Volume Size Updates for Cloud Storage Mount Paths
Volume Size Updates for Cloud Storage Mount Paths
The Process volume size updates for cloud mount paths option is enabled by default on new CommServe server installations.
Note that this operation involves additional queries to the cloud storage library which may, in turn, result in additional costs incurred on cloud storage.
This change will be applied on the following versions:
New CommServe server installations in SP13 (or later)
Upgraded CommServe server from Version 10 to Version 11 SP13 (or later)
This change will not affect existing cloud storage mount paths in V11 CommServe servers that are upgraded from a previous Service Pack to SP13.
For more information on this options, see Media Management Configuration: Service Configuration.
Reservation Issue for Restore Operations on Tape Whose Original Data Spanned Media
The restore operation does not reserve all required tape media needed for restoring data if the following conditions are found:
The original data spanned tape media.
The media is in different tape libraries.
The tape libraries did not share a controlling MediaAgent.
This issue can be worked around by importing all media needed into the same library, and then run the restore operation.