Proximity Search

You can search two words in a string that are separated by a specific number of other words by performing a proximity search. To do a proximity search, use the tilde '~' symbol at the end of the search phrase. For example, if the search keyword is Books Online, you can use the search query "books online"~n, where n stands for the number of words (distance) between the two keywords. The search result will display the files that has the search keywords at the proximity level 0 to n.

For example to search for books and online within three words of each other, submit the search phrase as:

"books online"~3

Consider the following when performing a proximity search:

  • The order of your search terms matters when performing a proximity search. For example, performing a proximity search of "books online"~3 would only return search results wherein the word books appears before online.

  • If you want to perform a proximity search using one or more exact phrases as your search terms, the exact phrase must begin and end with escaped quotation marks.

    For example to search for the exact phrase books online and search within three words of each other, submit the search phrase as:

    "\"books online\" search"~3
