Preserving the User Permissions for Log Files on UNIX Clients for Oracle

Override the default file permissions on the ORASBT.log file, which are set to 777 to support a multiple ORACLE_HOME environment where the user-id and group-id can be different for each home. This option does not set the ORASBT permissions to 777.


Once you set this option (Additional Setting), permissions are not changed back from 777.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the client and then click Properties.

  3. On the Client Properties dialog box, click Advanced.

  4. On the Additional Settings tab of the Advanced Client Properties dialog box, click Add.

    1. In the Name box, type sSKIPRESETORASBTLOGPERMS.

    2. In the Category box, select OracleAgent.

    3. In the Type box, select String.

    4. In the Value box, type Y.

    5. Click OK to close the Add Additional Settings dialog box.

  5. Click OK to close the Advanced Client Properties dialog box.

  6. Click OK to close the Client Properties dialog box.
