Rotating Master Key for a Storage Policy Copy

You can use XML to rotate the master key of a storage policy copy. This operation revokes current master key and generates a new master key with the key management server. The software uses the old master key to decrypt the key encrypted key (KEK) and re-encrypts the KEK with new master key. Thereafter, the software uses only the new master key for all existing and new data. The old master key is not referenced or used anymore.


For a copy that is dependent on a Global Storage Policy, you can perform key rotation only on the Global Storage Policy.

Before You Begin

Take a backup of the existing key. You may need to restore and use the key when you restore a disaster recovery backup in case of CommServe recovery.


  1. Use the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the Rotate_MasterKey.xml file and save it on the computer where the command is run.

  3. The following table displays the parameters you can use with the command.



    Parent element


    The name of the storage policy copy.



    The name of the storage policy.



    Used to rotate the master key.

    The value is set to 1 by default. Do not change the value.


  4. Execute the following command from the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\Rotate_MasterKey.xml -copyName xxxxx -storagePolicyName xxxx


    Execute the following command to rotate master key for a storage policy copy with name "Copy1" and storage policy "SP1":

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\Rotate_MasterKey.xml -copyName Copy1 -storagePolicyName SP1

    Click here to see sample output.
