Range Search

You can search for documents whose field values are between the lower and upper bound specified in the query.

In a Range Search, the two terms are enclosed within square brackets ("[]") or curly braces ("{}") and separated by the keyword "TO". For example,

  • jid:[105 TO 108]

    This search query will have documents that have job id between 105 and 108 (both inclusive)

Square brackets indicate that the specific terms will also match terms in documents. This is referred to as an inclusive range.

Curly braces indicate that the specific terms will not match terms in documents and that only terms between the two will match. This is referred to as an exclusive range.

The following fields can be used in the range search:

  • jid

  • cijid

  • szkb

  • clid

  • ccn

  • apid

  • afid

    User Input

    Query Interpreted As

    cijid:[100 TO 122]

    All the documents whose content index job id is between 100 and 122 (both inclusive)

    cijid:{100 TO 122}

    All the documents whose content index job id is between 100 and 122 (both exclusive)
