Snapshot Configuration Properties of the HPE EVA Storage Array


The Snap Configuration tab contains properties that affect the behavior of the storage array in your environment.



Storage Device Group

The name of the storage pool that is used to create the clones in.

Use Device only from this Group

Select this option so that only snapshot devices that are available in the storage pool that is specified in Storage Device Group are used.

SMIS Server Port

The value for array SMIS server port.

The default value is 5988.

Use secure connection to SMIS Server

Select this option to use secure socket layer (SSL) to connect to the client.

Enable On-Demand snapshot allocation policy

Select this option to enable the creation of on-demand allocated snapshots.

If you don't select this option, then fully allocated snapshots are created.

By default, this property is selected.


If you modify this selection after the first IntelliSnap backup is performed on a volume, then subsequent snapshots do not honor the modification. For example, if you clear Enable On-Demand snapshot allocation policy, and then an IntelliSnap backup is performed, then on-demand allocated snapshots are not created.

Enable Multi Snap Capability (if applicable)

Select this option to enable Multi Snap API through HPE EVA to increase the speed of the snapshot process.

If Enable On-Demand snapshot allocation policy is selected, then the array must be capable of thin provisioning.

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