Restores for Amazon EC2

You can restore instances (VMs) in place or to a new destination. Restores are supported for both Windows and Linux clients.

If the VSA proxy used for a restore is an Amazon instance, the proxy and the destination instance for the restore must be in the same zone.


  • For both in-place and out-of-place restores, the restored instance is assigned a new instance ID that is different from the source instance.

  • AWS tags set by users for an Amazon instance are backed up and restored.

  • When you restore encrypted volumes from streaming backups or IntelliSnap backup copies, both default and custom encrypted volumes are restored with AWS EBS default encryption. When you restore from a replica copy, default and custom encrypted volumes are restored with the encryption key that was tagged with cvlt-ec2 or cvlt-master (or uses an alias that refers to cvlt-ec2 or cvlt-master). For more information, see Amazon EBS Encryption and Configuring Replication of AWS-Encrypted Snapshots with IntelliSnap for Amazon.
