in GB

The total storage space, used and free, of the volume to which the entry belongs in GB.

Volume Used Space in GB

The used storage space of the volume to which the entry belongs in GB.

Volume Free Space in GB

The available storage space of the volume to which the entry belongs in GB.
