Setting Up Vault Lock for Amazon Glacier

Vault Lock policy with AWS can be setup for Amazon Glacier mount paths to enforce data retention. Once the vault lock policy is setup, data aging will not be honored until the data meets the retention days set in the vault lock.


Vault lock can be setup only on Amazon Glacier mount paths and not for S3 to Glacier.

Before You Begin

Configure the files as read-only as described in Configuring Files as Read-Only.


Method 1

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > Libraries > <Amazon Glacier Library>.

  2. Right-click the cloud storage mount path and then click Set Amazon Glacier Vault Lock.

  3. In the Days for Retention box, type or select the days to lock the data.

  4. Click OK.

Method 2

  1. On the ribbon in the CommCell Console, click the Storage tab, and then click Expert Storage Configuration.

  2. Under Available MediaAgents, select the MediaAgents in which the Amazon Glacier library is configured and then click Add >>.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Locate and expand the <Amazon Glacier Library>.

  5. Right-click the cloud storage mount path and then click Set Amazon Glacier Vault Lock.

  6. In the Days for Retention box, type or select the days to lock the data.

  7. Click OK.


The Vault Lock policy will be configured in AWS.

Additional Information

Considerations for Setting up Amazon Glacier with Vault Lock Policies

Make sure that the retention set in the Glacier Vault Lock policy is shorter than the retention time set for the data in the Storage Policy.

For more information on Amazon Glacier Vault lock policies, see

For more information on setting the retention in a storage policy, see Data Aging - Getting Started.
