Planning Feature Release Installations

For a successful installation, perform the following preparation tasks before you install the feature release (formerly "service pack").

To keep your CommCell environment up to date, we recommend the following:

  • Update the feature release every 1 to 2 years.

  • Update the maintenance release every 2 to 3 months.


  • After the installation, the feature release cannot be uninstalled (that is, rolled back to the previous feature release version). Make sure that you plan the installation accordingly.

  • If the CommServe server is at Service Pack13 or a previous service pack, and you want to update it to Feature Release 11.28 or later, you must first update it to Feature Release 11.24 or Feature Release 11.26.

  • If the CommServe server is at Service Pack 16 or a previous service pack, and you want to update it to Commvault Platform Release 2023 or a more recent platform release, you must first update it to Platform Release 2022E.

Remember the Installation Sequence

When you install a new feature release version in your CommCell environment, the feature release must be installed in the following sequence:

  1. CommServe computer

  2. MediaAgents

  3. Client computers


Use the CommCell Console to select the CommServe computer along with MediaAgents and clients during the feature release installation. The CommCell Console installs the feature release on the CommServe first, and then on the MediaAgents and clients.

Review Space Requirements

The following table outlines the space requirement for installing the feature release on a computer that has the File System Agent, MediaAgent, or other packages.

Operating System

File System Agent

File System Agent and MediaAgent

Multiple Packages


1.1 GB to 1.5 GB

1.15 GB to 1.55 GB

1.2 GB to 1.6 GB


1.15 GB to 1.55 GB

1.4 GB to 1.8 GB

1.9 GB to 2.3 GB


0.9 GB to 1.3 GB

1.1 GB to 1.5 GB

1.4 GB to 1.8 GB


0.85 GB to 1.25 GB


1 GB to 1.4 GB

For each additional package that you install on a File System Agent or MediaAgent computer, you will need an additional 500 MB of disk space. The above-mentioned space requirement will vary based on the size of the installation media and the feature release version that is installed on the computer.

Review Considerations for the CommServe Computer

  • Verify that your environment meets the system requirements for the CommServe server for the new platform release. For more information, see CommServe Server System Requirements.

  • During the feature release installation on the CommServe computer, services are stopped and the CommCell Console is closed. Therefore, install the feature release at a time when you are not running jobs in your CommCell environment. You can wait for the jobs to finish, or you can terminate them.

  • If the CommServe computer is a standby CommServe host, see Installing Feature Releases On High Availability CommServe Hosts.

  • If the CommServe computer is in a cluster environment, consider the following requirements:

    • The feature release must be installed on the active node of the cluster. During the installation on the active node, the installation program will provide options to update the passive nodes.

    • The feature release must be installed on physical nodes. Installations on virtual nodes are not supported.

    • For the feature release to be installed on passive nodes automatically, make sure that the installation media is located in a network share that is accessible by all cluster nodes. Access to the network share from the passive nodes must be already authenticated so that it does not prompt the installer for user credentials.

Review Considerations for Standalone CommCell Console

The CommCell Console that is installed on the CommServe computer is updated along with the CommServe software.

If you installed the CommCell Console on additional clients, see Installing the Feature Release on a Standalone CommCell Console.

Review Considerations for the MediaAgent and Client Computers

  • Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer

    If you changed the display name of the ContentStore, you must rerun the name change command. You can use the Search Admin page or CVPConfigurationTool to make the change. For information on the Search Admin page, see Managing Configuration Commands for ContentStore Email Viewer Clients from the Search Admin Page. For information on CVPConfigurationTool, see Using CVPConfigurationTool from the Command Line.

  • Determine the clients that you want to update

    For optimal and reliable performance in your CommCell environment, we recommend that the CommServe computer, the MediaAgents, and clients operate at the same feature release level.

    You can choose not to update all MediaAgents and clients. However, you will not benefit from software enhancements and new features.

    To view the feature release version of all clients in your CommCell environment, see Viewing the Feature Release Details for One or More Clients.

  • Discover the SAP HANA tenant databases in a multitenant database container configuration

    Beginning in SP7, you can perform backup and restore operations on multitenant database containers from the CommCell Console.

    When you upgrade the SAP HANA client to SP7, or you upgrade the CommServe computer, and the SAP HANA client to SP7, after the upgrade, refresh the SAP HANA instance properties, and then discover the tenant databases.

    To refresh the SAP HANA instance, see Refreshing the SAP HANA Instance Properties After an Upgrade.

    To discover tenant databases, see Manually Discovering SAP HANA Databases.

  • Prepare block-level clients for restart after feature release installations

    If you have block-level clients, you must restart the clients after installing the feature release only if the driver was updated. Therefore, plan the installation for a time when you can restart the block-level clients.

    After you restart the clients, native snapshots are deleted, which causes backup copy jobs to fail. To resolve this issue, see Knowledge Base article WFS0016: Native Snapshots are Deleted after the Restart of the Client Computer.

  • Review considerations for cluster environments

    The feature release must be installed on the physical nodes of the cluster. Installations on virtual nodes are not supported.

  • Verify the feature release version installed on the CommServe computer

    When you install a new feature release version, make sure that it is already installed on the CommServe computer, unless you plan to install the feature release on the CommServe computer and clients at the same time by using the CommCell Console.

  • Migrate the SAP Archive Link repository to ObjectStore

    SAP Archive Link clients with SP7 or later feature releases use the Commvault ObjectStore as the storage repository to store and manage the backup data. Agents prior to SP7 use a combination of the UNIX file system backups with the index maintained in a PostgreSQL database.

    To apply the latest feature release on clients with SP6 or earlier feature releases, you must first migrate the contents and index that was stored in the old repository (PostgreSQL database) to the ObjectStore.

    To migrate the SAP Archive repository, contact Customer Support.

  • Stop the DB2 services on HP UNIX and Windows clients before you start the feature release installation

    We recommend that you stop the DB2 services before you start the Commvault feature release installation so that there are no errors when you install the feature release.

  • Recycle DB2 services on UNIX clients after the feature release installation completes

    Recycle the DB2 services on UNIX clients so that the DB2 log manager uses the new Commvault VENDOR library and that log archives are successful.

    This will prevent the following error from occurring during an online full backup job.

    SQL2428N The BACKUP did not complete because one or more of the requested log files could not be retrieved

  • Salesforce cloud connector considerations

    The software supports Java 10 (JRE 10.0.2) or greater as part of the Cloud Apps package. Verify that the Linux platform that you use for Salesforce supports this Java version. For more information, see Salesforce: System Requirements.

Review Considerations for the Private Metrics Reporting Server

The Metrics Reporting Server must be at the same software version or later than a CommServe computer that uploads data to the Metrics Reporting Server. For example, you cannot enable a V11 CommServe computer to upload report data to a V10 Metrics Reporting Server.
