Restoring Merged Backup Data


Restore the data from a backup job that was aged.

Exception: For the client computers on which V2 indexing is enabled, you must perform restore by jobs to restore the aged data.

Before You Begin

  • Login to CommCell Console as user with CommCell level Administrative Management capability.

  • Users with In Place Recover capabilities on a client will be able to restore merged data on that client.

  • Enabling browse and restore of aged Data.

  • For Virtual Server Agent (VSA), to restore the data from merged clients, you must provide the proxy and vendor information in the merged virtual server instance properties.

    For instructions, see Modifying the Properties of Virtual Server Instance.


  1. From the CommCell Console, expand the Client Computers node.

  2. Right-click the Client and click View > Job History. The Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced on the Job History Filter dialog box. The Data Protection History Advanced Filter dialog box appears.

  4. Select Include Aged Data. You must select this option because the backup jobs merged in to the CommServe database are marked as aged data.

  5. Click OK on the Data Protection History Advanced Filter dialog box.

  6. Click OK on the Job History Filter dialog box. The Data Management Job History tab in the right pane of the CommCell console displays a list of backup jobs performed for the client. The aged backup jobs appear in the grey color.

  7. Choose the job to restore.

  8. Right-click the Job and click Browse and Restore.

  9. Click View Content on the Browse and Restore Options dialog box. The right pane of the CommCell console displays the data backed up during the job.

  10. Select the required data and click Recover All Selected...

  11. Click OK on the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box to start the recovery operation.

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