Search Engine Filters for Content Indexing

Prior to running a Content Indexing operation, you can set filters to prevent specific type of files from being content indexed.

While the CommCell Console filters are based on the file extensions, the Search Engine filters are based on the file/MIME types. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type is an Internet standard that is used to identify the type of information in a file.

For example, if you change the file extension of a word document to a JPEG image and provide a filter for .jpg files in the CommCell console, the specific file will not be sent to the Search Engine for content indexing. However, if you do not provide a filter for .jpg files in the CommCell Console, the file is sent to the Search Engine and will be content indexed as a word file, since the MIME type identifies the file as a word document.

Refer to the following chart for information about how filters affect content indexing:

Content Indexing Object Status

Information Indexed by Search Engine

Compliance Search - Advanced Search



  • Metadata

  • Content

Common > CISTATE > Successful

Previews are available in Compliance Search.


  • Metadata

Common > CISTATE > Failed

Previews are not available.

Compliance Search displays reason for the failure.

Skipped by filters

  • Metadata

Common > CISTATE > Skipped

Previews are not available.

Compliance Search displays reasons for skipping the object.
